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June 13, 2006

Leo bites Aries

What is the symbolic meaning of this relief in Persepolis?

In Persepolis a number of carved stones and object
decorations show a lion attacking a bull. On two sides
of the stairways of Apadana there are scenes of a lion
attacking a bull and these figures are repeated at
each corner of Apadana.

One of the interpretation is that the victory of good
over evil is symbolized by a lion mauling a bull
(Ghirshman, 1964). As it has been mentioned above the
very nature of dualism is inherent in the concept of
the Persian New Year. The conflict between the forces
of nature with spring, a symbol of light, and eternity
overcoming evil winter, the symbol of darkness >>> See

Winner: Arman Vaziri. Sad Afarin!
And thanks to Mehrdad Aref-Adib for the link :o)

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