
Other than that...
... everything is fine in Iran
Written and photographed by Ben Bagheri
My recent trip to Tehran has once again confirmed the belief that Iran
is a land of extremes. In this tradition, one of the most polluted megacities
in the world can produce the most delightful food you could find anywhere.
Tehran's air quality was alarmingly low. I had never seen (or rather
smelled) Tehran's air quality to be worse than it was this past month.
Mismanaged transportation resources, old and faulty vehicles and unregulated
industrial pollution have all contributed to the worst urban smog you could
imagine. The air quality had reached such dangerous lows that schools were
closed for several days in mid-December. It is very common to see people
with surgical gas masks in the streets. A short trip to the grand bazaar
leaves you with a severe headache combined with irritated and red eyes ... GO
Changes in Iran, through the eyes of a hostage taker
By Scott Peterson
Christian Science Monitor
February 10, 1999
Taking American diplomats hostage in Iran during the Islamic revolution
20 years ago was all part of the zealotry of the time for Abbas Abdi: After
decades of American ``meddling,'' humiliation of the United States was
a top priority.
But this week, as Iranians celebrate the 20-year anniversary of the
overthrow of the American-backed Shah Muhammad Reza Pahlavi, Abdi says
he is ``older and wiser.'' The sea change in his own political thinking
- from extremist revolutionary to moderate with tolerant views - mirrors
those throughout Iran ... FULL
Forwarded by Payman Arabshahi & Haleh Nazeri
Also see:
* AFP: Hardliners
break up rally by reformed US hostage-taker
* Reuters: U.S.
embassy occupiers are Iran's new ``liberals''
* Reuters: Montazeri
calls for studying re-establishing U.S. ties
(Cheers & whistles)
Laleh Khalili writes from Tehran:
At the screening of "Primary Colors" at the Fajr Film Festival,
when the upscale nortehrn Tehrani crowd saw the American flag blowing in
the wind during the opening credits of the film, the entire theater went
crazy: there was so much cheering, clapping, and whistling that you would
have thought Iran has won the World Cup. Hmmm....
Revolution: 1979-1999
More Letters
* Practicing civility
Salian writes: Dear Ms Khalili,
[Regarding your article. "Jonoobe
shahr"] the irony of our land is in its dichotomy, on one hand
we are kind, caring and humane to the point of a fault; on the other hand,
we are uncaring, crude and vicious...
We can make ourselves prosperous, we can organize for a purpose and
achieve it, but the welfare of the individual citizen proportionately increases
not by wealth or prosperity, but with administration and practice of a
civilized mode of behavior that would supplant all other rules of interaction
within the society. As such, one wonders if we will ever achieve our dream
of a truly progressive nation? ... FULL
* Islamic Republic of...
Sepehr Sohab writes: I fully agree
with Mr. Shakeri that an "Islamic Republic"
is a "democratic republic" as long as the two words "of
Iran" is not added to the end of it.
* Film: Iranian film
festival in Houston
The series offers three powerful feature films from the quality cinema
made by veteran directors Mehrjui and Panahi and by newcomer Parviz Shahbazi.
It also features a remarkable full-length documentary co-directed by an
Iranian anthropologist and a well-known British filmmaker. Together, these
films offer affectionate and devastating glimpses of contemporary life
in Iran... MORE
Book of the Week

Women Without Men
A novella
By Shahrnush Parsipur
(Kamran Talattof Jocelyn Sharlet, translators)
The significance of Parsipur's work transcends the realm of literary
activities. Her works were among the first feminist-conscious enunciations
that appeal in the postrevolutionary period in response to limitations
imposed on women by the state ideology... The following stories [reflect]
the role that the rise of feminist-consciousness may play in the course
of cultural change in Iran." -- Introductuon
featured books
New! Bestsellers
New! Books
on Rumi
Conservative to lead Iranian intelligence
President Khatami of Iran has nominated the chief military prosecutor,
Ali Yunesi, as the new intelligence minister following the resignation of
the minister on Tuesday over a scandal involving the killing of dissidents
Iranians urged to turn out in millions
for revolution anniversary
Feb 10 (AFP) - The Islamic regime is calling on Iranians to turn out in
their millions Thursday in a bid to demonstrate its continuing power to
mobilise exactly 20 years after the overthrow of the last imperial government.
"Every year the revolution's enemies look carefully to see whether
people will participate," warned Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali
Khamenei ... FULL TEXT

Khamenei's message on the revolution's
20th anniversary
Tehran, feb. 11, irna - the leader of the islamic revolution,
ayatollah seyed-ali khamenei, on monday sent a message to the nation on
the eve of the anniversary of the triumph of the islamic revolution ...
- Part 2
Amir Entezam in danger - group
DC, Feb 10, (Alliance for the Defense of Human Rights in Iran) - The life
of one of the most prominent political opponents of the Islamic regime of
Iran , Mr. Abbas Amir Entezam who had served as deputy prime minister under
the government of Mehdi Bazargan after the 1979 revolution is in grave danger.
He is the longest held political prisoner in Iran for "crimes"
in defense of human rights and for advocating democracy in Iran ... FULL

Golshiri to get German rights award
(Iran daily) - Author Hooshang Golshiri and the Iranian writers guild have
been named the recipients of an award in Germany for their defense of freedom
of expression ... IMAGE TEXT IN PERSIAN

Fajr Film Festival awards
(Iran daily) - Tehran's Fajr Film Festival has ended with the Best Film
award going to Rasool Qolipour's "Hiva" ... IMAGE TEXT IN PERSIAN
Khatami underlines commitment to women's
Feb 10 (AFP) - Iranian President Mohammad Khatami inaugurated a vast new
sports complex for women and children on Wednesday, as part of his reformist
government's commitment to get women out of the home. "Iranian society
is more than ever in need of vitality," said Khatami, whose election
victory in 1997 was mainly due to the votes of women and youngsters ...
Soccer going pro next year?
(Iran daily) - Iranian soccer federation is working on a plan to begin a
professional league at the start of the 1379 season (year 2000). Currently
many players receive high salaries but the Azadegan league teams are not
considered pro ... IMAGE TEXT IN PERSIAN
$ Rate
Updated Feb 10
dollar now offered at up to 790-800 tomans
Source: Sehaty Exchange (U.S.) Tel: 602-595-0777
The Web
The home of the young artist Behnam Farahpour whose earlier
paintings were featured
in The Iranian.
Beyond Iran
of Photography
This archive of great photography
includes biographies, articles, and scanned images.
web sites
Quote Unquote
Head held high
In spite of all [the] problems, however, you see Iranians holding their
head high as if announcing their pride and determination to make a better
future. They call this bright and brave future their "civil society."
Ben Bagheri
than that..."
The Iranian
February 10, 1999
Photo of the Day

Musician of the Week

& Farah
Music from their "Wild Muse" cd
artists index |