
Numbers don't lie
Demography holds Iran's destiny
By Farzaneh Roudi
May 31, 2000
The Iranian
The opening of the sixth Iranian parliament on May 27 has demonstrated
that popular reforms in Iran initiated by President Mohammad Khatami are
irreversible. For the first time since 1979 revolution, supporters of the
reform movement in Iran hold a solid majority in the parliament, where
the average age of the new members is 15 years younger than that of the
outgoing members.
The demographic process is pervasive. Young Iranians were responsible
for the reformers' win in the recent parliamentary elections, as they were
in the 1997 election of moderate Khatami. One-quarter of the Iranian population
is between the ages of 15 and 25. The coming of age of a huge cohort of
young Iranians living in cities in the information age is changing the
face of the Islamic Republic >>>
U.S. Trade Initiative No Bonanza
By Howard Schneider
Washington Post Foreign Service
Wednesday, May 31, 2000
Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright may have thought she was doing
Iranians a big favor when she recently announced relaxed trade rules governing
some of their embargoed products, including caviar, pistachios and Persian
rugs, but the news has landed with a thud here in the capital of the Islamic
republic >>>
Fatwa plan to kill Khatami
Geneive Abdo in Tehran
The Guardian (London)
Wednesday May 31, 2000
A plan to dispose of Iran's moderate president by clerically authorised
murder has been foiled. The would-be assassin was a member of the presidential
bodyguard and of the elite Revolutionary Guard who tried to convince senior
clerics to issue an edict allowing him to kill President Mohammad Khatami
Thanks to Simin
New remote control can be operated by remote

Tokyo (THE ONION) -- Television wathcing became even more convenient
this week with Sony's introduction of a new remote-controlled remote control
More Letters
* I speak Persian
Pargol Saati writes: I
have been wondering for years why Iranians and now Americans too refer
to our language as "Farsi" using an Iranian word instead of its
English translation which is Persian ["Eenjoori
beneveeseem?"]. When speaking English, we say Germans speak German
(not Deutsch), French speak French (not Francais) and Spanish speak Spanish
(not Espagnol). Then we have Persians speaking Farsi.
I cannot understand how the Iranian word Farsi crept into English, when
they still call pesteh: pistachio; karvan: caravan; padjamak: pyjama. When
speaking English we use the English translation or equivalents, when speaking
Persian we shall use the word Farsi. Several novels which I have read lately
by Iranian women writers written in English all refer to our language as
Farsi, and they are written in English >>>
* Brought tears
Maha Fahmy writes:
Although I am not Iranian, the three excerpts that I have read of your
journey back to Iran ["Absence"];
of the love
of an Iranian man, and the journey that got you back to them, bought
tears to my eyes. I too am of mixed heritage (half Arab, half Spanish),
born and raised in New York.
Suprisingly enough, I too avoided the gold wearing, scotch drinking,
Middle Eastern Mercedes driving doctor like the plague. I am now engaged
to a Canadian Iranian. It was only when I saw what a magical place he made
the world seem did I have the courage to return to my own roots. Thank
you for expressing what I had to find out the hard way.
Film: Kiarostami's latest film in New
Asia Society and New York University's The Hagop Kevorkian Center and
Tisch School of the Arts Present: A special screening of The Wind Will
Carry Us (Abbas Kiarostami/1999/118 min/Farsi with English subtitles)
and a conversation with director Abbas Kiarostami. Saturday, June 10, 1
- 4 p.m. Cantor Film Center, 36 East 8th Street, New York City >>> MORE DETAILS
Books & Music from Iran

Check our fourteen new books from Iran including an authoritative history
of the Achamenid empire, writings by leading reformists, Forough Farrokhzad's
complete works, exquisite books of classical poetry with miniatures, Manichaean
psalms and more! >>>
New music albums
* Taherzadeh, Manochehr: Aakharin
barg * Eyvazi, Mohammad Reza. : Rangin
kamaan * Banan.: Shaakh-e
gol (2) * Ta'rif, Sadiq: Maah
baanoo * Lachini, Fariborz: Paaeez-e
talaaee ... >>>
Music store
NEW: Champions:
Iranian national soccer team

Three hours of interviews, trainings, matches, Biographies, and fans
of Iranian National Soccer Team, covering Iran's soccer history from 1979-2000.
Premium quality. Produced by: Alireza AmirGhasemi & Behrouz Deravi.
Video Store
Translation of today's poem by Zara
There's joy in my heart--I have joined my lover tonight;
Finally free from the pain of our parting, tonight.
As I dance with my lover I pray, oh Lord, in my heart:
May the keys to morning be lost forever tonight.
-- Rumi
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form

