Baba Taher
* Send your
Valentine's Day message here: Times@iranian.com.
It will be published February 14.*

For getting without forgetting
Letting go, leaving behind, but retaining the memory
By Niloofar Kalaam
February 1, 2000
The Iranian
Loss and Possibility are both intrinsic to every uprooting. I also believe
that as individuals and collectively, we can gain much more by admitting
their co- existence, by working the tension of their co-existence, than
we do by declaring ourselves on the side of one or the other.
But let me speak by personal example. And let me, for a moment at least,
step outside of the notion of displacement and uprooting as exclusively
It is 1979 and the world as I knew it has ended. It's after the end
of the world (as I knew it) - an afterworld. Almost all my friends and
classmates have left the country. My father no longer has a job. My mother
still has her job, but has sold her fancy clothes, and no longer buys antiques.
My parents' circle of friends, with whom we spent all our weekends and
holidays, has split apart, due largely to religious and political disagreements
Books from Iran
New books are here
Selected works of Nima
Yushij; interpretations of Hedayat
& Sepehri; selected works of Samad
Behrangi; memoirs of the wife of a former head of SAVAK;
memoirs of Manouchehr Farmanfarmaian Farmanfarmaian...
>>> GO
Normalization of U.S.-Iran ties may sprout from corn
By Michael Lelyveld
The Boston Herald
January 30, 2000 Sunday
Suddenly, the sixth-biggest buyer of American corn is a sworn enemy
that has long been subject to a U.S. embargo: Iran.
Only months after President Clinton eased sanctions to allow sales of
food and medicine, Iran has jumped into the top ranks of U.S. markets for
corn, according to a Department of Agriculture report.
How it all happened is still something of a mystery. Tehran hasn't confirmed
any U.S. purchases, and the Clinton administration has refused to grant
government financing that is normally needed for grain deals >>>
When it snows, it crashes

When there's a storm in Iran, it has to be the freakist kind >>> GO HERE
Thanks to Payman Arabshahi
More Letters
* Frankly, I'm jealous!
Saghi Zarinkalk wrote
this letter an Iranian Jew in reply to a topic called "Why do Iranians
hate Jews?"
Dear Moshe,
I enjoyed reading about Isfahan and the brief history of the Iranian
Jewish community. When it comes to discrimination against minorities (Jews
in particular) in Iran, I agree with you 100%. Often the unkown or a mystery
creates prejudice. And often the unknown is translated into hatred. As
they say, not knowing is the greatest fear. I think in regards to the Jewish
community there are many unkowns for some of us non-Jewish Iranians which
can be translated into an "anti-semitic" outlook. I hope by writing
this letter I can express our sense of confusion with the Jewish community.
I also hope that in writing you this letter, you won't confuse my questioning
or curiosity with "prejudice" or an "anti-Semitic"
The majority of Muslim Iranians don't like minorities. They are called
"najes". In fact some consider them "smelly"! Sounds
funny, but it's true. For instance, when my mother was growing up in the
province of Azarbaijan, she was told not to go out alone cause the Jews
will kidnap her! That was some 50 to 55 years ago >>>
* Ahura Mazada has no equal
Feroz Dinshah writes:
Please do not refer to Meher Yazad as God in any form, for the Yazads hold
a very unique place in Zarthushtras religion, they cannot be called gods,
for this word suggests the independent divine beings of a pagan pantheon,
the origin of most of the yazatas as pagan divinities and their position
still as being worthy of worship in their own right makes them more than
the angels with which their monotheism's have bridged the gulf between
man and divinity.
As for Meher Yazad, with whom the sun was linked, like the other Ahuras,
was a lesser created being, according to th revelations. They are SERVANTS
of the lord, like all the other Yazads, to whom veneration should be duly
accorded >>>
TV: Iran v. USA feature on TV
Futbol Mundial's piece on Iranian soccer team's recent tour of the United
States is aired on Fox Sports World in the U.S. on Wednesday, February
2 at 4:00 p.m. EST or 1:00 p.m. PST. It was aired for the first time on
Saturday and this is a repeat. It will also be aired for a third time on
Thursday, February 3 at 4:30 a.m. PST or 1:30 a.m. PST.
Valentine: Say "I love you"
all over again
Valentine's Day is just a few days days away. We have created a special page for your messages
to your loved one. All you have to do is email the message to us and we
will publish it on February 14. You will make her, or him, very happy.
Email your message here: Times@iranian.com
Books & Music from Iran
Book store
Selected works of Nima
Yushij; interpretations of Hedayat
& Sepehri; selected works of Samad
Behrangi; memoirs of the wife of a former head of SAVAK;
memoirs of Manouchehr Farmanfarmaian Farmanfarmaian...
>>> GO
Music store
* M.R. Shajarian: Shab-e
sokout-e kavir * Sima Bina: Navaa-ye
qari-ye * Shahram Nazeri: Aatash
dar neyestaan * Banan: Shaakh-e
gol 1 * A. Assar: Kooch
* Koorosh Yaghmaie: Sib-e
noqrehie... >>>
Music store
NEW: Champions:
Iranian national soccer team

