The Iranian Times

Tuesday November 23, 1999 / Azar 2, 1378, No. 854

Iranian books

Sehaty Foreign Exchange

Iranian books

    Abu Saeed


Truth & justice
Interview with Arash Forouhar

By Haleh Vaziri
November 23, 1999
The Iranian

Vaziri: Are you saying that Khatami lacks the power to pursue a thorough investigation of your parents' murders?

Forouhar: My parents' murders, the disappearance of other intellectuals -- these are acts against us, against the movement that opposes the Islamic Republic. These acts are not against President Khatami. Whoever did this had my parents' under 24-hour surveillance, because they worried that my father was leading the students and serving as a source of inspiration or as an alternative to the government ...

Whoever killed my parents had planned it for months. They tried to pressure my parents -- to break their souls. But my mother and father believed in what they were doing and would not stop just because of this pressure. These people watched my parents and waited until they were alone to attack them. These people were afraid of my parents ... GO TO FEATURE


Appeal court upholds death sentences

November 23, (BBC) -- The Iranian appeal court has reportedly upheld death sentences on three alleged ringleaders of the violent unrest which swept Tehran in the summer.

Another alleged instigator of the disturbances is said to have been acquitted on the grounds of insanity.

A revolutionary court had sentenced the four to death in September for their role in two days of riots that followed a wave of pro-democracy demonstrations in July ... FULL TEXT



TEHRAN, Nov 23 (AFP) - An Iranian military pilot had a lucky escape Tuesday when his training plane developed a technical fault -- and so did the inhabitants of a south Tehran suburb. The single-engined plane missed the airport at Ghalemorghi, and came down in the middle of an avenue barely wider than the wingspan ... GO TO

More Letters

* Strange experience

Yassaman Mottaghipour writes: You can not do this to us! I was sitting here in front of the computer trying to get some work done and then I received The Iranian Times with all th Abadan photos. I could not work after looking at the pictures. I don't think any person who lived there could!

The pictures were so different from the last time I visited Abadan about nine years ago. At the time most places were unrecognizable because of the war damage.

No matter how it looked, the earth and the sky were there and the connection to the past was as present as it could be. I also went to 110 Braim. At the time they were working on the house. When we arrived nobody was there and the door was open. So I walked inside.

The walls had just been painted white. The rooms were all empty. I stood there in the small hallway next to the entrance door. It took me just a few seconds before I could see all the things that used to be there: the paintings, like the one of Persepolis and another one that was my favorite but I can't remember the name.

Needless to say, it was a strange experience being there. Even talking about it now, I can still feel it all.

* What am I?

Gelareh Asayesh writes: Apropos of the census brief in The Iranian Times, I wonder if the magazine can ask a question that surely a lot of Iranians want to know the answer to -- what racial/ethnic category are we?

It seems to me that "Iranian" does not qualify because it encompasses a number of races and ethnicities. If I am not Kurdish or Turkish or Arab, what am I?

There's probably some professor somewhere who knows the answer, but I don't.

* Party: Millennium party, DC

The Iranian American Cultural Association of Washington DC invites you to its very last party of the millennium on Friday December 3! December is month filled with festivities -- from Hanukkah to Kwanzaa, from Christmas to Shab-e Yalda! Come celebrate the holiday season with us! Join us for a night of merry-making, and win a fabulous door prize -- a weekend getaway at a resort spa ...a stay at the Tyson's Corner Ritz Carlton...and more! ... DETAILS HERE


Books of the Week

* Saaniyeh-yeh aakhar (1999)
Y2K issues in Iran
By Dr. Ali Parandeh

* Barandeh-haa ham baazandeh-and (1999)
A memoir by a former mayor of Tehran, with photos
By Ahmad Nafisi

* Jazireh sargardaani (2nd edition, 1998)
By Simin Daneshvar

* Mumia va assal (1996)
By Shahriar Mandanipour

* Mehr-e giaah (1998)
ByAmir Hassan Cheheltan

See more Iranian books for sale


Video of the Week

Divorce Iranian Style

A new documentary that goes where Western camera s have never before gone: into an Iranian divorce court. The film is directed by award- winning independent filmmaker Kim Longinotto and Ziba Mir-Hosseini, an Iranian anthropologist and writer, based in London, whose specialty is women's rights and family law in the Mid-East.

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More news

United States seeks consular visits to Iran

WASHINGTON, Nov 23 (Reuters) - The United States wants reciprocity from Iran on visits to Iran by U.S. consular and other officials, the U.S. State Department said on Tuesday. But it denied it had proposed basing American officials in Tehran permanently at the office looking after U.S. interests ... FULL TEXT

Court hands down jail term to fourth person over "blasphemous" play

TEHRAN, Nov 23 (AFP) - An Iranian press court handed down a four-month jail sentence Tuesday to a student charged with publishing an allegedly blasphemous play in a university magazine, judicial sources said. Hamed Ahangari became the fourth person to wind up with a prison sentence over the play, which outraged conservatives by appearing to mock the belief of Iran's Shiite Muslims in a "hidden" imam who will return to usher in an age of justice ... FULL TEXT

Accused Jews 'may be freed'

November 23, (AFP) -- The head of Iran's Revolutionary Court, Gholamhossein Rahbarpour, has said some of 13 Iranian Jews charged with spying for Israel may be freed in the national interest ... FULL TEXT

Trade body head seeks Western ties

TEHRAN, Nov 23 (Reuters) - Iran's leading business advocate said Western countries could guarantee normal relations with the Islamic republic by establishing deep-rooted economic links. Ali-Naqi Khamoushi -- president of Iran's Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Mines -- also said Iran had no choice but to attract foreign investment to boost its troubled economy ... FULL TEXT

Iran says oil rally will not rattle OPEC

DUBAI, Nov 23 (Reuters) - Giant oil producer Iran said on Tuesday that the current oil price rally and Iraq's decision to halt oil exports after a dispute with the United Nations would not prompt a sudden OPEC production increase ... FULL TEXT

Teacher segregation

Tehran (Iran daily) - Male teachers have been banned from teaching at girls high schools ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Saheb Qaraniyeh Palace

Tehran (Hamshahri) - Saheb Qaraniyeh Palace, the 153-year-old summer residence of Nasserdin Shah has been opened to the public ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Tae Kwan DO

Tehran (Hamshahri) - The Iranian university tae kwan do team won first place in international competitions in Germany ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

SPORTS NEWS CORRECTION: In yesterday's Times, there was a news item about the death of former national soccer team headcoach Parviz Dehdari, who died SEVEN years ago. Sorry about that!

Giving Esteqlal a break?

Tehran (Hamshahri) - Will the punishments against Esteqlal be softened for its role in the big brawl in Shiraz? Possibly ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN


Persian Service

For the latest news, interviews and features on Iranian current affairs ... LISTEN HERE

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Updated November 23

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Business news

The Web


Iran Media

The most diverse and FUN Iranian media site. Pedram Missaghi has updated his site with a new section on cartoons shown on Iranian TV, film reviews, plus Googoosh photos and more.

Beyond Iran


An index of sites with Flash animation. Amazing stuff.

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Quote Unquote


I hold Khatami responsible for anything that happens to any citizen of Iran, and he has to investigate my parents' murders until the end. Khatami would do this if only he is willing to put his own life in danger. He doesn't have enough power.

-- Arash Forouhar
"Truth & justuce"
The Iranian
November 23, 1999

Photo of the Day

In memory of the Forouhars


Musician of the Week

Ebi: From his new CD "Tolu kon"

Music artists index