Vahshi Bafqi

Inaccurate but ratings-grabbing portrayal of Iran
By Armin Alaedini
A couple of months ago (November 25), I got home one night and turned
on the TV. On the bottom of the screen it said "Dasht-e Kavir, Iran"!
Could this be a documentary on Dasht-e Kavir? Well, not exactly.
I soon found out that what I thought to be a National Geographic
special is actually an episode of the TV series JAG, an adventure
drama on CBS about two officers trained as lawyers dealing mostly with
crimes in the military.
In that episode, a U.S. stealth plane had crashed into the Iranian desert.
The two stars of the series soon foud themselves involved in a mission
to rescue the plane and the pilot, who was now in the hands of the Iranian
government and was to be tried for espionage ... GO TO FEATURE

Iranian Institute for Contemporary Historical Studies presents:
A special feature with startling photos from the Reza Shah period when
women were ordered to get rid of the chador.
Some consider the Shah's decree as the beginning of women's emancipartion,
others saw it as coersion in the name of reform (in Persian)...
Forwarded by Pedram Missaghi
Welcome to Ministry of Information
Kidding around with Iran's intelligence agency
Welcome to the Internet server of the Ministry of Information (MOI),
Islamic Republic of Iran!
The MOI has been in charge of providing internal, external, extraterrestrial,
and heavenly peace and security for the martyr-bearing nation of Iran since
the early days of the glorious Islamic revolution of 1978/79, with only
occasional lapses and minor deviations in path.
The MOI has constantly aimed to foster an atmosphere of security and
freedom in Iran, and to free the Iranian nation from those elements who
aim otherwise ... FULL
Forwarded by Sohrab Fani
More Letters
* I can feel the sunshine
Mehdi Jami writes: What a lovely dream ["Abadan: Back
home"]! Whether a dream or just fantacizing,
it is very powerful. The power comes from your strong and sincere feeling
about your town.
I went to Abadan once. That was 23 years ago and
it is still with me. I can feel what you say. I can feel the sunshine in
that picture of Maydan-e Alfi and the world that went passed us which we
miss. Those were the days.
* Braim, Alfee, Annex, and, and, and...
Ron Mogadas writes: I particularly liked your
section. You see, my uncles used to live in Abadan
and Khorramshahr. One of my uncles owned Sina pharmacy on Amiri Street
next to an alley where there was a local merchant named Namakee (anyone
My uncle's name is Dr Hossein Taghaddos. We traveled
many times to Abadan and Khorramshahr (I am from Ahvaz), and I remember
Braim, Alfee, Annex, and, and, and...
I could totally relate to those pictures of birthdays
as I have similar ones from the same era taken in Ahvaz.
* Film: Mehrjui retrospective in Chicago
During January, the Film Center of the Art Institute of Chicago will
be showing eight of Mehrjui's films. These films not only provide an intriguing
overview of Iranian life from 1969 through 1998, but also show how an artist's
work can be profoundly influenced and shaped by the political events surrounding
The Film Center of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago is at
Columbus Drive and Jackson Boulevard. Call 312-443-3733 or 312-443-3737
... MORE
in Washington DC
Book of the Week

To See and See Again
A Life in Iran and America
By Tara Bahrampour
From A beautifully written memoir that delivers much more than the story
of a young woman's life. Bahrampour, a Princeton Ph.D. candidate in sociology,
grew up in two culturesAmerica and Iran very much in conflict. The daughter
of an Iranian father and an American mother, she claimed American habits
as her early norms. However, the young Tara grew attached to Iranian ways,
so when the family returned to the U.S. due to the Islamic Revolution (she
was 11), the author's sense of dislocation only heightened. - Kirkus
Also read the New York Newsday review of Bahrampour's book
featured books
New! Bestsellers
New! Books on Rumi


Khamenei: Inquiry must go on
Jan 8, (BBC) - Iran's spiritual leader has
said the investigation into the killings of dissident politicians and intellectuals
should continue. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei described the killings as part of
a bigger plot by foreigners. He asked how anyone who cares for the Islamic
Republic could kill harmless opponents. He referred to two politicians who
were stabbed to death, Dariush and Parvaneh Foruhar, as former friends and
later opponents who were harmless ... FULL TEXT...ALSO
Author seeks stay in Norway for security
OSLO, Jan 8 (Reuters) - An Iranian author,
two of whose colleagues were among a number of dissidents recently killed
in Iran, is seeking to stay in Norway, a Norwegian group for freedom of
expression said on Friday. Mansour Koushan, fearing his life could be at
risk if he goes back to Tehran, ``will apply for permanent residence in
Norway,'' said Carl Morten Iversen, head of the Norwegian Forum for Freedom
of Expression ... FULL TEXT

Iran Khodro introduces new car
Tehran, (Hamshahri) - Iran Khodro, which is producing
a record number of cars (111,000 last year), has started producing new models
with a Peugeot frame and a Paykan engine. Price: 4.5 million tomans ...

Nargess& Hafez
Tehran, (Hamshahri) - A feature on references to
nargess (primrose) in the poetry of Hafez ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Film center for youth
Tehran, (Hamshahri) - A center for supporting films
about children and youth has opened in Tehran ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Wrestling: resignation brings chaos
Tehran, (Hamshahri) - The resignation of the head
of Iran wrestling program has brought turmoil among team members, some of
whom have threatened not to take part in matches... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Human Rights
New mailing list
I have started a new mailing list called "Ascent." The aim
is to address humanitarian issues on the verge of the 21st century. I am
trying to promote it and attract members.
To subscribe, send an email to majordomo@im-ins.com
and type "subscribe ascent" in the body of the message.
Camelia Akbari
$ Rate
Updated Jan 8
dollar now offered at up to 713-715 tomans
Source: Sehaty Exchange (U.S.) Tel: 602-595-0777
The Web
The art work of Mahmoud Zenderoudi (not to be confused with
the famous Hossein Zenderoudi).
Beyond Iran
Fabulous Ruins of Detroit
"Ode to the Motor City" by one who loves it well.
web sites
Quote Unquote
Those who kill
Forouhar was our friend before the revolution; our colleague after the
revolution; and our harmless enemy after the wave of plots against the revolution
started. He was not popular nor had he any influence. To be fair, he was
not a wicked man, particularly his wife. Those who kill a person like Forouhar
cannot be friends of the government.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
January 8, 1999
Photo of the Day

Az mo aks beegeer!
Musician of the Week

The Queen of "Koocheh Bazaari" music in the 1950s
and 1960s.
artists index |