Spring poems
May 8, 2006
When will this freeze end?
In Northern Europe
This year the winter was punishing
It has lasted nearly 5 months
Ice and snow are still here
Sub-zero temperatures in March
Where are you Spring?
What is taking so long?
Spring makes me cheerful
It puts a spring into my step
Life bursts forth in spring
It is a time for new beginnings
Sunshine lifts up my heart
It feels great to be alive
The whole of nature brings
The joy of unfolding things
New growths show
Fruit trees blossom
Pollen fills the air
The sun higher in the sky
The fields breathe again
Birds nesting all around
They thrill and sing for
The daffodils, daisies, and tulips
New born lambs
Playing in the fields
Ducks and ducklings
On the canals
Young lovers meet
Old folks catching the sun
Spring flowers catching the eye
May the sweet spring
With all its hopes and possibilities
Bring me too
A burst of new creativity
And some good fortunes
As I was again issued
Another ultimatum
To get a job
Or to be cut off
What do I like about spring?
Going for walks in the woods
The smell of the trees
The sight of wild flowers
Packing a picnic
Riding my bike to Delft
Going to Keukenhof
Painting flowers and blossoms
Landscapes and clouds
And writing poems
-Rotterdam, Netherlands