
TU & the revolution
"The campus looked as beautiful as I remembered"
Written and photographed by Armin Alaedini
It is hard to believe that twenty years have passed by since those turbulent
days of the revolution. I can vividly remember looking out the window of
my room at the demonstrators. Our apartment was on Farvardin Avenue facing
Allahyar Saleh's house. I was only a child, and those shouting demonstrators
didn't seem extraordinary at all; they seemed to be a part of daily life.
Many of them were university students and most of them showed their hatred
and hostility towards the Shah and his regime. ... GO
U.S. Congress & Iran
The following text is a summary of the proceedings of a conference
on "The US Congress and Iran: Twenty Years After the Revolution"presesented
by the Middle East Institute and the University of Maine. This event took
place on January 29, 1999 at the US Capitol Building.
The first panel dealt with the US Congress and Iran during the period
1979-99. Kenneth Katzman of the Congressional Research Service gave the
main presentation. Frank Record, staff member of the House International
Relations Committee, and Puneet Talwar, staff member of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, were discussants. Henry Precht, State Department desk
officer for Iran during the Carter Administration, served as moderator
... FULL
Beembo beh faarsi chi meesheh?
From Angylina's CyberChik
web site:
I am one of the few and rare models from the Middle East. I was Born
in Tehran, (Iran) , and moved to Rome, (Italy), where i was raised in a
Catholic school in Casteldegondorf. The pope's mansion was less than a
mile away from where i lived. My older brothers had moved to America to
attend school at U.C.L.A. When i grew old enough, I came out west to visit
them, I liked it so much, I decided to stay. California had such a wonderful
climate, but I had heard Las Vegas had great job oppourtunities. Since
i had experience in card dealing for a Casino in Monte' Carlo, i decided
to come to Vegas ... CLICK HERE
More Letters
* More oil, less prosperity
Hashem Farhang writes:
[Regarding "Pretend
we have no oil"], with the exception of one field in the Persian
Gulf, where the reservoir straddles across sovereign borders between Iran
and one of the UAE emirates, there is no other reservoir even close to
other countries' jurisdictions. In the Caspian Sea we may, in future, also
run across a possible similar scenario. Neither case is too significant
and you can always make some kind of arrangements, whereby one or the other
country becomes the operator, and they share the revenues under some well-tried-out
formulae. In the case of the Persian Gulf field, proper protections are
in place already.
Reliance on the revenues of oil, however, is bad no matter what the
price, today or tomorrow. Worldwide a principle seems to hold true, that
places rich in non-renewable natural resources, tend to have lower standards
of living. ... FULL
* Pump it or lose it
Ramin Abhari writes:
To respond to the question about leaving oil in the ground ["Pretend
we have no oil"], most Iranian reserves are shared. Masjed-e-Soleiman
is shared with Iraq's Northern wells. And there were reports (rumors?)
back in the Shah/Cold War era that Semnan oil fields somehow tapped into
the Soviet Caspian Sea reserves, which explained why Iran and the Soviet
Union had a few production sharing agreements. Unfortunately if your neighbors
are pumping, it's a "pump it or lose it" situation.
* Convention: Iranian-American Republication
The Iranian American Republican Council's 11th Annual Convention will
be held in Portland Oregon on Saturday February 20th. IARC would like to
invite all interested parties to attend this rich event.
Morning 8:30-12:00: Business meeting (elections, platform, resolutions).
Senator Gordon Smith (R-OR) will be there at 11:00 A.M to deliver comments
and answer questions. Lunch (12:00-1:30) will feature Governor Victor Atiyeh
of Oregon Afternoon (1:30-2:30): Seminar on Lobbying Techniques. Evening:
Gala dinner at the Portland Art Museum featuring Congressman Robert Ney
of Ohio and former Governor Pete Wilson of California, as well as the popular
entertainer Marteek.
Congressman Robert Ney spent three years in the Peace Corps in Iran,
and not only speaks Farsi fluently but is also very interested in Iranian
issues, culture and heritage. For more information or to register please
call 888-330 IARC or visit our web site at www.iarcnational.org
Book of the Week

