Ayatollah Khomeini
Internet survey
January 4, 1999
The Iranian
The second highest number of votes (14%) in The Iranian survey went
to the late Ayatollah Rouhollah Khomeini. Many of those who picked him
as the Iranian of the century did not do so because they agreed with what
he did but because of his enormous impact -- good or bad. See comments
from voters below.
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180 degrees
* No other man has brought about so much change in so little time, altered
millions of lives and changed Iran's course of development 180 degrees.
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Most influence
* By the virtue of the Iranian Revolution, he was and remains the soul
Iranian that has had the most influence on Iran, the world, and the method
of human thought. Whether the influence was positive or negative, remains
a personal opinion that is still mixed with a large amount of personal
and emotional bias. Babak Mohit
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Changed hisotry
* He not only changed the course of history in Iran, (ending the kingdom
and starting a new era), he is the only Iranian who had the most influence
in the Islamic world, and even changed other countries' attitude toward
the West, more specific US. Masoud
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Cannot be overlooked
* Whether one agrees with his policies, religious practices and his
whole existence, it is undeniable that he has played the most important
role in this century's history of Iran. Whether one is in exile because
of his regime, or one is in Iran, his influence as an Iranian on the daily
lives of individuals and on the international community cannot be overlooked.
Alex Sardar
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Greatest revolution
* His fearless struggle against oppressors lead to the victory of the
greatest revolution of all time. God bless his soul. Asgar
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* Because he presented the true picture of the Shiite version of the
Islamic faith and its intertwined tradtions. This should have already paved
the way for a reformed version of this religion, a protestanism similar
to christianity before the rencnassisance. Anonymous
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Real face
* He introduced the real face of Islam, Iran and Iranians. Sayyed Hossein Nezhadi
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Biggest impact
* He had the biggest impact among all the other great leaders (such
as Dr. Mossadegh or Mr. Khatami). The changes that Ayatollah Khomeini made
(good or bad, they could be argued) made history and will be ever-lasting.
Ehsan Jalilian
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Upside down
* I would like to nominate The Ayatollah, for making history and turning
a country up side down in a snap. Kas
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* For giving Iran its independence, integrity and dignity. alimam@usa.net
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* He was a leader in making big changes in Iran. Whether it being good
or bad the changes that he caused were huge. Ali
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* For leading the most destructive revoultion than any before in history.
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Abolish monarchy
* Because he finally managed to do what most Iranians had wished to
do for centuries: abolish the monarchy. Annonymous
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* Because he did a great job in changing Iran's history. What he did
was unique in the 20th century. A.
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Return to roots
* Because he returned the nation to its religious and traditional roots,
against the tide of global Westernization. The revolution has laid the
grounds for Iran to become a true democracy with a distinct national and
religious identity. No longer does Iran lick the boot of the U.S. for scraps.
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No other
* Ayatollah Khomeini is the Iranian of the century because no other
Iranian had more impact or influence with respect to getting Iran to where
it is today. In addition, no Iranian has had more of an impact on how non-Iranians
view Iran and its people. In my opinion, Khomeini is one of the twenty
most important people of the century, up there with Lenin, Hassan al'Banna,
Churchill, Henry Ford and FDR. Fungu@aol.com
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No matter
* No matter how one looks at him, he changed thousands of years of kingdom
in Iran. Kamran Abedini
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U.S. friend
* He proved that a fascist Muslim could be the best friend of the U.S.
administration in the region. Saeed
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Ended 2,500 years
* Because he brought a primitive 2500-year-old dictatorship to a conclusion.
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* The Iranian of choice would be an infamous man. A man who destroyed
a nation and brought a growing empire to its knees. A man who with the
help of foreign interests destroyed the hopes of a people for modernization,
growth, stability, strength, beauty, the arts and everything that had to
do with the Iran as we knew. We all know who he is. KAMAIS@aol.com
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Better or worse
* My choice is Ayatollah Rouhallah Khomeini because of the major political
and spritual changes that occured in Iran under his influence. His policies
have changed Iran and its relationship to the rest of the world forever,
for better or for worse. Parissa Jannati
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* He was the leader of the Islamic Revolution which fundamentally changed
Iranian society. Tayeb Hosseini