January 10-15, 2000 / Dey 20-25, 1378
* Nostalgia:
- My neighbor, Googoosh
* Iranian of the
- Not popular, but important
- Just ask in the kucheh
* The Iranian:
- Tacky, sexist
* Christams/Yalda:
- Too paranoid
- Mithraic roots
- Nice try, Jack
* Iranian of the century:
- I am UPSET
- Fair-minded
- Impressed
- No gray area
- Frightening remarks
- Brought down communism
* Nostalgia:
- Behrouz Vosouqi
- Still attractive
- Still see her
- Shahnz Tehrani & Noushafarin
email us
January 14, 2000
* My neighbor, Googoosh
I don't remember Googoosh in the film "Qesaas".
But I was her neighbor when we were kids. We were almost the same age.
Back then she was about 11-12 years old and living with her father, stepmother
and stepbrother. They had rented an apartment across from our house on
Bahar Street, Kouche Saarem, in Tehran.
Googoosh also went to the same elementary school as I did (Dabestan-e
Vedadi). By the way our principal from that school now lives in Maryland,
where I live.
As kids we were curious and we would go on the roof top to watch Googoosh's
house and we could see how she had to do a lot of house work and the stepmother
was not nice to her at all.
When I recently asked our principal about Googoosh for an article I
was writing, she said that because Googoosh was working at nights and was
also bothered by her stepmother, she could not attend school long and could
not continue.
For the same reason the school was not that eager to have her as a student
either -- She used to sing at night clubs at that age.
Simin Habibian
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* Not popular, but important
The result of the Iranian
of the century survey is skewed by emotional tangents. By no means
am I a fundementalist or even vaguely religious, but as a historian - I
assure you that the Iranian who has most impacted our society, socially,
politically and in respect to our future, has been R. Khomeini.
M. Mossadegh is an emotional choice - a man that didn't quite fulfill
his legacy. And we all like to dream that had he fulfilled his legacy -
we may have avoided the revolution of 1979. Hence, we look at him with
much nostalgia.
Like it or not, man of the century doesn't neccessarily have to be the
most popular individual - democratically speaking. Khomieni changed Iran
like no one before... and that is a fact.
Manou Marzban
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* Just ask in the kucheh
That's great! You have simply showed how BIG is the population of the
late Mosasdegh's fans (363 x 0.42 < 160) ["Iranian
of the century"].
For sure, you have done your best to get as many votes as possible by
sending your questioner to SELECTED people.
However, if you really mind whom the Iranians in GENERAL respect and
follow -- and still you don't know-- just go to Iran and ask the people
of "koocheh va baazaar".
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January 13, 2000
* I am UPSET
Please take me off your email list. Please. The reason is that I am
disappointed that you have chosen Mossadegh as your Iranian
of the century. That shows that your magazine is not worth reading.
It's understood that Ayatollah Khomeini is the Iranian of the century
-- no doubt . Whether for bad or good, he shook the world. He certainly
was the Iranian of the century as well as MAN OF THE CENTURY OF THE WORLD.
I am UPSET . We used to subscribe to your magazine but not any more.
Please take me off your email list. My friends are going to do the same.
Mustafa Khan
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* Amazed
I recently read "An
American in Iran". I was amazed at how well you understood and
appreciated the Iranian culture. But your flawless comprehension of Iranian
people, their feelings, and views, was the most impressive.
I am 15 years old, and sitting here with my grandfather who just recently
traveled from Iran to America for a knee surgery. We have lived back and
forth between Iran and America until I was nine, but finally we were able
to "flee" and come to live in the great U.S. permanently.
It has only been a year since my family has settled down and all together
again. Through the struggles we went through, I have changed quite a bit.
But I will never forget my roots. I actually went back to visit my family
last summer, and I felt just as you did. Even though I had lived in this
country, everything seemed so unorganized and less than what I had remembered.
I am fascinated that an American is so interested and fond of our culture
and country.
Reyhaneh Fathieh
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* Behrouz Vosouqi
In reference to Nostalgia photos:
Vosouqi used to live in Los Angeles. He now lives in the San Fransisco
Bay Area. Roumor has it that he owns a cafe. Haxamanesh
He became one of the followers of Mr. Angha who has set up his own Khanehghah
and Moreed-dom in the San Fransisco Bay Area. Moftaki
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January 12, 2000
* Tacky, sexist
Your "Bucket of Hilary" item [Anyway
section of The Iranian Times, Tuesday Jan 11] had under it a
note that said "Thanks to ..." I fail to see what there is to
be thankful for, either to the person submitting this item, or your publication
in choosing to print it.
The same issue that refers to one woman's "small breasts and large
thighs," included a letter that described the last sighting of a Miss
Iran candidate and informed readers that (Thank God!), she is "still attractive."
