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February 22, 2006

Two pictures, one leaf

I took the picture on the left two weeks ago. Hessamedin Alimohammadi saw it online today and emailed the photo on the right. He wrote: "I was visiting San Francisco for New Year's Eve (from NC) and ran into the same leaf you saw on your walk! Thought I'd share my pic with you." Well... now we have to know what it says!

Translation from Chinese: Dong Kang (or Tung Hung or Dong Koan?) Village

Mazloom writes: I talked to my Chines-American colleague today about your leaf quiz. The writing consists of three words, the first word means EAST, the second word is a NAME of a village, and the third word means VILLAGE. The name of the village is BRICK or something similar to that, like the type of construction material in that part of the world, maybe, but it is a name. So the writing means "East Brick Village". Is there a "East Brick Village" in San Francisco? Or maybe someone is walking around and marking his territory, similar to wolves pissing on the trees in the woods. Or maybe someone in a strange land is writing the name of his village to remind himself where he came from.

Winner: Mehran Azhar. Sad Afarin!
And special thanks to Mazloom

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