May 20, 2006
Chosse feel
Why is "pop-corn" called "chosse feel" (elephant fart)?
-- Jahon , Fataneh & Cina wrote: Because it was first called "che sefid" or "cho sefid", meaning "how white"! But over time, it sounded like "chosse feel" so it stuck.
Winner: Jahon. Sad Afarin!
-- Nazanin Kazeme wrote: Because when pop-corn was introduced in Iran, it was through the label "Chesterfield" and to Iranians sounded like "chosse feel"...
-- Simin Habibian wrote: Because corn, from a little seed, puffs up big like an elephant and it is light weight like “choss”. Also because it is bi khaasiyat like “choss”.
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