I read The Iranian to stay up-to-date about events in Iran, and
to experience the ideas and emotions of fellow Iranian expatriates. I'm
not interested in reading about how women's bodies measure up, or fail
to measure up, to beauty ideals.
Usually when I read The Iranian I find it informative and intellectually
stimulating. With this issue, I wasn't sure if I'd stumbled across a fraternity
party or a "dowreh" where a woman's weight and how "shekasteh"
she's become or not; are debated over tea.
This was tacky. This was puerile. This was sexist. This was not up to
your usual standards.
Gelareh Asayesh
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* Fair-minded
I am a young Iranian who has never visited Iran. I was born in Africa.
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful magazine
because of your fair-mindness and willingness to tackle issues.
I especially want to thank you for choosing Abdul-Baha, the son of the
founder of the Bahai faith, among your Iranians
of the century. It is only when we learn to respect each other's beliefs
that we can as Iranians enter a new century where peace and harmony reigns.
Sahba Sobhani
EDITOR: The choices made for the Iranian of the century were all
made by readers, not The Iranian magazine.
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* Impressed
I was impressed and proud when my fellow Iranians recognized the very
notable Iranian, Abdul-Baha ["Iranians
of the century"]. His contribitions, love, and service to all
Iranians as members of a world family really raised the worth and greatness
of our wonderful mother country, Iran. Although there is great hesitation
in admitance of this, Abdul-Baha lived his life in the true Iranian spirit.
Thank you very much.
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* Too paranoid
I couldn't pass on the opportunity to reply to the man who thought me
a new word: Asinine ["Mithraic
roots of Christianity"]! Mr. Salardini I presume was so infuriated
by me lack of sensible respect for Persia and anything that proves our
supremacy that he rushed to my condemnation without carefully reading the
few words I had put down.
Let me reply to some of his reasons for calling me asinine (and I love
this word!).
Mr. Salardini starts with: "The roots of Christmas in Mithraism
is well known and not subject to much debate." Well, not until you
have me around. That is the whole point of this forum: to debate.
Then he asserts: "Before 12th century the Christian symbol was
largely the fish (PX sounds like the Latin word for fish and PX is the
reverse of XP i.e Xi Rho that are the first two letter of Christos in Greek).
" To this I have no comment! It is too paranoid for even me! ...
... In response to my assertion that we were never the center of the
world, Mr. Salardini corrects me that: "Mr. Tabib is obviously unfamiliar
with the history of the Achaemenian empire." To which I have to say
that: No, I am not unfamiliar, but I am also keenly aware of a 20-something
boy-soldier named Alexander of Macedon who attacked the Persian empire
with a small army and outwitted the rulers of the world and laid their
empire to waste. Does that make Alexander or the Greeks the center of the
world and the spring-board of all civilization? Never! Neither can the
Persian empire of the old make that claim >>>
Ramin Tabib
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January 11, 2000
* Mithraic roots of Christianity
I am prompted by the facile and pseudo-intellectual letter
of Mr Tabib who being chuffed by his netsearching skills proceeded
to aptly demonstrate the common wisdom that little knowledge is more dangerous
than none.
The roots of Christmas in Mithraism is well known and not subject to
much debate ["Borrowed
ideas"]. The Aurelian Mithramas was on the 25th December. The
identification of Jesus with Mithras, the central figure in the Mithraic
Mysteries was more than coincidence. Mithras (originally Persian Mithra)
was also a messianic figure who was to renew life and redeem all with sacrifice.
He, like Yima, would slay the primordial bull Gush Urvan whose blood would
revitalise all. The symbol of Mithraism was in fact the cross that happily
co-incided with the mode of execution of Jesus himself ...
But what I find interesting is all the half truths that Mr Tabib uses
to advance his point. Firstly he asserts that all ancient peoples worshipped
the sun. True, but the word Mithra and Mithraism were not Egyptian or Celtic
or anything else but Persian. He then enumerates a assinine mixture of
historical festivals to no effect ...
He requests that " we all accept that we are not the center of
the world and never were". Mr Tabib is obviously unfamiliar with the
history of the Achaemenian empire. However in all fairness there is one
of his assertions that I agree with and that is that Mr Tabib is not "...
an expert in Christian traditions, or any tradition for that matter".
Shashaani was largely correct in her article. I find it interesting
that even when the West, in a rare instance of honesty, credits us with
something however insignificant, there should be an Iranian who refutes
it >>>
Arash Salardini
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* Nice try Jack
Ms. Shashaani ["Borrowed
ideas"] argues interestingly that Christmas may have something
to do with shab-e yalda and other old Persian traditions of that
period of the year. This is a fascinating and enjoyable article and the
author obviously knows her subject matter well.
