Cover story

Three steps back
Experts discuss the political crisis in Iran
By Jahanshah Javid
May 1, 2000
The Iranian
The conservative assault against reformists in recent weeks was a hot
topic at a conference in Washington, DC, this past weekend. Here are interviews
and comments from some of the participants at the Center for Iranian Research
and Analysis' (CIRA) 18th annual conference (April 28-29) >>>
Iranian reformers counter with silence
By Scott Peterson
Christian Science Monitor
May 1, 2000
TEHRAN, IRAN Political battles in Iran have long complied with Newton's
third law of physics: For every action, there is an equal and opposite
reaction. But the next step for beleaguered Iranian reformists flies in
the face of such conventional wisdom ... Will reformists loyal to President
Mohamad Khatami's reform agenda exercise their popular mandate by fighting
back on the streets? Not yet. >>>
Shattering my femur

Hello, and welcome to my home page. First off, a bit about me. My name
is Reza Naima, I live in California and I'm currently in my mid-twenties...
I'm currenlty "on sabbatical" in Sydney, Australia. There are
a bunch of reasons I ended up here. A big one has to do with a collision
that happened between my bicycle and some ASSH*LE's van resulting in me
shattering my femur >>> SEE
More Letters
* Keep personal life out of reporting
M. Sarafraz
writes: I am an Iranian businessman living in Europe and USA and I
am ashamed of Ms. Christian Amanpour for the pictures
of Iran that she showed the world.
After 20 years of being closed to the world she takes the CNN cameras
to the ugliest parts of Tehran and shows crumbled houses with domesticated
animals in the yard.
The least she could have done was to show a balanced picture of Tehran
with some of the nicer and cleaner neighborhoods in north Tehran. I don't
give a damn about the home she grew up in and her personal memory.
She should keep her personal life out of her reporting. I am ashamed
of Amanpour and don't think she is anything special at all. she is a shame
to Iranians, just like the mollas.
* Albright in Tehran!
Farrokh Javid writes:
Today, I had a two-hour show on Radio Sedaye Iran (KRSI), and performed
a Persian version of Mrs. Albright's April Fools interview ["Albright
in Tehran"] along with my friend and colleague, Ziba. She played
the role of Albright, and me the interviewer.
It was fantastic, and at least three times, we gave full credit to
The Iranian with mentions of the Web site and everything. It was really
fun reading it, and we received quite a few compliments from listeners.
And you know something? At the time, one of our anchormen had really
believed the story and mentioned it quite seriously as a first hand report
in his radio talk show!
Conference: Iranian studies, Washington
The Third Biennial Conference on Iranian Studies, sponsored by the American
Institute of Iranian Studies (AIIrS) and the Society of Iranian Studies
(SIS) will be held at the Hyatt Regency Bethesda. The conference will begin
on the evening of May 25, with on-site registration, the opening of the
Book Exhibit, and the inauguration of an art exhibit featuring works from
the collection of the Encyclopaedia Iranica >>>
Books & Music from Iran

Check our fourteen new books from Iran including an authoritative history
of the Achamenid empire, writings by leading reformists, Forough Farrokhzad's
complete works, exquisite books of classical poetry with miniatures, Manichaean
psalms and more! >>>
New music albums
* Taherzadeh, Manochehr: Aakharin
barg * Eyvazi, Mohammad Reza. : Rangin
kamaan * Banan.: Shaakh-e
gol (2) * Ta'rif, Sadiq: Maah
baanoo * Lachini, Fariborz: Paaeez-e
talaaee ... >>>
Music store
NEW: Champions:
Iranian national soccer team

Three hours of interviews, trainings, matches, Biographies, and fans
of Iranian National Soccer Team, covering Iran's soccer history from 1978-2000.
Premium quality. Produced by: Alireza AmirGhasemi & Behrouz Deravi.
Video Store
Translation of today's poem by Zara Houshmand:
My turban, my cloak, and myself-
they've valued all three
at a little bit less than a cent.
You've never heard my name in the world.
I'm nobody,
or a little bit less than that. -- Rumi
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form

