Jan 25-29, 1999 / Bahman 5-9, 1377
| Sports
| Arts
| Business| Rights
* Sponsorship: Learn
Persian in Iran
* Human Rights: Arash
Foruhar in Washington DC
* Film: "Children
of Heaven" in U.S.
* Forum: U.S.-Iran Business
* Travel: Rediscover Iran:
* Art: Group show, Berkeley
* Film: Mehrjui retrospective
in Chicago
* Language: Persian course
at the U. Texas
* Film: Mehrjui retrospective
in Washington
* Language: Persian seminar
at Berkeley
* Conference: Persian Gulf:
Present realities
* School: Farsi school in
* Women: International conference
| Sports
| Arts
| Business| Rights
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* Learn Persian in Iran
From: William Hanaway <>
The American Institute of Iranian Studies (AIIrS) hopes to sponsor an
eight-week course in the Persian language this summer at the International
Center for Persian Studies of the Dehkhoda Institute in Tehran. The course
would be open to U.S. citizens who have had at lease one academic year
of training in Persian and who are enrolled in a doctoral program where
a knowledge of Persian is essential to the student's research. AIIrS hopes
to be able to provide travel, tuition and maintenance for each student.
The course would begin on about July 1.
Interested students should apply to the below address, describing the
general topic of their dissertation research and giving their reasons for
wishing to attend such a course. They should also supply names, addresses
and email addresses of two referees, one of whom should be the student's
academic advisor.
Dr. Brian Spooner
Middle East Center
839 Williams Hall/6305
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104
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* Arash Foruhar in Washington DC
The Alliance for Defense of Human Rights in Iran presents: Night of
Solidarity with the Iranian People. Program includes s peeches by:
- Arash Forouhar, Son of Dariyush & Parvaneh Forouhar
- Dr. Azar Naffisi, Professor at Johns Hopkins university
- US Representative of PEN
Also: Poetry & Music & Film of Demonstration in Iran
Date: Saturday January 30, 1999
Time: 7:30 PM
Location: Northern Virginia Community College (Annandale Campus)
Ernst Cultural Center, 8333 Little River Turnpike, Annandale, VA. Exit
5 (Little River Turnpike-236) toward Fairfax-1/2 mile, college is on the
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* "Children of Heaven" in U.S.
Majid Majidi's "Children of Heaven" opens January 22 in select
theatres across the U.S. A video clip in Quicktime or AVI is available
for download at the Miramax site: //
Winner of the Montreal World Film Festival Grand Prix of the Americas
Award and the Air Canada People's Award, CHILDREN OF HEAVEN is a sensitive,
memorable film from Majid Majidi ("The Father.") Set in Majidi's
native Tehran, CHILDREN OF HEAVEN follows the relationship between an impoverished
brother and sister, Ali and Zahra, who are thrust into a difficult circumstance.
Thanks to Payman Arabshahi
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* U.S.-Iran Business Council Forum
The Iranian Trade Association, along with our host, the Washington International
Trade Association will present the First Quarterly U.S.-Iran Business Council
Forum: " The Process of Engagement" on Wednesday, February 3
in Washington, DC ... MORE
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* Rediscover Iran: Contact beteween Iranian-American and Iranian
Dear Friend,
To share my experiences of Iran with others, I have begun setting up
a non-profit organization called Rediscover Iran (RI) whose goal is to
create opportunities for Iranian-American youth to have direct contact
with the Iranian people and their culture. This summer RI will be offering
a six-week Mini-Semester Abroad in Iran where participants will engage
in cultural and educational activities in addition to receiving language
instruction. Some of the activities include: ... MORE
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* Group art show, Berkeley
Yari Ostovany and Haleh Niazmand in a group show show at Berkeley Art
Center on January 17 - February 21, 1999.
