Tic tic tic
The timer is ticking for the Islamic Republic
July 5, 2002
The Iranian
The third anniversary of the Iranian student uprising is around the corner. On
July 9th. 1999, in the dead of night, the regime's forces stormed the student dormitories,
beating, looting, maiming and in at least one officially admitted case (the late
Ezzat Ebraahim-nejzd), murdering the students -- setting off the four days of nationwide
student "disturbances".
After three years of empty promises by the highest authorities, the "divinely
appointed" and the quasi democratically elected, it has become crystal clear
that not a one participant in the attack is going to face any consequences for his
criminal action.
It has also become clear, by virtue of the facts, that the victims are to pay the
price for being just that, the victims. As of this writing, innumerable students
are languishing in prisons, suffering the long sentences handed down by the Kangaroo,
Revolutionary Courts.
The Western governments, choosing to be preoccupied with IRI's dialogue
of civilization PR campaign, ignored the uprising, relegating it to the nuisance
status. It turns out that, like most historical events, the importance of the uprising
becomes more profound by the passage of time. Admittance to the publicly funded Tehran
University, has always been a coveted, hard to achieve endeavor.
Limited openings are based on a long list of political/religious criteria and a battery
of vetting processes designed to insure ideological loyalty of the applicant. By
bucking the official line, the fine-mesh screened students, who are from all stratum
of Iranian society, showed their true desires and aspirations, which are diametrically
opposed to the ruinous IRI's policies.
Three years ago, many of the regime's sacrosanct red lines were crossed, baring the
lie that only a minute minority of "Westoxicated" heretics are against
its rule. The flood gates were opened to the pent up resentments and utter disgust
at its corrupt, brutal, religious-apartheid rule. Henceforth, the regime has had
to rely solely on the ever more brutal displays of its apparatus of suppression.
Public floggings and dangling bodies atop of cranes
of last year, around the same time as the second anniversary, have given place to
a new method. As of the last Wednesday, all retail stores, without an exception,
have been ordered to close at midnight, making suppression of the potential demonstrations
easier at night.
During the day time, black combat fatigue clad, Uzi submachine packing, menacing
looking brutes, are cruising the streets in sets of fours in brand new black four
wheel drives. Since their deployment of last week, ostensibly to combat "vice"
and "sound pollution", numerous passers-by have been treated to a mulling
on the spot.
The unpardonable crime, amongst others; wearing a too- short a compulsory tunic or
having a finger nail polished, or worst offense of them all, boys and girls holding
hands or boys having a "depraved hair cut". Ever since July 9th. of tree
years ago, the regime has had to come out of the transparent closet and show its
fascist face unobstructed.
The far-fetched, IRI style, plausible deniability of not having control over the
"civilian cloth" shock troops, has given place to Mussolini style black
shirts. Even the "moderate" Interior Minister of the "reformist"
cabinet has endorsed the new force, prescribing the harshest methods to combat "depravity".
The President himself, were his name removed from the
text of his recent speeches, is making it a hard task to distinguish between his
utterances and those of his non-reform inclined brethren. The fuse was lit on July
9th. 1999, the length of the cord is inconsequential, the potency of the expected
cataclysmic explosion and its reverberating shock waves throughout the entire region
and by extension the world, is what should be of prime concern.
There is still little precious time left for a people-led, peaceful transition to
a democratic system. European Union's self delusional appeasement policy and the
American tinkering with a milder and kinder Islamic Republic based on Dr. Abdul Karim
Soroush's blue print and implemented by his acolytes currently working for the IRI,
is spitting into the wind. The timer is ticking, tic tic tic.