
By Shahriar Zahedi
December 7, 2000
The Iranian

Persian warrior
I'm the pride of 2,500 years of history
By Siamack Baniameri
December 7, 2000
The Iranian
...dude! I just want to get in shape.
My entire life, I have found absolutely no reason to workout or stay
in shape since I'm covered with thick black hair. Not even a single muscle
on my body is exposed to daylight. I took off my shirt in public once and
animal lovers attacked me; they thought I was wearing a fur coat. When
I walk into a public pool, wearing my Speedo, people run out screaming
with a look of indescribable horror on their faces >>>

His red-robed highness
Exposing Iran's dirty secrets
By Akbar Ganji
The Iranian
Releasing the devils, bottling the giants
Khatami too moderate for reformist students
BBC Persian Service
A student leader in Tehran, Ali Afshari, says President Khatami was
less frank than expected by students. Mr Khatami spoke to students and
answered their questions at the Students Day yesterday. In this report
views of three students are followed by Behrouz Parsa's interview with
Mr. Afshari of Daftar Tahkim Vahdat >>>

Thanks to Payman Arabshahi
Iran: Human Rights Watch report 2000
December 10, 2000
There was continued struggle between reformists and conservatives over
the political direction of the Islamic republic leading to new human rights
abuses, notably violations of freedom of expression. Reformist candidates
supporting President Khatami won a significant victory in February's parliamentary
elections, hailed as the fairest in Iran's history, but hopes that this
would lead quickly to institutionalized gains for the legal protection
of human rights proved misplaced. >>>

Ali Aqa Bimehee
Persepolis soccer team head coach Ali Parvin is a living legend -- and
an insurance salesman >>>
More Letters
* Depths of man's depravity
Paul MacKinnon writes:
After reading Edna Yaghi's well-written piece ["Crossfire"],
and viewing the gallery of pictures of the Palestinian protest, what heaviness
came upon my soul! How hopeless a situation! Yaghi's piece ended, "
. . his death has become a symbol of freedom . " ASHGHAL! The death
of that sweet child is a symbol of the depths of man's depravity, and the
loudest wailing call to repentance - nothing more >>>
* Zeebaa va lateef
S.B. writes:
Sobh-e emroozam raa baa to separi kardam ["Sadaf
Kiani"]. va baa to sobham cheh zood ghozasht va cheh khoshaayand
bood. baa to aash khordam, taraahy kardam, rooy-e barg-haaye paaeezi paa
gozaashtam. baa to beh gol khandeedam. beh yaad-e iraan gereestam. zeebaa
meeneveesi. Sadaf jaan, lateef meeneveesi. neveshtanat raa doost daaram.
baaz ham benevees. . . doost daarat
* Savab daard
Ahang writes:
Regarding The Iranian Times subscription: maa dar iraanim. daraamad
ham beh dolaar nemigirim keh bekaahim in ghadar hagh-e eshteraak bedahim.
maa faghat do daneshjooye badbakhtim. toro khodaa komak konid.. agar khaastid
yek Mstercard baa mojoody $2,000,000 baraaye maa beferestid, savaab daarad.
makhsoosan dar in maah mobarak.
* Baaghaalaa broke my wife's tooth
Fred Golpa writes:
Last week I bought yellow lima beans (baaghaalaa for dam pokhtak) and I
used part of it and today I used rest but unfortunately we found three
stones inside of our food which broke one of my wife's tooth >>>
Seminar: Trading with Iran, Long Beach
The Iranian Trade Association & the World Trade Center Association
Los Angeles-Long Beach Present "Trading With Iran: A New Beginning"
January 10, 2001 8:30 10:30 a.m. Long Beach, CA World Trade Center
Long Beach Conference Theatre, One World Trade Center Long Beach, CA 90831
Music store
Translation of today's poem by Zara
I know, when my heart steps up to speak,
It soon will be openly disgraced.
Obsessed with the memory of your beauty,
Your face appears with every breath it takes.
* Also see more Rumi
Rumi book

The Life Teachings and Poetry of Jalal al-Din Rumi
By Frankin D. Lewis
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form
Students urge president Khatami to be bolder
Dec 6 (AFP) - Groups of students who loudly acclaimed Iranian President
Mohammad Khatami Wednesday at Tehran university want "more boldness"
of their leader in facing up to the conservatives. "Khatami has the
right to a second chance. But he needs to be bolder to face off the conservatives,
who failed completely in the elections, but still hang on to power,"
said Somayeh Sarighadam, a literature student >>> FULL TEXT