- Artists' Reception: Sunday, January 17, 2 to 4 pm
- Gallery Hours: Wednesday - Sunday, noon to 5 pm
- Address: 1275 Walnut Street, Berkeley, California (in Live Park)
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* Mehrjui retrospective in Chicago
During January, the Film Center of the Art Institute of Chicago will
be showing eight of Mehrjui's films. These films not only provide an intriguing
overview of Iranian life from 1969 through 1998, but also show how an artist's
work can be profoundly influenced and shaped by the political events surrounding
The Film Center of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago is at
Columbus Drive and Jackson Boulevard. Call 312-443-3733 or 312-443-3737
... MORE
Also in Washington DC
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* Summer Persian course at the U. Texas, Austin
Possible Interest to Persianists with Students Finishing a First-Year
Course during the Spring of 1999:
The Summer 1999 Second-Year Persian Course at The University of Texas
at Austin meets four weekdays a week (M-Th) for eight weeks, from June
21 to August 13. Each class session lasts three hours, from 8:30 to 11:30
am. That amounts to about 95 classroom contact hours in the six-credit
course. This intensive, intermediate course is designed for (serious) American
and Iranian-American students who have completed a year of university Persian
study or its equivalent. The course aims primarily to increase efficiency
in reading Persian and secondarily to improve Persian listening and speaking
skills. It also aims to help dramatically increase passive vocabulary and
familiarity with Persian cultural terms. The course leads to student proficiency
in dealing with texts of academic and cultural interest to course participants
and in learning how to improve Persian language skills through self-study.
In-class work and conversations with the instructor in and outside of class
take place exclusively in Persian ... DETAILS
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* Mehrjui retrospective in Washington, DC
Dariush Mehrjui's Films - A retrospective :
The Pear Tree - Friday February 5, 1999, 7:00 PM, Sunday February
7, 1999, 2:00 PM
The Cycle - Friday February 12, 1999, 7:00 PM
The Cow - Sunday February 14, 1999, 2:00 PM
Hamoon - Friday February 19, 1999, 7:00 PM
The Tenants - Sunday February 21, 1999, 2:00 PM
Sara - Friday February 26, 1999, 7:00 PM
The School We Went To - Saturday February 27, 1999, 2:00 PM
Leila - Sunday February 28, 1999, 2:00 PM
Freer's Meyer Auditorium, Jefferson Drive at 12th Street, SW, Washington
DC -- 202-357-4880 Admission: Free - two per person - one hour before program
begins Info: 202-357-4880 Details:
Dariush Mehrjui His film have been banned by both the Shah, and the
Islamic Republic, but film critics in Iran recently voted directory Dariush
Mehrjui on eof the country's greatest filmmakers. This retrospective is
organized by the Film Society of Lincoln Center, and is presented in corporation
with Farabi Cinema Foundation, Tehran. All films are in Persian with English
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* Persian language seminar at Berkeley
Persian literature educational seminars at the University of Berkeley!
To enroll in the four-month seminars can call 408-377-7789 before January
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* Persian Gulf: Present realities
The Center for Persian Gulf and Middle East Studies at the Institute
for Political and International Studies (IPIS) intends to convene its ninth
International conference on the Persian Gulf under the title "Persian
Gulf: Present Realities and Future Perspectives " on February 22-23,
Distinguished scholars, university professors, researches, and specialists
will discuss political, international, economic, security as well as cultural,
and energy issues relating to the present situation in, and pertaining
to future cooperation among the countries of the Persian Gulf region.
The main topics of the discussion are as follows: ... DETAILS
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* Farsi school for children in Maryland
The Iranian-American Cultural Society of Maryland currently sponsors
two Farsi schools in the Baltimore, MD areas of Columbia and Towson. More
information, including sample homeworks from the children, is available
at //
Reza Shadmehr
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* International conference
The Tenth International Conference of the Iranian Women's Studies Foundation
"The Iranian Woman at the Threshold of the Year 2000" will be
held at the University of Montreal on July 2-5,1999 in Montreal, Canada.
Foundation: IWSF, PO Box 380882, Cambridge, MA 02238-0882, USA, Tel:
617-492-9001, Fax: 617-492-0111, Email:
Local Committee: IWSF, PO Box 354 Station "H", Montreal (QC),
H3G 2L1, CANADA, Tel: 514-735-7776, Fax: 514-934-9912, Email:
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