
His unlimited pass
Two poems
By Dokhtar Sabz
May 9, 2000
The Iranian
thick eyebrows and a too confident strut
insanely infectious laughter and a love for gormeh sabzi
so kindly handing me
My Very Own Panic Attack
that returns with a vengeance every time he does
a kiss with accented-farsi whispers >>>
Elections in Iran

Public Broadcasting Service
May 8, 2000
Audio HERE
Iranian officials have yet to validate the results of last weekend's
parliamentary elections. Following a background report, Margaret Warner
discusses the issue with three guests. For more on all this, we turn to
Ali Banuazizi, ... Elaine Sciolino, ... and Daniel Pipes >>>
Or listen to the program in
Kiarostami and censorship in Iran
National Public Radio, Morning Edition
May 8, 2000
Audio HERE
BOB EDWARDS, host: As the government of Iran was closing
several reformist newspapers and arresting their editors last month, Iranian
filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami was in the United States accepting a Lifetime
Achievement Award from the San Francisco International Film Festival. The
international press helped give Kiarostami the stature he has today. Critics
consider his movies some of the finest of the last 10 years. Kiarostami's
movies have not been critical of the Islamic regime in Teheran, but he
says he's concerned about the Iranian government's new restrictions of
freedom of expression. David D'Arcy reports >>>
Left hook
Mr. Yazdi is absolutely right
Commentary in Rah-e Kargar, published in Europe by the Organization
of Revolutionary Workers of Iran, on Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi's interpretation
of the constitution and the role of the Council of Guardians FULL
Tom who?

It's rare for an AMERICAN to be familiar with the music of Tom Waits.
But Ham-Mihan is educating its Iranian readers with a complete bio, including
the fact that Waits was born in the back seat of a taxi >>>
More Letters
* Superpowers shape our destiny
Alizadeh writes:
I think your article explains well some of the recent problems in Iran
in retreat"]. However, the past and present reality shows that
unlike what you have stated ("Great Britain or the U.S. have little
to do with what is happening in Iran"), the superpowers have always
played a detrimental role in shaping Iranian destiny, even though in theory,
we all say that only Iranians can shape their destiny.
* Solidarity & strikes
Dr. Jim writes: In the three point options for the people of
Iran in your leader, no mention was made of solidarity , mass organization
and strikes ["Reform
in retreat"]. Often the best way to change things fairly peacefully
is to organize, and force the ruling classes to relent through mass strikes.
I have two memories of such movements. In 1976 the Junior Doctors in
England staged a country wide strike to improve the health service and
after a period of three months we won most of the concessions that we wanted
from the Heath government.
Later in 1986 we did the same in Tehran and to begin with we had them
pretty scared but through lack of initiative and organization we did not
succeed. If we had managed to keep going for a few more days and brought
out other professional and blue collar workers then we would have succeeded.
Lecture: Iranian cinema today, Maryland
By the invitation of Iranian-American Cultural Society of Maryland (IACS),
Dr. Bahman Maghsoudlou, scholar and film critic, will give a speech on
the "Iranian Cinema Today" and will show a colored documentary
film "Life in Fog", written and directed by Bahman Ghobadi and
produced by Bahman Maghsoudlou. This film was made in 1999 and has won
15 International awards. The duration of this film is thirty minutes. When:
Sunday May, 14. Time: 4:00 PM. Where: Smith Hall, Towson University.
Books & Music from Iran

Check our fourteen new books from Iran including an authoritative history
of the Achamenid empire, writings by leading reformists, Forough Farrokhzad's
complete works, exquisite books of classical poetry with miniatures, Manichaean
psalms and more! >>>
New music albums
* Taherzadeh, Manochehr: Aakharin
barg * Eyvazi, Mohammad Reza. : Rangin
kamaan * Banan.: Shaakh-e
gol (2) * Ta'rif, Sadiq: Maah
baanoo * Lachini, Fariborz: Paaeez-e
talaaee ... >>>
Music store
NEW: Champions:
Iranian national soccer team

Three hours of interviews, trainings, matches, Biographies, and fans
of Iranian National Soccer Team, covering Iran's soccer history from 1978-2000.
Premium quality. Produced by: Alireza AmirGhasemi & Behrouz Deravi.
Video Store
Translation of today's poem by Zara
In the abbatoire of love, they only kill the choicest.
The small-minded, mean ones they reject.
If you truly love, you won't escape with your life.
They are dead to begin with who don't get the knife.
-- Rumi
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form

