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Iranian books

The Iranian Features
Feb 12-16, 2001 / Bahman 24-28, 1379


* Los Angeles: New Tehran
* Concert: She stole the show
* Concert: Better than Googoosh
* Food: Persian cooking
* Book: His red-robed highness


* Racism: Punch
* Dialogue: Ten commandments
* Politics: Doesn't work
* Book: His red-robed highness
* Women: Paalto khaakestari
* Iran: Haj Aqa's penthouse
* Men: Persian lover
* Book: His red-robed highness
* Love: Shokooh
* Poetry: Why does the cloud rain?
* Poetry: Aaftaab meeshavad
* Book: His red-robed highness
* Editorial: Happy anniversary
* Revolution: Memory lane
* Cover story: White & wet
* Reply: Meow
* Book: His red-robed highness

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February 16, 2001

Los Angeles

New Tehran
Iranians in Westwood, Los Angeles

Photos by Nader Davoodi
February 16, 2001
The Iranian


She stole the show
Dancer at Iranian concert in Washington

Photos by Jahanshah Javid
February 16, 2001
The Iranian

Ebi and Andy performed at the Constitution Hall in Washington DC on December 23, 2000. The concert went well. They were very entertaining. But the woman who danced during Andy's performance was something else. Hot damn! >>> GO TO FEATURE


Better than Googoosh
Backstreet Boys in concert

Photos by Mahdiyeh Javid
February 16, 2001
The Iranian

I dropped off Mahdiyeh at the recent Backstreet Boys concert in Washington, DC (February 2, 2001). Afterwards I asked her about the show. She loved it. "Was it better than the Googoosh concert?" "A LOT better," she said. And she's a big Googoosh fan too. But... -- >>> GO TO FEATURE


Persian cooking
This week's recipe

By Pari Ardalan Malek
February 16, 2001
The Iranian

This week's recipe: >>> GO TO FEATURE


L'Eminence Rouge
Exposing Iran's dirty secrets

By Akbar Ganji
The Iranian

Playing with death (By Scott MacLeod) >>> GO TO FEATURE

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February 15, 2001


When all else fails

By Setareh Sabety
February 15, 2001
The Iranian

My daughter came home today from school and for the third time told me that a boy in her class was teasing her for being brown and Iranian. Since I had just the day before talked to her teacher about it I was shocked to find out that the teachers subsequent actions had bore no fruit. I was very angry and told my daughter that next time this happened to hit the boy! >>> GO TO FEATURE


Ten commandments
For dialogue & conflict resolution

By Majid Tehranian
February 15, 2001
The Iranian

What is the magic of dialogue? In contrast to all of the above, dialogue begins with the assumption that "truth" or "meaning" is not the monopoly of any single person or group. Truth (with a small "t") must be therefore negotiated among contending parties >>> GO TO FEATURE


Doesn't work
Totalitarianism will fail as it has elsewhere

By Hamid Zangeneh
February 1, 2001
The Iranian

The history of China, Soviet Union, North Korea or of Nazi Germany have all point to this fact that totalitarianism does not work and while it is being enforced, it is not efficient and productive >>> GO TO FEATURE


L'Eminence Rouge
Exposing Iran's dirty secrets

By Akbar Ganji
The Iranian

Prudence is more important than the truth >>> GO TO FEATURE

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February 14, 2001


By Sadaf Kiani Ababssian
February 14, 2001
The Iranian

Also see an English translation of Sadaf Kiani's "Haj Agha's penhouse"


Persian lover
Women simply don't understand me

By Siamack Baniameri
February 14, 2001
The Iranian

Like many hot-blooded Persian men, I am a legend in my own mind. I am better, faster, and stronger. I make more money and know more than anybody else...

I'm a complex individual and women simply don't understand me. I can't hold a conversation with the opposite sex for more than ten minutes without getting slapped on the face or kicked in the nuts >>> GO TO FEATURE


His red-robed highness
Exposing Iran's dirty secrets

By Akbar Ganji
The Iranian

Death of the hero (By Morteza Mardiha) >>> GO TO FEATURE

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February 13, 2001


My valentine

By Esmail Nooriala
February 13, 2001
The Iranian

My dearest friend, wife and co-traveler, Shokooh Mirzadegi,

These are translations of a few poems I wrote for you 11 years ago. On this Valentine's Day I decided to renew my vows and love for you by publishing them >>> GO TO FEATURE


Why does the cloud rain?

By Roya Hakakian
February 13, 2001
The Iranian

Why does the cloud rain?
Possibility one:


By Forough Farrokhzad
February 13, 2001
The Iranian


His red-robed highness
Exposing Iran's dirty secrets

By Akbar Ganji
The Iranian

Democracy's main highway (By Hamid-Reza Jalaie-Pour) >>> GO TO FEATURE

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February 12, 2001


Happy anniversary
The revolution that went terribly wrong

February 12, 2001
The Iranian

It is hard to describe the joy so many felt on February 11, 1979. The Shah's dictatorship had ended. The sense of liberation was overwhelming. People were free; they were in charge of their destiny. Twenty-two years later, it is hard to describe the terrible let down >>> GO TO FEATURE


Memory lane
Looking back at the road to revolution

Compiled by Payman Arabshahi
February 11, 2001
The Iranian

Chronology of events leading to the fall of the monarchy selected from the Iranian media on the eve of the anniversary of the Iranian revolution of 1978/79

Cover story

White & wet
Snow & rain in Tehran

Photos by Hasan Sarbakhshian
February 12, 2001
The Iranian

Hasan Sarbakhshian, 32, has BA degree in photography. He is currenlty a photographer for the Associated Press in Iran. He took these pictures during December and January 2001 in Tehran >>> GO TO FEATURE


In defense of the Persian Watch Cat

By Nazila Ghazi-Mahdavi
February 13, 2001
The Iranian

Let me be honest: I love you all. Anyway, I have an article for you. I am a software designer in Westchester County. This is the first time I am writing for you. But I have written quite a lot for womens magazines. Anyway, please consider my article >>> GO TO FEATURE


His red-robed highness
Exposing Iran's dirty secrets

By Akbar Ganji
The Iranian

Rafsanjani: Reformist or conservative (By Sadeq Ziba-Kalam) >>> GO TO FEATURE

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Cover story

White & wet
Snow & rain in Tehran

Photos by Hasan Sarbakhshian

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