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September 12, 2006


-- Tokhmeh Kadoo:
a. small (reez) which can be eaten with its shell.
b. dorosht (like the pumpkin seeds here.)
-- Tokhmeh aftab gardan (Sunflower, again in both small or jumbo sizes)
-- Tokhmeh kharbozeh (Persian melon seeds)
-- Tokhmeh talebi (Cantaloupe seeds.)
-- Tokhmeh hendevaneh (watermelon seeds) 
a. Japoni (Japanese, red)
b. Black or brown (siah, with namk)
c. " " " (siah with lemon and pepper)
d. " " " (siah with golpar and lemon)
e. White (sefeed)
-- Chalghoose (A long dark nut with a taste similar to that of pine nuts.)

All of the above also come in a variety of roasted, raw and/or shelled!

Winner: Zohreh Ghahremani. Sad Afarin!

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