Reformers go on the offensive over vote
fraud claim
May 9 (AFP) - Iran's reform movement warned their conservative rivals Monday
not to meddle with the will of the people amid charges that their sweeping
win in February's parliamentary polls was tainted by fraud. The reform coalition
behind President Mohammad Khatami issued a strongly worded statement calling
on the conservative Council of Guardians to stop procrastinating and validate
their majority in the new parliament >>> FULL TEXT
Three reform newspaper bosses to be hauled
into court
May 9 (AFP) - The heads of three pro-reform Iranian newspapers closed in
a recent crackdown on the reformist press have been summoned to appear in
court, reports said Tuesday. Former deputy culture minister Issa Saharkhiz,
head of the business newspaper Akbar-Eqtesad and former director of the
state news agency IRNA, told AFP he was due to testify on Wednesday >>>
Khamenei against culture minister, official
May 9 (AFP) - Iran's embattled Culture Minister Ataollah Mojerani suffered
a new blow Tuesday when a leading conservative said he was the only member
of President Mohammad Khatami's reformist government not to have the support
of supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. "The leader supports the
person of Mr Khatami and his government, except the culture and Islamic
guidance minister," Mohsen Rezaie, secretary of the powerful arbitration
body, the Expediency Council, said in an interview with the official news
agency IRNA >>> FULL TEXT
Trial ends in case of assassination attempt
on Hajjarian
May 9 (AFP) - The trial of eight people suspected of carrying out an assassination
attempt on a leading Iranian reformer ended Tuesday, after just three hearings,
the official IRNA news agency reported >>> FULL TEXT
Defence for Iran Jews denounces TV confessions
as political ploy
May 9 (AFP) - Defence lawyers for 13 Iranian Jews on trial for spying for
Israel say confessions of several suspects broadcast on state television
are an illegal effort to play the case out in the media >>> FULL
Exiled Iranian activists query trial confessions
May 8 (Reuters) - Iranian human rights activists in Europe charged on Monday
that spying confessions by Jewish defendants at a closely watched trial
in Iran may have been extracted under pressure >>> FULL TEXT

Parliament to consider secret service to
watch secret service
May 9 (AFP) - Iran's outgoing conservative parliament will debate Wednesday
a bill to put the nation's powerful secret service under the watch of another
security service, a parliamentary source said >>> FULL TEXT
Kuwait opts for quiet diplomacy in Iran
row over gas field: analysts
CITY, May 9 (AFP) - Kuwait has opted for quiet diplomacy in its efforts
to stop Iran from drilling in a disputed offshore gas field in the northern
Gulf, economic sources said Tuesday. "It is time to resolve conflicts
peacefully. The region has passed through endless misery >>> FULL
Iran ready to accept international help
to deal with drought
May 9 (AFP) - Iran's Islamic regime is ready to accept foreign help for
only the second time in its history to combat the serious drought ravaging
most of the country, a UN official in Tehran told AFP Tuesday >>>

Forget the press ban! Look at Golshiri
(Ham-Mihan) - Nevermind the closure of the newspapers, Golshiri is in the
hospital! Houshang Ansari-Far writes a tribute to the ailing author >>>

Poets: Unpopular
(Ham-Mihan) - Three poets discuss why poetry is unpopular in Iran, why poets
can't make a living and why... >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Theater chief resigns, but...
(Ham-Mihan) - Hossein Salimi, the head of the Center for the Performing
Arts, who has done so much to revive theater in the past three years, has
resigned. But the minister of culture is not letting him go >>>

Hashemi-Nasab: Contract?
(Iran Varezeshi) - Does Mehdi Hashemi-Nasab, one of the country's best goal
scorers, have a new contract with Persepolis or not? He says he's playing
without a contract. But... >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Persepolis needs foreign coach
(Iran Varezeshi) - The poor performance by Persepolis against Chuka reiterated
the need to hire a foreign coach to help Iran's best club >>> FULL
Talebi: "What foreign coach?"
(Iran Varezeshi) - A chat with Jalal Talebi after the national soccer team's
practice session. "What foreign coach?" >>> FULL TEXT
Full report: Berlin
The recent "Iran after the election"
conference held in Berlin, Germany, assessing the impact of the elections
on political development has led to a major political crisis for President
Khatami. Hear our comprehensive coverage of the conference and its aftermath
BBC Persian

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The Web
Latest reformist newspaper in Iran. Let's
see how long this one lasts.
Beyond Iran
A special feature from One World Journeys'
team of photographers and journalists in association with the "Washington
Post," this expedition to "the soul of the Caucasus" vividly
explores the history, culture, and environment of the remote, mountainous
republic of Georgia.
web sites
Quote Unquote
The lack of rain and the threat of drought, a cause of
great concern, is not without its links to sins that have been committed.
[People should hold a prayer for badly needed rain and] if that does not
work, then some more will be needed.
-- Statement from several leading clerics in Qom
May 9, 2000
Photo of the Day

ajeel, ajeel

artists index

Mina Nouri
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