Tehran police headquarters attacked
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Mortar shells exploded near Iran's national
police headquarters in central Tehran on Monday night, wounding six people,
witnesses and state-run Tehran radio said >>> FULL TEXT
U.S. Supreme Court reject MKO appeal
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court today refused to disturb the
State Department's designation of an Iranian dissident group as a terrorist
organization >>> FULL TEXT
Some 20,000 workers stage protest march
to mark May Day
April 30 (AFP) - Thousands of Iranian workers held a May Day march Sunday
in central Tehran, chanting slogans against a recently passed law enabling
employers with fewer than five staff to strip them of social security >>>
Jewish spy suspect interview on TV
SHIRAZ (Reuters) - The prime suspect in Iran's Jewish espionage
trial has confessed to being a trained Israeli agent who spied both for
money and for love of the Jewish state, the judiciary said Monday >>>
Rafsanjani slams Iran's liberal media
April 28, (BBC) -- Iran's former president, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani,
has defended a crackdown on pro-reform newspapers, saying they undermined
Islam and served Iran's enemies >>> FULL TEXT
Iran says it spares four students from
hanging after July unrest
April 30 (AFP) - The Iranian judiciary said Sunday it had commuted death
sentences on four students condemned for their role in the unrest of July
last year into 15 years in jail for each, the official news agency IRNA
reported >>> FULL TEXT
Pro-Khatami student activist jailed
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - The head of Iran's largest reformist student
group was jailed Sunday in a widening crackdown by hard-liners, who reportedly
are also seeking to remove two top pro-reform Cabinet ministers >>>
Courts hear cases against reformists
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Three prominent Iranian reformers including
two journalists went on trial Monday before hard-line courts on charges
of acting against state security and violating religious values >>>
Khatami pushes reform agenda
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Defiant against a fierce hard-line crackdown
on Iran's pro-democracy movement, President Mohammad Khatami insisted Saturday
that the reforms he started three years ago could not be stopped >>>
MPs warn culture minister but say no impeachment
May 1 (AFP) - Iran's embattled culture minister, the target of conservative
wrath over the brazen pro-reform press, is unlikely to be impeached despite
reports to the contrary, MPs said in Monday's papers >>> FULL TEXT
British Foreign Secretary postpones visit
to Iran
LONDON, April 30 (AfP) - British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook has
postponed a planned visit to Tehran from May to July due to legislative
elections in Iran, the Foreign Office announced Sunday >>> FULL
U.S.: Locus of terrorism shifts
WASHINGTON (AP) - Three countries courted by the United States
for a better relationship - Iran, Syria and North Korea - were again branded
as sponsors of terrorism by the State Department Monday along with Cuba,
Iraq, Libya and Suda >>> FULL TEXT

Rumor helps "Shokaran" ticket
(Ham-Mihan) - Behrouz Afkhami's "Shokaran" tops boxoffice sales
with nearly 200 million tomans in 32 days -- thanks to rumors that it might
be banned >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Taziyeh attracts small audience
(Ham-Mihan) - Ten free taziyeh performances at Taa'atr Shahr attracts about
1,200 people - total >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Karimi's puppets
(Hamshahri) - Nosrat Karimi's puppet's on display >>> FULL TEXT

Persepolis looking for foreign coach
(Iran Sports Pres) - With audio clip: Abedini, the Director of
Persepolis Club, said on Sunday the club is planning to obtain a foreign
coach for its team >>> FULL TEXT
Futsal team in Asian championships
Sports Pres) - The Iranian National Futsal Team, the Asian defending Champions,
will depart Tehran for Bangkok on Monday to take part in the 2nd Asian Futsal
Championships (May 5 to 12) >>> FULL TEXT
Azadegan League week-23 report
(Iran Sports Pres) - After a 45 day break, second recess of the
season, the Azadegan League resumed to a full schedule >>> FULL
Majlis seats in Tehran
In a statement issued today (01/05/00) the
Council of Guardians announced that there would be a re-count of votes in
some of the ballot boxes in Tehran. In an interview with Ali Akbar Moinfar,
former minister for oil, Behrouz Parsa asked him: "why so many re-counts
but no result?" >>>
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The Web
Laugh and cry with fresh satire on the latest
events in Iran.
Beyond Iran
Do history
From the Film Study Center at Harvard University,
DoHistory is an experimental, interactive case study of Martha Ballard,
an 18th century midwife who left behind a detailed diary of her life.
web sites
Quote Unquote
Dream as if you'll live forever,
Live as if you'll die today.
-- Rumi
Photo of the Day

Jew "confesses"

1: Workers rally

artists index

Bahman Mohasses
Still life |