Khatami's claims on lacking power will
spark unrest says top conservative
Dec 7 (AFP) - President Mohammad Khatami's recent claims that he lacks sufficient
power to do his job could lead the country into social crisis, a leading
right-winger was quoted by the IRNA news agency as saying Thursday. Mohammad-Reza
Bahonar, a former MP and secretary general of Iran's Islamic Engineers Society,
an influential political group linked to the right wing, said the moderate
president's remarks could "lead the country into an incurable crisis."
Khatami rivals stand no chance in next
year's presidential vote: paper
Dec 7 (AFP) - Nobody who might choose to run against President Mohammad
Khatami in next year's presidential elections would stand a chance of beating
him, despite his many "inabilities," a leading reformist newspaper
said Thursday. There is a "consensus that if Mohammad Khatami officially
declares his candidacy, no one would have a chance to beat him and he will
be the sole candidate," the English-Language Iran News said in an editorial
Victory of Bush "preferable"
for Iran-US ties: top conservative
Dec 7 (AFP) - An influential Iranian conservative said a republican victory
in the US elections was "preferable" for Tehran with prospects
for a possible lifting of US oil sanctions, press reports said Thursday.
"If Bush wins, it will be certain that oil companies will have more
liberty to conclude contracts with Iran. It is preferable for us, and it
is (even) possible that oil sanctions against Iran will be lifted,"
said Mohammad-Javad Larijani >>> FULL TEXT
Iran Foresees End to U.S. Sanctions
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Iran believes the United States is likely to
change its policy toward the Islamic republic and lift sanctions within
the next year under pressure from oil companies, an Iranian official said
Thursday. Deputy Oil Minister Hossein Kazempour Ardebili said American companies
have suffered as a result of unilateral U.S. sanctions and have ``all along
shown their willingness to contribute to development of Iran's oil and gas''
resources >>> FULL TEXT
U.S., Russia complete arms talks
MOSCOW (AP) - Talks this week between U.S. and Russian officials
on arms issues, including a dispute over Russia's failure to freeze sales
to Iran, were frank and thorough, a U.S. official said Thursday. The Russian
government had announced late last month that it would no longer abide by
a secret 1995 agreement between Vice President Al Gore (news - web sites)
and then-Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin to freeze sales of tanks
and battlefield weapons to Iran >>> FULL TEXT

Iran Air plans to buy 4 Airbus planes
TEHRAN (Reuters) - National carrier Iran Air plans to buy four
Airbus ARBU.UL planes and is making payments on four others bought last
year to refurbish its aging fleet, it said on Thursday. ``The purchase of
four planes was finalized last year and our company has already made three
five-percent payments on the deal. Four more planes are in line to be purchased,''
Iran Air Managing Director Ahmad Reza Kazemi said >>> FULL TEXT

High demand for film students
Tehran (Hamshahri) -- Some 150 illegal film classes around the
country. Sixty permits have been issued for film training but 35 are actually
active in eight provinces >>> FULL PERSIAN TEXT

Everyone wants Tehrani in their film
Tehran (Aftab-e Yazd) -- Hediyeh Tehrani has been getting a lot
of offers to star in Iranian films. Her latest performance is in "Zamaneh"
which is being directed by Hamid-Reza Salahmand -- his first film >>>

Film: Waiting for a camera
Tehran (Aftab-e Yazd) -- Director Abol-Hassan Davoodi hasn't started
making his new film because there's a long waiting list for cameras. "Getting
a camera has become as difficult as buying milk produced by the state."

Baqeri no-show, Kavian-Pour in UK
Tehran, (Iran Varzeshi) -- Karim Baqeri says he won't be coming
to Iran for the Civilization Cup matches. "Every time I play for the
national team I lose a lot,," he says. Meanwhile, Hamed Kavian-Pour
is practicing with UK's Ipswich >>> FULL PERSIAN TEXT

Esteqlal vs. Persepolis: December 29
(Iran Varzeshi) -- A Korean referee has been selected for the Persepolis-Estqlal
match at Azadi Stadium on December 29 >>> FULL PERSIAN TEXT

Akbari turning blue
Tehran (Iran Varzeshi) -- National soccer team halfback Yadollah
Akbari is about to leave Saipa for Esteqlal >>> FULL PERSIAN TEXT
Ayatollah Montazeri's son arrested
The publication of Ayatollah Montazeri's memoirs
in a very limited circulation has been followed by the arrest of his son,
Saeed, and a number of the staff in his office. The Ayatollah's elder son
, Ahmad, talks to Behrouz Parsa >>>
BBC Persian

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The Web
Abu Musa
This is an Iranian site. But it's asking everyone
to express their views on whether the disputed island belong to Iran or
the UAE.
Beyond Iran
Anatomy of an Exhibition - Art Nouveau, 1890-1914
Take a look behind the scenes as the National
Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., plans, designs, and constructs an ambitious,
large-scale exhibit titled Art Nouveau, 1890-1914.
web sites
Quote Unquote
Persian pride
I'm Arash; I'm the descendant of Cyrus and Dorious. I'm
the son of Persia. I'm what made Persian Empire mighty. I bench- press 300
pounds and dead-lift 500 pounds. I'm the pride of 2,500 years of history
and civilization. I'm the one who stumped Alexander the Great. I'm the one
who defeated Arabs and Mongolians. I'm the envy of other civilizations.
I put fear in hearts of my enemies. I represent Persian pride and greatness.
-- Siamack Baniameri
The Iranian
December 7, 2000
Photo of the Day

listen to Khatami
Iranian of the Day

boy, Tehran

artists index

Mohammad Ali Etemadi
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