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Iraj Yamin Esfandiary



* Falwell aint going to heaven
* Mass murder


* Bad heart
* Inside information
* Erectile disfunction


* Bush & Saddam's shadow
* Dr. Know Zadeh: Turn your anger against your bosses



* The Decider: Bush hangs Saddam
* Why wasn't Pinochet hanged?


* Olmert: Endangering world security
* Iranian aid to Palestinians
* Waiting in Frankfurt Airport


* Alan Dershowitz: Kill them all
* Smart & Dumb
* Sustainable peace

* Leaf-let
* U.S. bombs


* Humanitarian aid
* Pain in the ass

* Honest broker


* Anti-semites
* Decoding


* Massacre in Iraq
* Dr. Know: Bush quagmire


* Iranian unity government for Bush
* Guantanamo Bay prison: Bush
* Potential Hitler
* U.S. Iran policy
* Jill Carroll
* Sharon: Scarecrow


* Torch of Liberty
* Iraq pull out
* Happy Norouz
* The only democracy in Middle East
* Talk to me
* Largest air operation in Iraq
* Dealing with Arabs: Dubai port fiasco
* Bushology


* Wanted: Ayman Al-Zawahiri
* Dr. Know
* Palestinian government



* Bush with Santa Saddam
* Saddam & Bush: Iraqi elections


* Bush: Leaving Iraq when Iraqis tsnad up
* Rejecting terrorists in Iraq

* Before and after


* Scooter Libby: Iraq War
* Milestone: U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq
* Saddam's trial
* Iraq's constitution
* Bin Laden's answer
* Bush proud of his work
* Bush: Follow my lead
* Abortion, blacks & crime


* George & Condi: Iran election
* Bolton: Cooking the books
* Heaven: No vacancy
* Iranian people: Concubine


* Code Yellow


* John Bolton blasting UN
* Pope Benedict's views
* Dr. Know: Ahvaz unrest
* Bolton confirmation
* Liberty
* Let's talk peace
* New bankruptcy rules: Supporters
* Foreign affairs
* Great corporate pope
* Pope loved Reagan
* Khatami handshake
* Next Pope: Naked truth
* Pope: Women's rights
* Cardinal Bush
* Medal of honor
* Archbishop Romero
* Pope John Paul II (1)
* Pope John Paul II (2)
* Bush, Karl Rove, Terri Schiavo
* Trust the system: Bush


* Spreading democracy
* Another Nazi cartoonist?
* Vegetative state
* World Bank robbery
* Breaking news
* Happy Norooz: Semirom
* UN Ambassador Bolton
* Invade Iran
* Occuptation: Syria vs. Israel
* Women's Day
* Bush democracy
* Exposed threat
* Interception: Zarqawi
* Supporting the troops


* Excuse to attack Iran/Syria
* All about oil
* Social insecurity
* Classification of dictators
* Liberated Iraqi woman
* It's fun to kill
* Bush: Lying
* Bush: State of the Union


* Iraq votes
* Elections in Fallujah
* Iraq elections: Balanced news
* Bush inauguration: Celebration of freedom
* Rice: Torture
* Fallujah Tsunami
* Iraq: Fueling fire
* Bush: Tsunami break
* Compassionate Bush: Tsunami vs. War



* Mercy killing
* Got life?

* Bush armor in Iraq
* Poisoning Arafat
* Jewish state
* Bin Laden: Humvees
* Road map for peace
* Rumsfeld: Arms
* UN secretary general


* Democratic principles
* Larger threat
* Veterans Day
* Crucified
* Arafat & Sharon
* Kill them all
* Morality
* Bushism


* Thank you, Osama
* Undecided voter
* Four more days
* Angry Bush
* Halloween: Scary masks
* Iran sanctions
* IRI endorses Bush
* Bush ambush
* Liberals
* Third presidential debate
* Staying the course in Iraq


* 2004 US elections
* Iraqi PM Allawi: Succeeding
* Do I look like an Iraqi?
* Justified war
* Suicide
* Mind set
* It's the media stupid!
* You are a Republican


* No one is forcing you
* Hurricane George
* Abu Ghraib: Third prison report
* Censorship is evil
* Iraq Olympic soccer
* Bush & Sadr: Najaf
* Bush & Iranian youth
* Bush's holy war
* Bush for Middle East
* America Votes 2004


