May 4, 2001
Very interesting student publication at Amir Kabir Polytechnic in Tehran.
-- Thanks Masoud Modaress
Max Sadeghi writes: "I've added a lot of material. There
is a history which explains how music from the Middle East evolved. The
next step after this is the archive of special performances featuring Audio
and Video clips of concerts from the past 40 years, and the launch of the
online music school."
Kaveh music
"We now have more then 126 Iranian singers and more then 1756 Persian
songs you can listen and record to your file free of any charges."
Beyond Iran
Companion to the Channel 4 series examining sexuality in Victorian England.
Free Family
Tree Makers Online
offers articles and links to genealogy software downloads, references,
mailing lists, and other tools to help trace a family tree.
Gotham Center for New York
Working to boost the visibility of New York's historical assets.
Recommend a site Email