June 4, 2007
Lili lili hozak

Complete this popular rhyme: "Lili lili hozak..."
Lili lili hozak
Gonjeeshkeh/Joojoo oomad aab bokhore
Oftaad too hozak
Yeki baresh daasht
Yeki khoshkesh kard
Yeki aabesh daad
Yeki noonesh daad
Yeki paresh daad
Yeki goft KI PARESH DAAD?!?!
(At this point, starting with the pinky finger, the story teller rolls each finger of the child listening to the story as if making a fist with each "yekee" actions. Until she/he is left with the thumb not being rolled, wiggling the child's thumb while saying the following -- and sometimes tickling the child slightly:)
Ba'ad shasteh goft: "Mane mane kalleh gondeh! Mane mane kalleh gondeh!"

Winners: Mehran Azhar (100 Afarin!), Simin Habibian (100 Afarin!) and Abbas Zeineddin (100 Afarin!)
Zohreh Ghahremani:
Lili lili Howzak
Gonjeshkeh amad ab bekhoreh, oftad too hoozak
In goft bereem
in goft koja?
in goft dozdi
in goft az khoda-ye-bala sar nemitarsi?
in goft posht kham posht kham perrrrr!
Mojgan Solati:
Lili lili hozak, (kaf-e dast ro daayere mikeshim)
(Angosht kuchike ro taa mikonim) In mige berim begardim
(Angosht dovomi ro taa mikonim) In mige kojaa begardim
(Angosht vasati ro taa mikonim) In mige khoone "Khaale Farangis" (every time the location is different)
(Angosht eshaare ro taa mikonim In mige javaab Baba ro ki mide ?
(Shast-e bache ro migirim va baa takoon daadanesh migim) Man-e Man-e Kalle gonde...
The person who wins the most number of daily quizzes in a month will be awarded any book from amazon.com with a cover value up to $25 and their name will be enshrined in the Column of Champions! Second-place winner will receive the comic book "Rostam tales from the Shahnameh", a Persian/English wall calendar from Children of Persia, or a gift certificate from eworldrecords.com.
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