* Hostage
* Tour de France
* The President
* 9/11 Commission
* Nuclear bomb
* Homeland security (1)
* Homeland security (2)
* Cheney's bad mouth
* Choke-hold
* Saddam in chains
* Let freedom reign
* Saddam: trial of the century
* Iraq's Allawi


* Afghan/Iraq puppet leaders
* Bush senior parachuting
* All Bush could do
* Toppling God
* Thank youu Ronald
* Bush/Reagan: Stem cell
* What about Chalabi?
* Wise guy
* Reagan (1)
* Reagan (2)
* 30 triplets
* Death of Iraqi scientist
* Plan to screw Iraq
* Iraqi prime minister
* Chalabi


* Bush's plan
* The shadow of Abu Ghraib
* Closing Abu Ghraib
* Is America listening?
* Iraq: If they ask us to leave...
* Impeach Rumsfeld?
* Watching Iraqi abuse photos
* Criticising US government
* Jesus crusified: Abu Ghraib
* Rumsfled explains
* Bush last to know: Iraqi abuse
* Al Qaeda & Bush
* Bush's favorite Iraqi bomb
* Iraq torture chambers
* Iraq's silent majority
* 911 Commission
* Bush: Worthless
* Justice in Fallujah
* Iraqi resistance
* No other dictator for Iraq
* Need Baathists
* Which airline?
* Play it Condi...
* Iraq: Triangle traps
* Not a triangle
* Shia-Sunni Coalition forces
* Civilian security forces
* Bush's obsession
* Bush: Richard Clarke
* Bush: Joking about WMDs
* Bin Laden: Pakistan
* Spain: Ricochet
* Are you a patriot?
* Happy Norooz
* Kerry: Patriot
* Crook and Crook II
* Who's holding what? Patriotism
* Women's Day
* Halliburton
* Pakistan's Atomic bomb
* Cloning Bush
* Cheney goes hunting
* Better off dead?
* Digging for WMDs
* Bush: National Guard
* Iraq's WMDs
* Bush goes to Mars
* Operation Iron Hammer
* State of the Union
* Mad cow


* Iraq: Contracts
* Saddam: WMD
* After Saddam: No fear
* Bush: Iraq rodeo
* Thief of Baghdad
* Weepy Bush
* Shah's advice to Saddam
* Latest report: Iraq
* Bush in Baghdad
* Soldier slashed
* Iraq: Donkey cart attacks
* Saddam's palace bombed
* Leave me alone!
* Iraq: Behind the attacks
* Iraq: Staying the course
* Wolfowitz in Baghdad: News
* Mad dog: Sharon
* Chariot of death: Sharon
* Strong leader: Sharon
* Suicide bomber: Bush
* Scared troops: Baghdad
* Arnold: Barbarian
* Bush: Truth
* Bush: Crook
* Ebadi's Nobel: Muslim
* California & Arnold: Groping (1)
* California & Arnold: Groping (2)
* Enjoy your citizenship
* Sharon's obstacle
* Arnold: California
* Cannibal on the loose
* Rumsfeld: Troops
* Occuption for Dummies: By Sharon
* Axes of Evil
* Bulging California recall election
* Airport security
* Blackout Bush
* Pumping up Arnold
* He can't be president
* Bush doll
* Terrorists: change America...
* Saddam on the run
* Darpa Casino
* Bloody George
* Saddam's sons
* The Incredible Hoax
* Thanks Kobe Bryant
* Conjoined Twins: Saddam & Bush
* Fussing over 16 words
* Making al-Sahaf look good
* New world order
* Planting "WMD"
* Palestinians under fire
* Finding Saddam
* Bush & Sharon
* Middle East Peace
* The Rat Pack
* Democracy stick
* Bush double
* Road to peace
* Iraq: Tornado
* Mideast road map
* Computer virus
* Bush; Greed, militarism...
* Held indefinitely
* Power to the people
* May 1st
* Weapons of Mass Destruction
* Killing stone throwers
* Mideast road map
* Handshake?
* Bush knows where Saddam is
* Iraq: Before and after
* Iraq water & electricity: On or off?
* Ali: The only civilian casualty
* Freedom for Iraqi people
* Watchout cowboy
* Iraq liberated
* Looting of Iraq
* Looting of Iraq (Cover)
* Bush gets expert advice
* No more bombs
* Smart & dumb bombs
* Mass destruction
* Let the sun shine

For letters section

Cartoons, articles & ...

* Cartoonists
* Feature articles

Book of the day

The Pursuit of Pleasure
Drugs and Stimulants in Iranian History, 1500-1900
by Rudi Matthee

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