July 12, 2003
Peace paas

Is there a linguistic connection between "peace" and the Persian
word "paas", as in PAAS-E-BAAN (policeman), PAAS-GAAH
(police station), PAAS-DAAR
(guard), etc? What do you think?
Houman Younessi replies: Whilst establishing that two words ARE
linguistically related is often a relatively easy matter, It is
often very difficult
establish the converse: that two words from the same linguistic
family are NOT related. Persian is related to English as they both
are Indo-European languages and between them there are many words
that are linguistically connected. However the two words in question
are probably not from the same root. PAAS in Persian has two meanings;
one means gratitude and/or to give thanks (as in SEPAAS), the other
means to guard (PAASBAN, PAASDAR). The word PEACE comes from the
Latin PAX which means exactly the same thing (Peace) (e.g. Pax
Romani; Roman Peace) and as far as I have managed to infer, has
nothing to do with the word PAAS.
Another point of view from Anna
Demetriades: I believe PAAS is from the Avestan root PAA.
The root for peace, pax, etc is a different though similar root.
See link for more details. Winner: Houman Younessi. Sad
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