Feb 5-9, 2001 / Bahman 17-21, 1379
* Organization:
- Setting a bad example
- Unprofessional
* Identity:
- Each for himself
* Religion:
- Children of Imam Hossein
* Abdoh:
- Need discipline
* Marziyeh:
- Expected better judgment
* Organization:
- Freedom & responsibility
- Childish infighting
- Pussies
- Am I the only stupid one?
- Everything your group opposes
- We do not value human rights as much
- Anti-discrimination news
* Home:
- Piece of my heart
- Captivating
- Longer, please
* Monarchy:
- Get real
- Barely touched the surface
- Something inherently wrong
- Scared of a referendum?
- You know what people want?
- Very true
email us
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February 9, 2001
* Setting a bad example
Let me start off by expressing my profound disappointment in the tactics
of our new anti-discrimination group, Persian
Watch Cat (PWC). It's board members and executive director have discredited
themselves and the group at its inception .... My advice to the PWC is
to allow people like Dr. Mifrendeski to add to your debate, to learn from
his legal and political training, and to use it in your fight. And I do
hope cooler heads prevail at the PWC. I do not doubt the sincerity of all
involved. But I do hope the PWC realizes that so far, it has set a very
bad example >>>
Shahla Farshchi
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* Unprofessional
I am ashamed. Ashamed as an Iranian, ashamed as an American. I do not
know much about the Persian
Watch Cat (PWC), but what I know is very sad... I need to be defended
when I get fingerprinted at an American airport, but I rather be fingerprinted
than have a group of unprofessional madmen try to help me by yelling and
threating to sue newspapers! >>>
Ramin Kashi,
Graduate Student of Physics
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* Each for himself
Regarding "Just
don't do it", Some of us can and some of us can't. The ones who
can, do not want to be part of the big melting pot and want to stand out
as individuals. Those who can't, would more rather be part of that great
melting pot that has made U.S. what it is today. Some of us want to and
some of us don't want to >>>
A. Shemirani
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* Children of Imam Hossein
In his response ["Pacific
Islam"], Mr. Tehranian has not addressed Mr. Mahdavi's central
argument, that Shi'ite Islam by nature is anti-pluralist ["Minority
rule"] >>>
Asghar Massombagi
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February 8, 2001
* Freedom & responsibility
Freedom of any sort is not freedom if it fails to protect the rights
and freedom of others. Freedom is prophylactic, in that it is protection
against those who wish to take away our rights. Some people think of freedom,
let's say freedom of speech, as an open door permission to say whatever
comes to their minds >>>
Khodadad D. Sharif, Esq.
Attorney at Law
Executive Director, Persian
Watch Cat (PWC)
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* Childish infighting
Itt is true that Dr. Kalantar, a hard working activist whose goal is
to stop Iranian-American discrimination, was misrepresented by exaggerations
and misunderstandings in Mr. Mirfendereski's article. However, I believe
a counter-response such as the one by Mr. Karimi serves no purpose, and
only further confuses those outside this childish infighting >>>
Ashkan Yekrangi
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* Pussies
The editor of Iranian.com has been caught in the middle of a cat fight
between members of Persian Watch Cat ["Persian
Watch Dog"]. Why don't you pussies leave the guy alone? >>> FULL
Amoo Sam
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* Am I the only stupid one?
The more I read the letter of Mr. Shahin Karimi the less I understood
what he wanted to say ["Persian
Watch Dog"]. If I am stupid for not catching his points, I would
like to know how many more stupid people, such as myself, are among your
readers? It is depressing to be alone! You know?
I only came to know one thing, and that is, since I have run away from
IRI some 20 years ago, I am no longer considered an Iranian, though I have
never felt intellectual. I want to ask GHOLI, Mr. Karimi's Pasdar friend,
then who am I?
Do I have the right to go back to where I was borne & raised? Are
all of us who opted to stay out of our beloved land, corrupted Westernized
Is not his statement defamatory on a grand scale? Should we all sue
Mr. Karimi for his universal accusation?
H. Hakimi
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* Everything your group opposes
Tour letter to The Iranian ["Persian
Watch Dog"] was so reactionary it made me realize why I left Iran
in the first place. I can not stand bigots like you. Your letter is a shining
example of everything your group opposes >>>
S. Sabety
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February 7, 2001
* Get real
I have been reading this nonsense about Reza Pahlavi with growing incredulity
and utter amazement! The only explanation I can think of for anyone actually
believing this nonsense is that it must be caused by a very significant
multi-generational gap, an almost pathological case of nostalgia, and either
totally malevolent cynicism or dangerous levels of naiveity!
