December 26, 2002
You've got to be kidding

In classical legend the Amazons were a tribe of warrior women. Their name
is supposedly derived from Greek a-mazos, "without a breast," because
according to the legend they cut off their right breasts so as to be better able
to shoot with a bow and arrow. This folk etymology, like most folk etymologies, is
incorrect, but the Amazons of legend are not so completely different from the historical
Amazons, who were also warriors. The historical Amazons were Scythians, an Iranian
people renowned for their cavalry. The first Greeks to come into contact with the
Iranians were the Ionians, who lived on the coast of Asia Minor and were constantly
threatened by the Persians, the most important of the Iranian peoples. Amazn
is the Ionian Greek form of the Iranian word ha-mazan, "fighting together."
The regular Greek form would be hamazn, but because the Ionians dropped their
aitches like Cockneys, hamazn became amazn, the form taken into the
other Greek dialects. -- American Heritage
Legends circulated in South America at the time of the Spanish conquest that
there were indigenous tribes where only women fought. Based on that the name of Amazonia
was given to this area.
Quiz winner: Shazdeh khanoom.
Sad Afarin!
Quiz suggested by Darius Kadivar
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