October 25-29, 1999 / Aban 3-7, 1378
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* Khatami winds up Paris visit stressing
warm ties
* Korean minister explores trade
* Khatami business-minded in Paris
* Iran orders four Airbus as Khatami visits Paris
* Alstom announces Iran contract
* No plans yet for US ag credits to Iran - USDA aide
* Iranian and Italian companies sign agreement
* Domestic wheat purchase down 2.4 mln tonnes
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October 29, 1999
* Khatami winds up Paris visit stressing warm ties
PARIS (Reuters) - Iranian President Mohammad Khatami wound up a trip
to Paris Friday with a call for global tolerance, better ties with the
West and a hope that a moderate message would win over investors' minds
and money ... FULL
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* Visiting South Korean minister explores trade opportunities in
TEHRAN, Oct 28 (AFP) - Visiting South Korean Trade Minister Han Dak
Su has expressed interest in Iran's planned privatization programme as
well as its strategic role as a gateway to central Asia, newspapers reported
here Thursday ... FULL
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October 28, 1999
* Khatami business-minded in Paris
PARIS (Reuters) - President Mohammad Khatami, the first leader of Iran's
Islamic republic to visit France, set a decidedly secular tone Thursday
by visiting the Paris Pantheon and honoring the only famous woman buried
there. Dressed in blue and black clerical robes, Khatami placed two bouquets
at the tomb of scientists Pierre and Marie Curie in the deconsecrated Latin
Quarter church, which is now a non-religious mausoleum dedicated to heroes
of the French republic ... FULL
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* Iran orders four Airbus A-330s as Khatami visits Paris
TEHRAN, Oct 28 (AFP) - Iran announced agreements Thursday to buy four
Airbus A-330 jets and air traffic control radars as well as 40 railway
locomotives as reformist President Mohammad Khatami continued his landmark
visit to France ... FULL
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October 27, 1999
* Alstom announces Iran contract as President Khatami visits France
PARIS, Oct 27 (AFP) - French engineering group Alstom announced on Wednesday
it had won a contract of 192 million euros (203 million dollars) from the
Iran state railway company to provide 100 diesel-electric locomotive engines
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* No plans yet for US ag credits to Iran - USDA aide
CHARLESTON, S.C., Oct 25 (Reuters) - The United States has not taken
any steps to extend GSM-102 export credit to Iran to help facilitate U.S.
farm sales to the country, a U.S. Agriculture Department official said
Monday ... FULL TEXT
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October 26, 1999
* Iranian and Italian companies sign 232 million dollar investment
TEHRAN, Oct 25 (AFP) - Iran's National Steel Company and Italy's Danieli
company signed a 232 million dollar investment agreement here Monday for
a sheet steel manufacturing plant, Iranian television reported. Under the
agreement, signed by the managing directors of the two companies, Italy
will provide the finance for setting up the plant, to be repaid over 10
years ... FULL
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October 25, 1999
* Domestic wheat purchase down 2.4 mln tonnes
TEHRAN, Oct 25 (Reuters) - Iran expects its wheat purchases from local
farmers to drop by 2.4 million tonnes this year because of lower production
after a severe drought, an official was quoted as saying on Monday ...
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