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May 17, 2001



The Iranian state TV affiliated company rumored to be developing an Internet site blocking software for the Telecommunication Company of Iran ... -- Thanks to Payman Arabshahi

UK Persians

Chat club for "PERSIANS in the UK and IRELAND."

Kish Island

News, chat club...

Beyond Iran

The Cleopatra Costume on Stage and in Film

In seven richly annotated pages, C. David Claudon provides a thorough look at the clothing of fictional Cleopatras. From Shakespeare's original all-male production of "Antony and Cleopatra" to Sarah Bernhardt's 19th-century staging of Victorien Sardou's "Cleopatra" to Elizabeth Taylor's spectacular turn as the Queen of the Nile in 1963, Claudon illustrates how actresses and costumer designers have dressed the character in ways "that say more about their own time period than that of Cleopatra's." Included in this site is a complete list of famous Cleopatras on stage, film, and TV from 1606 to the present day.

Leaves of Gold

Dig into some masterworks from the golden age of book publishing by hand. The Philadelphia Museum of Art presents this beautiful exhibit of illuminated manuscripts -- "hand-produced books that include drawn, painted, and gilded decoration on pages made of vellum, a specially prepared and polished animal skin."

Black Shoals Stock Market Planetarium

Gaze up at the starry heavens of the international finance. Here's the setup -- this perfectly natural-looking night sky is in fact a real-time representation of the world's stock markets.

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