
Most polite people in the world
An outsider's perspective
By Gordy Guillen
January 12, 2000
The Iranian
One evening, about a year and a half ago, my cousin and I decided to
go to a Mexican restaurant to have dinner. Little did I know that that
evening was going to be the start of a wonderful relationship, as cheesy
as that may sound.
As we sat down for dinner, I noticed this beautiful, olive-skin woman
who immediately caught my eye. Her long, onyx hair flowed like a brook
along side a snow capped mountain. Her eyes emanated sensuality and caring.
I had to meet this woman who sat two booths down from me. She was with
her overprotective, proud father. I knew by the look in his eye not to
come anywhere near their table. Luckily they both came in separate cars

Things I like
Images from down under
Drawings by Ali "Allen" Niasari
January 12, 2000
The Iranian
I was born November 8, 1985, in Tehran. We came to Australia when I
was five and since then, we have stayed here. I live with my mother
and sister in Brisbane,
the capital city for Queensland state. I like to draw things that I like
Goal of the century?
Football Asia
January 2000
Hamid Reza Estili didn't just score a goal when he found the net
against the United States, he Changed the way his nation fell about itself
and etched himself a permanent place in Iranian history. Adel Ferdosipour
talked to the man who sent the Iranians down the road towards triumph over
"The Great Satan" and their first World Cup victory >>>
Nazila Alasti, Miss
Iran finalist in 1978, is presently Nazila marketing vice president
for eCircles. She recently served as Vice President of Marketing for Docent,
Inc., a software company that specializes in Web-based training and applications
... HERE'S
Thanks to Payman Arabshahi
More Letters
* Tacky, sexist
Gelareh Asayesh writes:
Your "Bucket of Hilary" item [Anyway
section of The Iranian Times, Tuesday Jan 11] had under it a
note that said "Thanks to ..." I fail to see what there is to
be thankful for, either to the person submitting this item, or your publication
in choosing to print it.
The same issue that refers to one woman's "small breasts and large
thighs," included a letter that described the last sighting of a Miss
Iran candidate and informed readers that (Thank God!), she is "still attractive."
I read The Iranian to stay up-to-date about events in Iran, and
to experience the ideas and emotions of fellow Iranian expatriates. I'm
not interested in reading about how women's bodies measure up, or fail
to measure up, to beauty ideals.
Usually when I read The Iranian I find it informative and intellectually
stimulating. With this issue, I wasn't sure if I'd stumbled across a fraternity
party or a "dowreh" where a woman's weight and how "shekasteh"
she's become or not; are debated over tea.
This was tacky. This was puerile. This was sexist. This was not up to
your usual standards.
* Fair-minded
Sahba Sobhani writes:
I am a young Iranian who has never visited Iran. I was born in Africa.
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful magazine
because of your fair-mindness and willingness to tackle issues.
I especially want to thank you for choosing Abdul-Baha, the son of the
founder of the Bahai faith, among your Iranians
of the century. It is only when we learn to respect each other's beliefs
that we can as Iranians enter a new century where peace and harmony reigns.
EDITOR: The choices made for the Iranian of the century were all
made by readers, not The Iranian magazine.
* Impressed
Yasaman writes:
I was impressed and proud when my fellow Iranians recognized the very notable
Iranian, Abdul-Baha ["Iranians
of the century"]. His contribitions, love, and service to all
Iranians as members of a world family really raised the worth and greatness
of our wonderful mother country, Iran. Although there is great hesitation
in admitance of this, Abdul-Baha lived his life in the true Iranian spirit.
Thank you very much.
* Too paranoid
Ramin Tabib writes:
I couldn't pass on the opportunity to reply to the man who thought
me a new word: Asinine ["Mithraic
roots of Christianity"]! Mr. Salardini I presume was so infuriated
by me lack of sensible respect for Persia and anything that proves our
supremacy that he rushed to my condemnation without carefully reading the
few words I had put down.
Let me reply to some of his reasons for calling me asinine (and I love
this word!).
Mr. Salardini starts with: "The roots of Christmas in Mithraism
is well known and not subject to much debate." Well, not until you
have me around. That is the whole point of this forum: to debate >>>
* Soccer: Color coordinate at Iran-U.S.
Be prepared before you go to the soccer match between Iran and the U.S.
this Sunday. Follow the color assignment below. One section will be green,
the one next to it white, and the one next to that red. If we do this around
the stadium we will have the flag of Iran displayed just by sitting there
Books of the Week

* Saaniyeh-yeh
aakhar (1999)
Y2K issues in Iran
By Dr. Ali Parandeh
* Barandeh-haa
ham baazandeh-and (1999)
A memoir by a former mayor of Tehran, with photos
By Ahmad Nafisi
* Jazireh
sargardaani (2nd edition, 1998)
By Simin Daneshvar
* Mumia
va assal (1996)
By Shahriar Mandanipour
* Mehr-e
giaah (1998)
ByAmir Hassan Cheheltan
See more
Iranian books for sale
Video of the Week
the olive trees