I mean, how much more out-of-touch can some people get? GET REAL! No
one in Iran would even consider a monarch! >>>
John Mohammadi
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* Barely touched the surface
Respectfully, your article "Thy
father's sins" barely touched the surface. You also seem to "leave
the door open" for Reza Pahlavi to "hope". Consider the
1. Mention of Pahlavi dynasty brings to mind such corruption as drug
trafficking, forced partnership of "royal" family in profitable
companies, totally submitting to foreign powers, forced membership in the
defunct "Rastakhiz," selling of Bahrein Island, deposing the
most favorite populous leader Mossadeq, resolving of parliaments, receiving
of "percentages" on business deals, etc >>>
S. Iman
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* We do not value human rights as much
With regards to the recent exchange of words on the fingerprinting of
Iranians ["Power
of one", "Shocked
and saddened"],... if we don't give any significance to our rights
as Iranians why do we expect others to do so? I have often felt critical
of the US stance in international affairs, which is often associated with
a certain arrogance and assumption that US life is in someway superior
to the life of other nationals. But I realize that this is what the US
citizens expect and demand from their government, to protect them and fight
for their rights. They assume –correctly in many instances- that
the other side is doing the same for their nationals. Its sad to realize
we can feel exhilarated by hearing that on the most recent trip to Iran
our friend was not hassled or humiliated by the customs official in Tehran,
as if it is somehow a blessing and not a right >>>
Mahmood Kanani
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February 6, 2001
* Need discipline
Reading your piece ["Theater
of deception"], you mention acquiring "civility" in
the school with a smirk. One may feel that you guys might have needed some
"civility" after all, although you seem to want to blame your
rebellion on the school's overblown sense of discipline and racism... All
we Iranians can use some structure and discipline, as we need to enter
modernity culture >>>
R. Nafisi
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* Something inherently wrong
I never thought Iranians would be so overly blind and reactionary as
to reconstitute a deposed monarchy ["Our
demands"]. Every Iranian has his/her own critique on the old and
new order, but the overwhelming number of worthy Iranians agree that there
was something inherently wrong with a disillusioned dictator who left his
country on two occasions, with little hope of returning on both >>>
Arya Abedin
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* Piece of my heart
Mr Samiei's "The
mirror and the book" is great. The more we stay out of Iran, the
harder it seems to go back. I feel every time I come back from there I
have left a piece of my heart. I hope, one day, there is just "to
meet" and not "to part".
Shady Javan
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* Captivating
Thank you. Your writing ["The
mirror and the book"] captivated me for reasons beyond my comprehension.
I could still smell the morning air when I took that ride 16 years ago.
Zendeh baashi hamvatan.
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* Longer, please
I just read your article ["The
mirror and the book"]. It's good, very good. But too short. Write
a longer piece next time. Stay in the clouds a bit more. It was getting
good. But then you touched down. Write a longer piece next time... please.
F. Abbassian
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February 5, 2001
* Anti-discrimination news
As a response to Mr. Guive Mirfendereski's two recent articles ["Power
of one","Face
in the mirror"] and his many letters against Persian
Watch Cat (PWC) during the past several weeks and his defending Senator
Dianne Feinstein in his letters and articles, a historical piece of news
by Associated Press is presented for publication >>>
PWC Public Relations
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* Scared of a referendum?
I found your article "Citizen
Pahlavi" rather hypocritical and contradictory. Surely a referendum
should allow Iranians to have a full choice of options for the future of
Iran. This is the least Iranians deserve after the years of hardship that
they have had to endure.
For any one individual to decide for the Iranian people is not only
arrogant but totally contradictory to the idea of a referendum.
Should you be correct about the idea of a constitutional monarchy being
obsolete; surely this would give Iranians a chance to voice that opinion
and put the matter to rest forever. Surely you are not scared of the outcome?
Why not let Iranians decide for themselves.
Mandana Ghajar
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* You know what people want?
I am not arguing the merits of constitutional monarchy versus a republic,
Islamic, democratic or otherwise ["Citizen
Pahlavi"]. Neither am I presenting a case for the services that
Reza Shah or Mohammed Reza Shah have rendered to Iran.
Your whole argument is based on: "But why even call for a referendum
when you already know the clear majority just want a secular democracy?
Why even suggest the monarchy as a possible future form of government when
most people have no desire for it?"
You think you know what the people of Iran want before you ask them?
How is your logic and argument different from the mollas? They also think
to know what the people want before asking them.
The issue is Reza Pahlavi says let us ask the people what they want
before we speak for them. That is his biggest strength and what gives him
a unique position.
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* Very true
Thank you for an honest and unbiased editorial ["Citizen
Pahlavi"]. This article is very true and comprehansive. My regards
to people who think and write this way.
Faramarz Kaviani
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* Expected better judgment
Thank you for your coverage of Marziyeh
in this week's music section. It certainly brought back lots of memories
listening to her glorious voice.
However, I was saddened and sorry to learn that she has been singing
for the Mojahedin Khalq. I was aware that she had joined them butu you'd
have thought by now she would know what they are all about and would have
left them if only to save her own dignity >>>
Masood M.
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