Abu Saeed
Cover story

Abadan 1999
Do you still recognize it?
Photos by A. Shahripour
November 22, 1999
The Iranian
About three months ago, I got an email asking if I was interested in
a photograph from Abadan. This wasn't just any photo. It was my home, 110
Braim, where I spent my last years before leaving for America to go to
high school in 1976 ...
Shahripour also sent along a bunch of other photos from Abadan's landmarks.
You might not recognize some of them. But in all of them at least some
bits and pieces of the past remain, like the Golestan Club's iron fence
(I noticed it immediately) ... GO
Top Iranian Singer to Return After 20 Year Ban
TEHRAN (Reuters) - One of Iran's top male singers will return to the
stage on Wednesday after being banned from public singing for the past
20 years, a newspaper said on Saturday.
The liberal Aftab-e Emrouz said that Iraj, who sang in most popular
Persian musicals before the 1979 Islamic Revolution, will perform and lecture
on the occasion of a religious holiday at a state-owned art center in downtown
The return of Iraj, whose real name is Hossein Khajeh Amiri, to the
stage is part of a gradual cultural liberalisation program initiated after
reformist President Mohammad Khatami came to power in August 1997. ...
Aakharesh chand?
Email received at The Iranian:
To whom it may concern,
Could you quote price on Beluga Caviar in 500 gm tins, include date
of product. Available where?
Thank you,
Gilbert Abesdris
Fort Garry Hotel
* Near irreproacheable life
K. Magardie writes:
I would like to voice my strongest disappointment at the article "Lunch with
Khomeini". Given this is not the opinion of The Iranian,
but how such drivel could be printed in an otherwise excellent magazine,
astonishes me.
First of all, the supporters of the Shah's regime, ex-SAVAK types inclusive,
would just love it if it appeared as though the Islamists were in fact
collaborators. Certainly, a great many were on the payroll. But this sensationalist
attempt to brand Ayatollah Khomeini as an opportunist smacks of pure, unadulterated
fabrication of history... FULL
* Was even willing to convert
Michael Pearlstein writes: Living
in a multicultural society, (Toronto, Canada), people interact with many
other people from different backgrounds. I had the lovely experience of
dating a wonderful Iranian girl for four years. It was the greatest experience
of my life.
Even though I am from a Jewish background my parents had no problems
with me dating her, unfortunately I could not say the same for her family...
Throughout our four-year relationship we shared many wonderful experiences
but the thing that always came up was how her parents felt. I tried everything
I could to change that. I was even going to do whatever was the appropriate
thing to do in her culture. I was even ready to convert if that would have
made anything easier for her. Nothing seemed to work ... FULL
* Census: Count yourself in
The following is a communication form Mr. Ramin Moshiri, president of
the Association of Iranian American Professionals
(AIAP) in San Diego, regarding the Census-2000 and how the Iranian community
should attempt to be counted in a recognized category. Referring to the
forms, it appears that there is a 'Ancestry or ethnic origin' field that
should be filled as "Iranian" ... DETAILS
Books of the Week

* Saaniyeh-yeh
aakhar (1999)
Y2K issues in Iran
By Dr. Ali Parandeh
* Barandeh-haa
ham baazandeh-and (1999)
A memoir by a former mayor of Tehran, with photos
By Ahmad Nafisi
* Jazireh
sargardaani (2nd edition, 1998)
By Simin Daneshvar
* Mumia
va assal (1996)
By Shahriar Mandanipour
* Mehr-e
giaah (1998)
ByAmir Hassan Cheheltan
See more
Iranian books for sale
Video of the Week
Iranian Style

A new documentary that goes where Western camera s have never before
gone: into an Iranian divorce court. The film is directed by award- winning
independent filmmaker Kim Longinotto and Ziba Mir-Hosseini, an Iranian
anthropologist and writer, based in London, whose specialty is women's
rights and family law in the Mid-East.
Video Store
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form

Thousands rally in Tehran on anniversary
of dissidents' murders
Nov 21 (AFP) - Thousands of Iranians held a rally here Sunday in memory
of a pro-nationalist couple slain last year during a string of murders of
leading dissidents that authorities blamed on rogue members of the secret
police ... FULL TEXT
Hardliners warn of more murders
TEHRAN, Nov 22 (Reuters) - Members of a shadowy Iranian group have
threatened to resume their campaign of violence, including the murder of
dissidents, the leading reformist daily Khordad reported on Monday ... FULL
Defiant cleric shakes Iran establishment
TEHRAN, Nov 20 (Reuters) - Iranian dissident theologian Abdollah
Nouri says duty to God and country drove him to risk both his liberty and
his immediate political future in a landmark challenge to Iran's conservative
establishment. Sitting serenely in his office, Nouri told Reuters in an
interview he was indifferent to his likely jail sentence ... FULL TEXT
Khamenei backs reformist government but
also backs conservative court
Nov 22 (AFP) - Iran's spiritual leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei expressed
support Monday for the reformist government of President Mohammad Khatami,
but defended a conservative court which has been trying one of Khatami's
close allies ... FULL TEXT
Revolutionary guards kill 17 Afghan drug
smugglers & free 5 hostages: press
Nov 21 (AFP) - Iranian revolutionary guards killed 17 Afghan drug smugglers
and freed five hostages in two separate clashes in northeast Iran's Khorasan
province, press reports said Sunday ... FULL TEXT
Afghan-Iran border reopened after one-year
ISLAMABAD, Nov 21 (Reuters) - Afghanistan's ruling Taleban movement
declared the country's border with Iran formally reopened for trade on Sunday
after more than a year's closure amid signs of a thaw between the two tense
neighbours ... FULL TEXT
Parliament modifies government's price
hike plans
Nov 21 (AFP) - Iran's conservative-led parliament Sunday rejected a plan
by the reformist government to ensure rises in the price of fuel and power
over the next five years, state radio reported. At the end of a closed-door
session on President Mohammad Khatami's five-year economic plan, MP's voted
to make the government justify a price increase in each annual budget ...

Press keeps up attack on Caspian oil pipelines
Nov 21 (AFP) - The Iranian press kept up its attack Sunday on a US-inspired
agreement for pipelines from the resource-rich Caspian Sea to run through
Turkey instead of Iran, with one paper calling it a "hostile act."
"Whether the American like it or not, a pipeline through Iran and oil
swaps on the Caspian are the most economical ways to transport the Caspian
Sea's energy resources to world markets," said the conservative Kayhan
international ... FULL TEXT

Tehran (Hamshahri) - Feature on the poet Saeb Tabrizi, including
some great selections from his divan ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Films abraod
Tehran (Iran daily) - Iranian films are being screened in Houston,

Soccer stars losing their shine?
(Iran daily) - Iran's soccer stars in the German soccer league have lost
some of their luster recently. They need to work harder or ... FULL TEXT

Dehdari dead
(Iran daily) - Former national soccer team player and headcoach Parviz Dehadri
Persian Service
For the latest news,
interviews and features on Iranian current affairs ... LISTEN HERE
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The Web
Amazing eclipse photos from French expedition to Iran.
Beyond Iran
The SexTest, our greatest and latest, will tell you what
kind of a lover you are, and how much of a champ (or chump) you're going
to be.
web sites
Quote Unquote
We only know what we see in the papers -- a small group of intelligence
officers was involved [in the murder of dissidents]. But that group has
grown and now it's become a national case. There was a political motivation
behind their deaths.
-- Parastu Forouhar
November 21, 1999
Photo of the Day

woman in Sari
Musician of the Week

From his new CD "Tolu kon"
artists index |