September 14, 2005
Ahmadinejad in New York

What would be a funny caption for this photo?
Winner: Randol Mill Family. Sad Afarin!
Other entries:
* "OHMYGAWD! Did the monkey man just fart?" -- Tannaz M.
* Uh-oh, here comes animal control... What do we tell him about the monkey we brought in? -- Anees S.
* "How the hell did I get here?" -- Kamran K.
* "Ajab khaaki too saremoon shod, saaderaateh aftaabeh be iran ham ghadeh ghan shod... " -- Soheiul S.
* "Agha, booye gand-e in ke aberooye maa haa ro bord...
" -- Deshay
* "Gooz be rishe hameye ma!" -- Persian D.
Send your answer!
FUNNIEST caption wins!
The person who wins the most number of
daily quizes in a month will be awarded a book valued at up
to $50 from Mage Publishers and
their name will be enshrined in the Column of Champions! Second-place
winner will receive the comic book "Rostam
tales from the Shahnameh".
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