Oct 5-9, 1998 / Mehr 10-14, 1377
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* Film: Dariush Mehrjui
in Columbus, Ohio
* Play: Berkeley play based
on Hedayat's story
* Politics Iranian American
Republican fundraising, San Diego
* Mehregan: In Washington
* Course: Introduction to Hafez,
in Virginia
* Art: Alavi's mystical
installations, Santa Clara
* Music: Persian & Indian
music in Portland
* Conference: Dialogue of
Civilizations ?
* Conference: Challenges for
Iranians abroad, Indianapolis
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* Berkeley play based on Hedayat's story
BEHIND GLASS WINDOWS: A play written and directed by Torange Yeghiazarian
based on a short story by Iranian writer, Saadegh Hedayat. A shattering
love story that questions our perception of love and reality. This contemporary
stage adaptation of the original short story focuses on the illusory nature
of love and relationships from the perspective of second generation Iranians
growing up with dual traditions.
DATE: October 15, 1998, through November 8, 1998
CONTACT: Marya Zamroud
PHONE: (510) 986-9194
Previews: October 15th & 16th
Run: October 17th through November 8, 1998; Thursday through Sunday, 8pm
Location: DARVAG's Adeline Street Theatre 3280 Adeline Street, between
Alcatraz and Ashby, Berkeley. Walking distance from the Ashby BART station
Tickets Prices: General $12
Previews/students $8
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* Iranian American Republican fundraising, San Diego
On Sunday, October 25, 1998, from 11:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m., the San
Diego Chapter of the Iranian American Republican Council ("IARC")
is proud to host a fundraising brunch honoring California State Treasurer
Matt Fong in his candidacy for United States Senator from California.
The brunch will be held at Del Mario's, 2010 Jimmy Durante Boulevard,
Del Mar, California (619) 509-9999. The cost is $100 per person or $175
per couple. Everyone is cordially invited to attend.
For more information or to purchase tickets please contact Sepi Rahimzadeh
our chapter VP at
or (619)238-4393 or Shirin Ahkami our chapter secretary at
or (619)495-4963.
We look forward to seeing you on October 25, 1998, and please do not
forget to vote. To learn more about the IARC, please visit IARC's website
Iranian American Republican Council
San Diego Chapter
Ali M. M. Mojdehi, President
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* Dariush Mehrjui in Columbus, Ohio
Dariush Mehrjui introduces THE PEAR TREE (1998)
Wexner Center for the Arts
Ohio State University
Sunday, Nov 15 / 2 pm
Special Admission Price: $7; $5 Wexner members, students, etc.
Immediately following his retrospective at the Film Society of Lincoln
Center in New York, Iranian director Dariush Mehrjui comes to the Wexner
Center in Columbus, Ohio, to present his most recent film THE PEAR TREE,
which Variety described as "a lush, golden evocation of first
A philosophy major at UCLA, where he also studied filmmaking with Jean
Renoir, Mehrjui is a director of considerable sophistication and insight,
with his recent feature, Leila (shown at the Wexner Center in September)
hailed internationally for its sympathetic critique of the role of women
in modern Iranian society.
For this special matinee presentation, Mehrjui will introduce The
Pear Tree, and discuss his work with Associate Curator Dave Filipi
and Dr. Akbar Mahdi, Associate Professor of Sociology at Ohio Wesleyan
University and a liason for the Iranian Cultural Association, Columbus,
Ohio.(Program: app. 3 hours.)
Presented with the support of the IRANIAN Cultural Association, COLUMBUS,
OHIO. For further information, contact:
David Filipi Associate
Curator, Film/Video
Wexner Center for the Arts
Ohio State University
1871 N. High St. Columbus, OH 43210
Tel: 614-688-3307
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* Mehregan in Washington
The Iranian American Cultural Association in Washington DC is holding
a Mehregan Celebration on October 17, 1998 at the McLean Hilton at 7:00
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* Course: Introduction to Hafez, in Virginia
Explanation, Interpretation, and Critical Analysis of Eight Individual
Instructor: Reza Ghanadan, ph.D. Dr. Ghanadan is a literary critic.
He received his ph.D. in literature from Lancaster University in England,
taught at Ferdowsi University and Georgetown University, is the author
of numerous articles on Persian literature, including the poetry of Hafez
and contemporary Iranian poetry, and is currently working on imagery in
classical Persian poetry and a comparison of Shakespeare's and Hafez's
treatment of poetic imagery.
Prerequisites: None. The class will be an introduction and analysis
of Persian poetry and Hafez. The class will be taught primarily in Persian
with some interpretation in English. If sufficient interest is shown in
a separate class conducted in English, two classes will be organized. Please
let me know of your interest in such a class in English and spread the
Schedule: The class will be 8 weeks long, 2 hours each week,
for a total of 16 hours. The class will be held either on mid-day Sundays
or Monday evenings depending on what the majority requests, so please let
me know your preference.
October 18, 1998 -- December 6, 1998, (Sundays 11:00 am-1:00 pm) OR
October 19, 1998 -- December 7, 1998 (Mondays 7:00 pm-9:00 pm)
Location (tentative): Renaissance Library, 2230 George C. Marshall
Drive, Falls Church,Virginia
Registration cost: $200.00 for 8 session
Please contact Dokhi Fassihian at 703-698-8212 or
to register or for more information.
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* Alavi's mystical installations, Santa Clara
Contemporary artist Seyed Alavi seeks to capture the ecstatic experiences
of poets and mystics from varied cultures and spiritual backgrounds. For
this exhibition, he has created installations using common, everyday materials
with which he hopes "to inspire thinking and contemplation."
Opening Friday, September 25, 1998 7 p.m. de Saisset Museum, Santa Clara
University. RSVP 408-554-4528
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* Persian & Indian music in Portland
Andisheh Center (Kanoon Andisheh) in Portland, Oregon, proudly presents:Internationally
recognized maestros of eastern music in a night of improvisation in Persian
& Indian music on October 9. For detailed information, CLICK
Event: Ghazal in Portland
Where: Scottish Rite Center 709 SW 15th, Portland OR
When: 8:00 PM - OCT. 9th, 1998
Tickets : Available at Fred Meyer Fastixx - General Admission $20.00 (Order
over the phone: 503 224 8499). Kanoon Andisheh members and Students $15.00.
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* Conference: Dialogue of Civilizations ?
Call For Papers: Islamic Revolution's Cultural Documentation Organization
intends to hold a 2-day international seminar on December 13-14, 1998 entitled:
"Dialogue of Civilizations?" All experts, scholars and lecturers
are invited to send their papers in maximum 15 pages before December 6,
1998 to the Seminar's Secretariat.
Topics: ... CLICK
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* Conference: Challenges for Iranians Abroad, Indianapolis
DANESH Institute, Inc. in cooperation with Society for Promotion of
Persian Culture present: Third Annual Conference, October 24, 1998
Location: Indiana University-Purdue University, Student Activities
Center, 815 W. Michigan Street, Indianapolis, Indiana
* Challenges for Iranians Abroad in the Onset of the Next Millennium:
Agenda for Action
* Role Reversal & Its Consequences in the Iranian Immigrant Family
* The Experience of lranian Women in the United States: The Case
of the Twin Cities
* Living in Exile: Iranian Acculturation in Literature
* Impacts of the Political Relationship between Iran & the United
States on Iranian Immigrants
* Challenges for Iranians Abroad: Summary & Agenda for Action
Chair & Facilitator: Irene Queiro-Tajalli, Indiana University
Contact: Dr. Cyrus S. Behroozi, 317-283-8757
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