Reformers are in majority, but not completely
in control
May 31 (AFP) - Reformers were the grand victors in Iran's parliamentary
elections, but despite the overwhelming support they enjoy among voters,
they have had to ally themselves in parliament with former radicals who
are backed by the Islamic clergy >>> FULL TEXT
Four reformers proclaimed winners
May 31 (AFP) - Iran's conservative-dominated election watchdog body, the
Council of Guardians, confirmed Wednesday the victories of four more reformers
in the May 5 round of parliamentary voting, Iranian television said >>>

Journalists launch campaign
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - An Iranian guild of journalists has launched
a campaign to reopen 19 publications shut down by hard-liners cracking down
on reformist press, a guild official said Wednesday >>> FULL TEXT
Two Muslims arrested in spy case
May 31, SHIRAZ, Iran (AP) - A judicial official said that two Muslim
suspects detained Wednesday in the espionage trial of 13 Iranian Jews had
been lured by women and alcohol into an Israeli spy ring >>> FULL
Eight Iranian refugees die on Bosnia-Croatia
31, (International Federation of Iranian Refugees) -- Eight Iranian refugess
have either died or gone missing after their boat capsized on a river in
Bosnia. They were hoping to reach Italy >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Iranian sentenced to death in Dubai
May 31 (AFP) - An Iranian convicted of stabbing to death a woman he wanted
to marry after suspecting she had been a prostitute has been sentenced to
death in the Gulf emirate of Dubai, a newspaper reported Wednesday >>>

Crude oil prices sink
May 31, (AP) -- Crude oil prices plunged more than 4 percent Wednesday
on the New York Mercantile Exchange on the widespread belief that another
production increase by OPEC countries is imminent >>> FULL TEXT
Iran detains tanker carrying Iraqi crude:
May 31 (AFP) - Iranian Revolutionary Guards last week detained a small tanker
transporting smuggled Iraqi oil, the official IRNA news agency announced
Wednesday >>> FULL TEXT

Political books popular
(Bahar) -- The market for books on domestic political issues is hot these
days. Abdollah Nouri's defense and Akbar Ganji's expose on Ayatollah Rafsanjani
("Aalijenaab-e sorkhpoosh) are selling particularly well >>>

Stretching the boundaries of women's literature
(Bahar) -- Mahsa Moheb-Ali's collection of short stories -- "Sedaa"
-- has a new, stranege and modern feel >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Preservation: Qazvin municipality
(Hamshahri) -- Qazvin's Qajar-era municipality building has been listed
for preservation >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Soccer: German head coach?
(Hamshahri) -- Iran is certain to hire a German to lead the national soccer
team and his name is probably Borg Berger (sp?) >>> FULL TEXT IN

Soccer: Iran 1 - Palestine 1
(Hamshahri) -- There are rumors that Persepolis may be divided into two
separate teams. Or that the Bahman club may be purchased and renamed either
Persepolis or Piroozi. Reaction >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Soccer: Hashemi-Nasab heading for Germnany
(Hamshahri) -- Mehdi Hashemi-Nasb has finally signed a new contract with
Persepolis but the financial side is not clear. Meanwhile he's leaving for
Germany to see if there's any interest in him >>> FULL TEXT IN
Daryoush Homayoun
Interview with a former senior cabinetmember
of the Shah's government on democracy and elections in Iran (after news,
6 minutes 35 seconds) >>>
BBC Persian

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The Web
Pan Iranist Movement
"Pan Iranists ... believe the re-establishment
of democracy in Iran is near. In this struggle for freedom, the nation of
Iran will triumph."
Beyond Iran
Early Video Project
While film has been around for over a hundred
years, video made its first appearance in the mid-sixties. As a new generation
of digital filmmakers opts for camcorders over Bolexes, The Early Video
Project takes a look back at the pioneers of video art.
web sites
Quote Unquote
Demography ... is destiny in Iran. The young age structure,
high level of urbanization, and increasing contact with Iranians abroad
conspire against radicalism in the name of revolution.
-- Farzaneh Roudi
don't lie"
The Iranian
May 31, 2000
Photo of the Day

Mineral bath

Kaviani with Nooshafarin
artists index

Sharareh Salehi
Ashoura |