Three hours of interviews, trainings, matches, Biographies, and fans
of Iranian National Soccer Team, covering Iran's soccer history from 1978-2000.
Premium quality. Produced by: Alireza AmirGhasemi & Behrouz Deravi.
Video Store
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form

List of candidates
January 31, 2000 (Iran News) -- The leftist Majma-e Rouhaniyoun-e
Mobarez (MRM) has published its preliminary list of candidates from Tehran
for the 6th Majlis (parliament). The list has surprised a lot of political
analysts because of the diametrically opposed ideologies and beliefs of
several of the nominees. The list includes the names of MRM's own Mehdi
Karrubi, Majid Ansari, and Ali Akbar Mohtashemi, as well as Islamic Iran
Participation Front's (IIPF) Mohammad Reza Khatami and Abbas Abdi, Islamic
Revolution Mojahedin >>> FULL TEXT
No certainties in Iranian election
Jan 31, (BBC) -- The Islamic Republic of Iran's sixth general elections,
to be held on 18 February, provide the next battleground in the continuing
contest between reformists and conservatives within Iran's clerical regime
Thousands gather to mark anniversary of
Iranian revolution
Feb 1 (AFP) - Thousands of people gathered Tuesday at the mausoleum of late
Iranian leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini to launch 10 days of celebration
of the 21st anniversary of Iran's Islamic revolution >>> FULL TEXT
Two Israelis arrested for selling military
equipment to Iran: TV
Feb 1 (AFP) - Two Israeli businessmen were arrested Tuesday for allegedly
selling millions of dollars of military equipment to Iran, Israeli public
television reported >>> FULL TEXT
Iranian embassy paid for illegal arms parts
exports to Tehran
Feb 1 (AFP) - The Iranian embassy in Tokyo paid for parts of anti-tank rocket
launchers illegally exported from Japan to Iran, according to a Jiji Press
news agency report Tuesday >>> FULL TEXT
Possible deportation from Turkey
January 31, 2000 (International Federation of Iranian Refugees)
-- On January 26, 2000, the Turkish police accused all Iranian refugees
residing in the border town of Agri of entering Turkey legally and with
passports though they have registered with the authorities and the United
Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) as having entered without
official documents >>> FULL TEXT
Oil swap plan not aimed to force OPEC output-US
Jan 31 (Reuters) - U.S. Energy Secretary Bill Richardson said on Monday
a plan to push millions of barrels of oil onto the market through swaps
was not meant to pressure OPEC to raise output and lower buoyant prices

Bodo bodo
(Asr-e Azadegan) - A REALLY fast look at the first day of the Fajr film
festival which opened a day late -- and without a formal ceremony >>>
First boot
Tehran (Iran daily) - Mohammad Ali Najafi's latest film "Eshq-e
Taher" has been booted from the Fajr film festival. Why? Because of
its "content" apparently >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Poet dies
Tehran (Asr-e Azadegan) - The Shirazi poet Bonyad Shapoor has died.

Zarrincheh in Kansas City
Tehran (Iran Varzeshi) - Javad Zarrincheh did not return to Iran
after the match with the USA. He is practicing with the major league soccer
club in Kansas City, but hasn't been offered a contract yet >>>

(Iran Varzeshi) - Khodad Azizi has signed with a Turkish club for 150,000

Karim in UAE
(Iran Varzeshi) - And finally, Karim Baqeri's transfer to the UAE's Al Nasr
seems final >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Persian Service
For the latest news,
interviews and features on Iranian current affairs ... LISTEN HERE

Exchange rate
Updated February 1
Buying: 833-838 tomans per dollar
Selling: 844 tomans per dollar
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The Web
Ministry of Health
Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education now online.
Nice job.
Beyond Iran
Talking History
This "production, distribution, and instructional center
for all forms of 'aural' history" also happens to be home of the weekly
Internet and broadcast radio show "Talking History."
web sites
Quote Unquote
To depart, never to arrive, is how the writer Helene Cixous describes
her own departure from Algeria. We too have left never to arrive. There
are worlds of possibility in that space of non-arrival. Adventure, innovation,
experiments with more fluid forms of being.
-- Niloofar Kalaam
"For getting without forgetting"
The Iranian
February 1, 2000
Photo of the Day

Golestan, Paris

artists index

Broken sun |