This is Abbas Kiarostami's most romantic film (English subtitles). It
is the third part of a trilogy set in northern Iran. For other Kiarostami
videos, click here.
Video Store
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form
Jailed Iran students begin hunger strike
- paper
TEHRAN, Jan 12 (Reuters) - Several Iranian students jailed for
their alleged role in widespread unrest in July have gone on hunger strike,
a newspaper reported on Wednesday. Among the strikers is 22-year-old Ahmad
Batebi, sentenced to 10 years in prison for engaging in propaganda against
the state, the reformist Sobh-e Emrouz newspaper said >>> FULL
Vetting body's rejections of candidates
not yet final
Jan 12 (AFP) - Would-be candidates for next month's parliamentary elections
who have been rejected by the vetting body which has to approve all names,
can have their cases reconsidered, the head of the interior ministry's election
office said Wednesday. The rejections are not "definitive," and
have not yet been officially notified to the ministry, Djavad Ghadimi-Zakeri
told the official IRNA news agency. Cases can be reexamined up to January
28, he said >>> FULL TEXT
Brother of Ayatollah Khamenei condemns
rejection of poll candidates
Jan 12 (AFP) - The brother of Iran's supreme leader has condemned the wholesale
rejection of reformist candidates for next month's elections by a vetting
body dominated by conservatives, press reports said Wednesday. "The
way in which the candidates were rejected, and the consequences, are illegal,"
Hojatoleslam Hadi Khamenei was quoted as telling students at Tehran's Khajeh
Nasireddin Tusi university >>> FULL TEXT

Conservatives name Rafsanjani to head electoral
Jan 12 (AFP) - Iran's conservatives decided Wednesday to put former president
Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani at the head of their Tehran list of candidates
in next month's elections, one of their leading spokesman said. The agreement
of Rafsanjani, who has said he will stand as an independent and enjoys the
support of many reformists and moderates, is not required >>> FULL
Conservative says economy key issue in
TEHRAN, Jan 12 (Reuters) - A leading Iranian conservative urged
his allies on Wednesday to focus on economic and social realities in next
month's general election as he rallied support for a ticket led by former
President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani. ``The people are not interested in political
disputes,'' said Mohammad-Reza Bahonar, spokesman of a newly formed alliance
of a dozen conservative groups to contest the elections >>> FULL

Intelligence chief backs democratic elections
TEHRAN, Jan 12 (Reuters) - Iran's powerful intelligence chief has
said the people, not the secret service, should assess candidates for next
month's parliamentary elections and determine the fate of the nation. Intelligence
Minister Ali Yunesi, appointed last February in the wake of the ``mystery
murders'' of dissidents by rogue agents, told Entekhab newspaper his agency
had exercised unprecedented restraint in vetting candidates for the February
18 poll >>> FULL TEXT
Australia refuses visa to Iranian porn
SYDNEY, Jan 12 (Reuters) - An Iranian woman who appeared in soft-porn
movies was refused an Australian protection visa on Wednesday despite her
fears of persecution in Iran because of roles in X-rated movies. The Australian
Associated Press (AAP) national news agency reported that Fatemeh Moradgholi,
42 >>> FULL TEXT
Iran and Turkey agree to delay in gas deliveries
Jan 12 (AFP) - Iran has agreed to delay its gas deliveries to Turkey until
September 2001 because the Turks are not ready, the official news agency
IRNA quoted Iran's deputy oil minister Hamdollah Mohammad-Nejad as saying
Wednesday. But Mohammad-Nejad, who is also head of the Iranian National
Gas Corporation (NIGC), told a press conference that Ankara would have to
pay compensation for the hold-up >>> FULL TEXT
Iran says gas output at record 200 mcm
a day
TEHRAN, Jan 12 (Reuters) - Iran, which has the world's second largest
natural gas reserves, said on Wednesday it was producing a record 200 million
cubic metres (seven billion cubic feet) of gas a day. Hamdollah Mohammad-Nejad,
head of the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC), said the output was reached
after a 250-km (150 mile) gas pipeline came onstream 10 days ago, linking
Kangan on the Gulf coast to southern Fars province >>> FULL TEXT

Kimiaie collaborator?
(Mosharekat) - Film director Masoud Kimiaie is being accused of being Iran's
version of Elia Kazan, the Turkish-American director who provided names
of alleged communists in Hollywood during the McCarthy era. This columnist
defends Kimiaie >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
(Mosharekat) - So far ten Iranian films in the competition category of the
Fajr film festival have been nominated >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Tehran (Iran daily) - Short and documentary films made by French
directors will be shown for a week in Tehran >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Feel at home
Tehran (Iran daily) - The large Iranian community in California
will make Iranian national soccer players feel at home -- especially in
Sunday's game against the U.S. >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Tehran (Hamshahri) - Heshmat Mohajerani, Iran's head coach in World
Cup 78, is returning to Iran for the first time in 20 years. He wants to
open a soccer academy and >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Persian Service
For the latest news,
interviews and features on Iranian current affairs ... LISTEN HERE

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The Web
Ghods Gasht Travel
Tour packages to Iran (no mention of rates?). Informative
and nicely designed.
Beyond Iran
Mile Markers
From Kodak comes an elegantly-mapped cross-country photo
odyssey, 3,304-mile journey from New York to San Francisco.
web sites
Quote Unquote
Real danger
The ill effect of decreased public participation is much greater than
the effect of the presence of certain people in parliament. Not paying attention
to the people is very dangerous.
-- Ali Younesi, Intelligenence Minister
12, 2000
Photo of the Day

of the century
Musician of the Week

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