However, I must say that I find the notion of attempting to relate Christmas
to the astrological/astronomical basis of shab-e yalda rather far-fetched.
Maybe she is right, I am no expert, but sometimes things are just simple
coincidences. Would anyone, for example, try to connect the Islamic Republic's
day (Farvardin 12) with April's Fool's Day in the West? ...
For example, did the Persians really make much significant contributions
to astronomy, as opposed to mainly borrowing concepts from the people that
they forcefully brought under their rule, such as Babylonians whose civilization
reached its height before it was invaded by the Persians?
Also while the word Magi may have been derived from Mogh (Zoroastrian
preacher), the origin of the three wise men is a lot more uncertain than
the article suggests. I am puzzled, in particular, how the author claims
that they came from the religious city of Qom when this city gained its
religious status only many centuries later and in the context of a different
religion, namely Islam.
In summary I would thank Ms. Shashaani for her very interesting article
but cannot help say nice (and enjoyable) try Jack, but let's not push it,
not everything has its origin in old Persian traditions >>>
Hossein Samiei
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* Still attractive
In reference to 1978 Miss Iran finalists:
Alasti: She used to be my classmate at Northeastern University in Boston.
She got her BS in electrical engineering and went to Cornel University
to get her masters. After that I have no clue.
Pegahi: I had seen her in Egypt. Her father was the military attache
at the Iranian embassy. Four years ago when I went back to Iran, I got
invited to a party at her brother's house. She is married with children.
Still very attractive!
Fereshteh Golesorkhi
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* Still see her
In reference to Nostalgia photos:
I know Haleh
used to be a commentator in one of the Iranian TV stations down in Los
Angeles and she even used to live in the same apartment complex that we
lived in (Oakwoods Apartments) in San Fernando Valley where she videod
her programs from inside her apartment. Later she moved to a bigger place
I heard and you still see her occasionally on TV.
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January 10, 2000
* No gray area
In response to NS's
No one said that Khomeini was LOVED or reveered ["Runner
up: Iranian of the century"], although he did change history and
therefore -- and unfortunately -- he is an important personality.
The meaning of democracy IS: tolerating, accepting, respecting what
someone else is, eats, breathes, thinks, wears, reads, watches, does. The
reason why Iran is in this pathetic state is because people don't understand
how to be tolerant, accepting, respectful...
If someone IS different, Iranians either worship them or dump on them.
There's no happy medium, no grey area. Iranians will ALWAYS be damned because
of their hot heads and unwillingness to stop JUDGING. I hope this is clarified
a few things.
Banafsheh Zand
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* Frightening remarks
I was astonished to read the comments given about Khomeini being the
most influential Iranian ["Runner
up: Iranian of the century"]. Some people went as far as saying
that the late Ayatollah gave Iran freedom, dignity, and independance. The
absurdness of this statement is indicative of what a legacy Khomeini has
actually left behind for the Iranian people. It is the apathetic complacency
of these remarks that are so frightening.
The reality is that Ruhollah Khomeini was a maniacal patriarch who politicized
women and religion. As an emigre Iranian woman who left Iran more than
twenty years ago, I can honestly say that these remarks saddened me beyond
belief. The only thing that Khomeini did to and for the Iranian people,
was to break them mentally, spiritually, physically, and economically.
I distinctly remember the day that he died. My mother and father threw
a huge dinner party that evening; we had a party in his honor. I was only
about eleven years old than, just young and naive enough to believe that
once he died, so would his policies with him. But the legacy continues
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* Brought down communism
I cannot find anyone else who changed the course of the 20th century
as effectively as Ayatollah Khomeni. The West got such a SHOCK by his rise
that it took years for it to recover. Khomeini made Zbigniew Brzezinski
to conclude that a green "Islamic" belt around the then Soviet
Union would contain communism.
Khomeini had this exact picture in mind. This is clear in the letter
he wrote to Gorbachev. Only a shot time later, the 20th century, which
began its journey with the October Revolution and continued through the
Cold War, experienced the shocking collapse of the Soviet Union. This was
Khomeini's contribution to the past century.
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* Shahnz Tehrani & Noushafarin
In reference to Nostalgia photos:
Tehrani, is living in Los Angeles and used to be very active. Lately
I have not heard or read anything about her, but she always takes part
in the Tanin TV show for Noruz. She has lost a lot of weight and looks
a little better than she used to.
Also, the singer Noushafarin
lives in Los Angeles and was married to the actor, Saeed Raad, who lately
has written a play in which he himself & Kambiz Ghorbani (Googoosh's
son) play the main characters. When Noushafarin left Iran years ago she
lived in India for some time and can speak Indian. She then lived in Canada
for a few years before moving to the U.S.
Simin Habibian
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