Reza Badei
San Diego, CA
December 9, 2005
Following Team Melli Players have an enormous responsibly by firstly recognizing & believing their position & fame in Germany & transfer this Confidence & Strong belief into the rest of the Team Melli players:
- Mr. Ali Karimi (FC Bayern München)
Most of us have seen the crowd reaction to his goals in this Club (in one instance, German stadium announcer & the crowd shout Ali Karimi's name 3 times emphatically)? If Ali Karimi doesn't feel at home in Germany, I don't where else he could? ( I know! IRAN & UAE...)
Conclusion: He is able to transfer his confidence from Germany (Home) to our young home grown talents of TM.
- Mr. Mehdi Mahdavi Kia: (Hamburg SV)
Well, I have no doubt about this gentleman's ability & Confidence due to his brilliant record as a player on the field and a great ambassador of IRAN's football & reputation in general. I know he has done & will continue to inject his experiences of Germany (Home) from so many seasons playing in Bundesliga into other TM players ...
Conclusion: Mehdi is a Mentor for other kids in TM.
- Mr. Vahid Hashemian: (Hanover 96 |)
Another Jewel of IRAN's Team Melli. His heroic response in early qualification stage against Jordan & Qatar will never be forgotten by any Iranian...
The Hardship he has had experienced in Germany (Home) as a Player & Human is undeniable. The lessons he has learnt & the way he has overcame them time after time is a precious information & knowledge for the rest of TM players.
Conclusion: He has & he will help the rest of (TM) by example & sharing his experience & wisdom.
- Mr. Ferydoon Zandi- (FC Kaiserslautern)
Well, I don't even need to begin on him of how close we can get to Germans & Germany because of this great Gentleman. He has proven to more than 70 million population in IRAN & beyond of his sincerity with his choice in life & playing for IRAN... (Thank you Mr. Zandi)
Conclusion: Other TM Melli players already feel close to Germans & Germany as a result of zandi's presence in TM.
- Mr. Moharm Navid kia: (VfL Bochum)
Another great guy who's experiences in Germany (Home) is very valuable for the rest!
Conclusion: Due to his young age & little less intimidating image, he can share a lot with rest of younger home grown TM players in a very friendly way.
- Mr. Rahman Rezaiee : (Messina calcio)
This unbelievable Character! OK, I know he is not in Germany (Home) but his experience in Serie A and his battles against the likes of Adriano, Shevshenko & other world stars is unquestionably admired by the rest of the team.
Conclusion: Playing next to him in every game gives every one confidence home or away...
-Mr. Ali Daei ( Saba Battery)
His reputation & accomplishments as a player & General for IRAN & Team Melli is another undeniable fact!
I really don't care how some ungrateful Iranians are trying to damage his reputation & ability for IRAN. But, his presence for IRAN on the world stage is an absolute must! Imagine, Germany without Kaiser!
Conclusion: With his enormous stature, he will show the ropes to the rest in Germany (previous home).
Final Conclusion: Six TM players above, have or had Home Advantage in Germany and their abilities/ contributions to Team Melli & IRAN as a whole in WORLD CUP 2006 in Germany are undeniable. All mentioned & unmentioned (sorry) TM players have a once in a life chance & opportunity to reward themselves in so many aspects of life & subsequently IRAN...
Will they do it for IRAN? I'm sure they will give their best.
Let's just hope the Islamic Republic & it's officials don't destroy IRAN'S reputation any further!
Payande Baad IRAN va IRANI