Nov 30-Dec 4, 1998 / Azar 9-13, 1377
* Bahais: Not because
I am one
* Sociology: Overdue self-critique
* The Iranian: Compliments
* Iranians:
- Money talks, Iranians listen
- Exceptionally diverse
- Treated like a queen
* Race: Iranians not racist
(part 2)
email us
December 4, 1998
* Not because I'm a Bahai...
I read "The
education of Mahdiyeh," and it certainly touched my heart. This
world needs more people like yourself, people with a great deal of integrity,
and insight: A mystic! I don't say this because I happen to be a Bahai,
rather I say this because I see how open-minded and open-spirited you are.
My best wishes to you in all your efforts in life.
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December 3, 1998
* Overdue self-critique
Ali Reza-qoli's book ["Who's
next?"] is a timely and at the same time overdue beginning to
what may be a fruitful and constructive exploration of our self as a nation
and as an individual, enlightened self-critique and evlauation toward self-betterment
and improvment of our human environment as well.
Also, many thanks for the photographic retrospective of the Iranian
woman's periplus through the decades ["laid
back"]. I am not a photographer nor an artist, and my knowledge
of the science does not reach beyond a disposable camera. Yet, I found
myself mesmerized by the pictures. None, however, moved me more than the
image of the subject cradled in the bossom of Iranian antiquity welcoming
the reader to magazine. Wow!
Guive Mirfendereski
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December 2, 1998
* Compliments
Here are some kind words from our readers:
Pouya Rahimi writes: We love your
internet site. It is very informative and entertaining especially for those
who have not recieved the chance to see Iran very well, e.g. me in New
Zealand. Dast-e shomaa dard nakoneh!
Cutee writes: I am an Iranian
mother with 3 kids from Virginia. I would like to give many thanks to you
for the infromation you gave us. It's great to know someone out there is
keeping Iran alive. Thanks (merci)
Khatera writes: I was browsing
the web and came across your paper and since then I have been reading it
online and I must say I enjoy it. The writings are great and it covers
a wide range of issues - which I can relate to (even though I'm Afghani).
I look forward to your future issues. Thank You!
Abe Habibi writes: I would
like to thank you all, for making this opportunity for all Iranian to unify.
I wish to see this path become a greater than ever, every day.
Finite Mass writes: God bless
you, this is an excellent publication!
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December 1, 1998
* Money talks, Iranians listen
of extremes" was an interesting article. I liked it! Here's some
of my thoughts on it. First of all, to analyze Iranians in general by analyzing
the ones who live outside Iran is totally unfair. Remember that the author's
American father had nothing but positive experiences while living IN IRAN.
Some of the characteristics of the Iranians living abroad, is the result
of the circumstances in which they left Iran. Some left to get a higher
education and then return to Iran. This group typically set high standards
for themselves.
They sought to get an education in the fields of medicine, law, and
engineering not because they were looking for status but Iran needed and
still needs more doctors, lawyers and engineers. Well, maybe not lawyers.
Those of us living in the U.S. know what it is like when there are too
many lawyers around. Talk about back stabbing, cheating and lying.
Some left Iran after the revolution thinking that they will have a better
life style and are much better off outside of Iran for different reasons.
Many of them have had to endure severe financial hardship and have had
to resort to less than ethical means to make a living. I don't believe
you can single out Iranians in this case.
As far as being money hungry, name a country where its people turn money
down! This is the 90's and it's how people in the west tend to justify
every peculiar behavior. Being money hungry is no exception! "Money
talks" as they say and most Iranian immigrants have caught on little
quicker than the rest. That does not make them evil, just smarter.
Farshad Kazemzadeh
Senior Software Engineer
(Not because of status, it just pays better!!)
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Nov 30, 1998
* Iranians not racist (part 2)
This is a response to Mr.
Jafar Dehghan's response to my letter. You talked about Ferdowsi and
his poems about Arabs, how Anooshiravan ordered the killing of Blacks in
Yemen, your family's opposition to marriage with Blacks, and the boycotting
a Bahai marriage.
The first three are all examples of bias against non-Iranians. How many
more do you want me to show you? Ferdowsi has poems against Turanis; Iranians
call Arabs everything you can imagine; Chinese are still a laugh; Fathali
Shah called Russia a country of dogs, and the list goes on. Did I deny
any of these? Did I say that we just don't know the meaning of racial differences?
What I referred to was that Iranians don't have the same feelings, against
a Kermani, or a Rashti, or any other Iranian.
A joke does not imply racial hatred. I am a notorious "Torki"
joke teller, but actually the inventor of 99 percent of them is my full-blooded
Tabrizi stepfather! Saying "Yaroo Lor-e Lor-e" does not mean
hatred toward Lors. It might be stereotyping, but it's human nature.
About the Bahai marriage and "Armani najes" expression, these
are not ethnic issues, but religious ones, and in a league of their own.
I am not blaming America for exporting this to our country; I named
Christensen (Danish) Hertzfeld (German) and Braun (English). If anybody
is to blame, it is us! We are the ones who listen to and follow the useless
things they tell us.
We have a whole lot of problems, all of them deserving a book in their
honor! But what we don't have is a racial problem toward fellow Iranians.
None of us want a collection of small states instead of a greater Iran.
Khodadad Rezakhani
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