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July 26, 2006

Wet pants

Iranian and Israeli winners at the 2006 International Mathematical Olympiad in Slovenia: What would be a funny caption for this photo?

Saeed Shoja Nia: "I won the math prize but can't figure out how many dots are on her stocking."


-- Parsi: "Mazoltov!"
-- Rajaii: "Pardon my hard-on!"
-- Ronald: Observant Muslim mathematician avoids eye contact with his competitors while mentally calculating whether the area of his Iranian flag is sufficient to adequately conceal his growing interest in non-believing, nubile western harlots.
-- Azhar: Israeli contestant: "I-RAN you off the stage with my chutzpah", Iranian contestant: "The fact that we won more medals IS-REAL".
-- ...

Winner: Saeed Shoja Nia. Sad Afarin!
Thanks to Javaneh

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