Taste of Cherry


Layers of meaning
Among other things, Iranian movies encourage a "good
By Asghar Mossombagi
May 20, 1999
The Iranian
It seems to me that distanced exoticism mixed with a lack of overt political
elements in the most successful of recent Iranian films may be the key
to their success in the West. The first time I watched The White Balloon
I had this nagging feeling that the film was really aimed at a foreign
market ... GO
UNdoing NATO
Bypassing the UN in the name of humanitarian intervention
By Majid Tehranian
May 20, 1999
The Iranian
PAX United Nations presents the best option that the world has so far
developed for the maintenance of international peace and security. Bypassing
the UN in the name of humanitarian intervention may prove to be a Trojan
Horse for hegemonic ambitions. Besides, in Kosovo, it has produced greater
tragedies that it set out to correct ... FULL
Extremists attack participants in memorial for Mossadegh
TEHRAN, May 20 (AFP)
Several people were slightly injured when extremists attacked a gathering
to commemorate the birthday of deceased prime minister Mohammad Mossadegh,
the father of secular nationalism in Iran, newspapers said Thursday ...
Belgrade map
... Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Fighter - $45 million dollars.
... Boeing B-52 Stratofortress - $74 million dollars.
... Brand new B-2 Stealth Bomber - $2.1 billion dollars.
... A decent map of downtown Belgrade ... -- Priceless.
There are some things that money can't buy... and good intelligence
is one of them (unless you're a Chinese agent at Los Alamos).
For everything else, there's MasterCard, the official card of the 19-member
NATO alliance and those who believe that sometimes you just need to blow
something up in order to restore peace, and start WWIII with a few billion
Forwarded by Ramin Tabib
More Letters
* Ignoring plight of minorities
Reza Azarmi writes: Any Iranian
with the least understanding of history, can tell you that the Jews contributions
to Iranian culture, science, education, art, and economics is beyond belief
must be a Jew"].
As a non-Jew, I have had the honor, and previlage of living in the Jewish
Quarter in my home town. My family had a great deal of respect for the
Jews hard work, honesty, and intgrity.
Throughout our sad hsitory, we have witnessed the plight, the murder,
and the anguish of our minority folks, and we have played the role of silent
majority. Why?
* Enjoy the rain
Guive Mirfendereski writes: Nader Pakravan
wrote: "The issue is where to find the golden pot at the end of
the rainbow." Consider, if you will, the following: The essence of
your message is not to find the the golden pot [pot of gold] at the end
of the rainbow. It is, and rightly so, for one to care neither about the
pot of gold nor the rainbow, but just simply enjoy the rain. I, for one,
appreciate your perspective, which means I understand it and agree with
* Like choosing a dog
Katherine Threlfall writes:
Mr. Raafat has no idea that while he is degrating women across the board
he is degrating himself even more ["Real
Iranian girls?"]. I wish him all the best in choosing his wife
like you choose a dog at the dog pound and my apologies to the future "virgin"
bride... FULL
* Funeral service: Latifeh Alvieh Yarshater
Funeral services for Latifeh Alvieh Yarshater will be on Saturday, May
22, 1999 at 10:00 a.m. at the Frank E. Campbell Funeral Chapel (1076 Madison
Ave.at 81st St.), New York City ... SEE
Book of the Week

1001 Persian-English Proverbs
By Simin Habibian
A cultural gap is growing between Iranian adults and youth residing
outside of Iran. Young Iranians are strongly influenced by Western culture,
while the adults struggle with Western culture and try to maintain their
homeland's traditions. A bridge is needed to overcome the gap.
Simin Habibian compiled "1001 Persian-English Proverbs" with
this in mind ... GO TO BOOK
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Two years on, Iran's Khatami faces defining
TEHRAN, May 20 (Reuters) - President Mohammad Khatami has overseen
profound changes at home and abroad since his landslide election two years
ago, but a raging debate over the role of the clergy in the Islamic Republic
could yet define his presidency. Organisers of the anniversary, to be celebrated
on May 23, expect 100,000 members of Iran's new local councils, centrepieces
of Khatami's democratic liberalisation, to rally in Tehran's Azadi sports
stadium ... FULL TEXT
French concern at arrests of Jews in Iran
May 19 (AFP) - A French Jewish leader Wednesday called on foreign minister
Hubert Vedrine urgently to intervene over the reported arrest of 22 Jews
in Iran some weeks ago, about whom nothing has been heard since ... FULL
Iran leader opposes EU team holds ``constructive''
talks on Iran ties
TEHRAN, May 20 (Reuters) - A European Union team held ``frank and
constructive'' talks with Iranian officials in Tehran on Thursday on ways
to end two decades of tense relations and boost economic cooperation, a
member of the mission said ... FULL TEXT