The Priest and the King
An Eyewitness Account of the Iranian Revolution
By Desmond Harney
An extraordinary and riveting diary of the events
that led to the Shah's overthrow... Harney conveys superbly the ups and
downs, the rumors and speculations, the paranoia, ... as the old order
was undermind. You can hear the helicopters whirring frightening the impotent.
-- The Sunday Times
featured books
New! Bestsellers
New! Books
on Rumi
Bitter battle over landmark poll overshadows
Iranian anniversary
Feb 3 (AFP) - Iran's sqabbling political factions continued a bitter war
of words on Wednesday over the country's first ever municipal elections,
despite repeated calls for unity on the Islamic regime's 20th anniversary.
The landmark vote, due on February 26, is considered the Islamic regime's
first great test in local democracy, and has provoked a violent squabble
between supporters of reformist President Mohammad Khatami and conservatives
who have striven to bar radicals and moderates from standing as candidates
CIA: Iran likely to face "serious
2, WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden, blamed by the
United States for last year's U.S. embassy bombings, is still a threat and
the CIA fears another attack could occur "at any time," the U.S.
intelligence chief said Tuesday. Neighboring Iran, meanwhile, was "more
likely to face serious unrest in 1999 than at any time since the revolution
20 years ago," Tenet said ... FULL TEXT
France annouces business deals with Iran
Feb 3 (AFP) - France and Iran, breathing new life into bilateral ties, on
Wednesday announced new business deals in the offing while striking a series
of cultural and diplomatic agreements. The announcements came during a meeting
to France by Iranian Foreign Minister Kamal Khatazi, Tehran's first foreign
minister in eight years to pay a "working visit" to France ...
Central bank demands rescheduling of import
payment bills
Feb 2 (AFP) - Iran, hit by currency shortages and falling oil prices, has
asked South Korea to reschedule some 100 million dollars worth of import
payments, officials said Tuesday. Iran's central bank called for advance
payment for oil imports from the South Korean government if debt rescheduling
is impossible, Daewoo Corp. said ... FULL TEXT
Palestinian police uncovers "Hamas-Iran
CITY, Feb 3 (AFP) - The Palestinian police said Wednesday they had uncovered
an Iranian "plot" to launch a wave of suicide bombings in cooperation
with the militant group Hamas, including one against an Israeli school bus.
Palestinian police chief Ghazi Al-Jabali said Palestinian security forces
"confirmed the arrival of 35 million dollars from Iranian intelligence
services," adding that relevant documents had been seized last week
at a headquarters of the Ezzedin al-Kassam brigade, the military wing of
Hamas ... FULL TEXT

FEATURE: Women in theater
(IRNA) - Iran's under-21 "Omid" soccer team has moved to the semi-finals
of the Vietnam international games ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Azizi comeback
(Iran) - Tehran (Iran) - Khodadad Azizi will be invited to the national
team "very soon," says headcoach Pourheydari (see bottom of this
news story) ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

FIFA award
(Iran) - FIFA has awarded Iran for sportsmanship during the World Cup 98
match with the U.S... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Iranians in 2,000 U.S. census
The US Census 2000 is approaching very rapidly. Every Iranian American
related group, association, and organization must immediately articulate
a strategy including education, and full participation by all in the Iranian
American community to respond to the Census, while citing their original
cultural heritage ... FULL
$ Rate
Updated Feb 1
dollar now offered at up to 800-810 tomans
Source: Sehaty Exchange (U.S.) Tel: 602-595-0777
The Web
Tehrani teenagers
Milad & Mohsen Alikhani are teenagers in Tehran with
a web site better than anything produced by any Iranian in Los Angeles.
(Just trying to make a point... settle down.)
Beyond Iran
Fading Ad Campaign
Here's a site that takes a rather
poignant look at the ads of yesteryear.
web sites
Quote Unquote
I had heard Las Vegas had great job oppourtunities. Since I had experience
in card dealing for a Casino in Monte' Carlo, I decided to come to [Las]
Photo of the Day

on Letterman
Musician of the Week

Leftist revolutionary songs
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