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Comic grandeur
1977 comic book on Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi's reign
Ramin Tork
October 20, 2005
Back in 1977 when I was 13, I was fortunate enough to be awarded this comic book titled "Azemat-e Baazyaafteh" ("Restored Grandeur") by my school. It is perhaps now a collector's item as it was not sold in shops and I doubt if many copies have survived in Iran. Irrespective of your views on the late king, it is a fun book to read. I will try to scan and send the 62 pages bit by bit.
It just shows that whilst other kids read Superman and Batman comics, we were being nurtured on the milk of politics from an early . I recently saw an exhibition of Soviet Propaganda posters in Tate Modern, London and it was great. It is a shame that with our regular regime change, we destroy a lot of history but If someone ever opens a Museum of Iranian Propaganda in Iran, I might be tempted to donate this book after I'm dead.