Iran paper hits ``soft time'' for jailed
Tehran mayor
TEHRAN, May 20 (Reuters) - Former Tehran Mayor Gholamhosssein Karbaschi,
serving a two-year sentence on graft charges, has turned Evin prison into
his own private office, complete with mobile telephones and catered meals,
Iranian press reports say ... FULL TEXT
Khatami praised by Qatar
DOHA, May 20 (Reuters) - Iranian President Mohammad Khatami ended
an Arab tour on Thursday winning praise from Qatar for his efforts to improve
ties with Iran's long-suspicious Gulf neighbours ... FULL TEXT
Iran opens mines, metals sector to foreigners
TEHRAN, May 20 (Reuters) - The Iranian government has decided to
allow foreign investment in the country's mines and metals industry, a senior
official said on Thursday. Mines and Metals Minister Eshaq Jahangiri was
quoted by Iran's official IRNA news agency as saying the cabinet had approved
the decision in a recent meeting ... FULL TEXT

Iran invited to Frankfurt book fair after
10-year exclusion
BONN, May 20 (AFP) -Iran is invited to attend the Frankfurt book
fair in October, 10 years after it was banned from the publishing event
for issuing a death decree against British writer Salman Rushdie, the fair's
management said Thursday ... FULL TEXT
Iranian city creates water police to combat
May 20 (AFP) -With Iran parched by a drought, authorities in the northeastern
city of Gorgan have decided to create a "water police" to monitor
consumption and prevent waste of the precious liquid ... FULL TEXT
Obituary: Latifeh Alvieh Yarshater (1926-1999)
20, 1999 - Joint announcement by the Center for Iranian Studies, the Persian
Heritage Foundation, and the Encyclopaedia Iranica Foundation: It is with
profound sadness that we announce the passing of Mrs. Latifeh Alvieh Yarshater
on May 17, 1999, after a characteristically brave and stoic struggle against
cancer... A graduate of the American School for Girls in Tehran, Ms. Latifeh
Alvieh held a B.A. and M.A. in Middle Eastern Studies from Columbia University

Esteqlal in a race for second place
(Iran daily) -- Azadegan League matches will end next week and while Persepolis
has secured the championship title, Esteqlal is still in a battle for second
"Star Wars": It's finally here
May 19 (BBC PERSIAN SERVICE) - Sixteen years after his last film, George
Lucas has delivered the latest "Star Wars" episode ... LISTEN
$ Rate
Updated May 19
dollar now offered at 808-824 tomans in the U.S. and 833 tomans in Iran
Source: Sehaty Exchange (U.S.) Tel: 602-595-0777
The Web
Iranian students
at Columbia U.
Designed for Iranian students at Columbia University, as
well as for people in the New York area who are interested in issues relating
to Iran.
Beyond Iran
Tibetan Journey
Photos and memories from a small adventure.
web sites
Quote Unquote
Silent majority
Throughout our sad hsitory, we have witnessed the plight, the murder,
and the anguish of our minority folks, and we have played the role of silent
majority. Why?
Reza Azarmi
plight of minorities"
Letter to The Iranian
May 20, 1999
Photo of the Day

& Emir of Qatar
Musician of the Week

* Koocheh * Shokoohe roshanaaee * Doost bedaareed * Roo
dar rooye siyaahi * Nasimi az diyaare aashti * Aah baaraan
artists index |