>>> Amirahmadi's new index
world is watching
Interview with presidential candidate, Hooshang Amirahmadi
Arash Salehi
Breaking the logjam of the nuclear issue can open the
door to progress on other U.S.-Iran grievances
December 30, 2004
is no Afghanistan
Iran and the US should listen to the voice of
February 19, 2002
time is now
A new beginning in Iran-U.S. relations
December 22, 2000
Sea of opportunities
... if large and small states cooperate over the Caspian
August 15, 2000
Giving all
a piece of the pie
The political risks of various pipeline routes
in the Caspian basin
November 12, 1998
From confrontation to modus vivendi?
Iran-U.S. relations 19 years after the hostage crisis
November 4, 1998
Standing against
Taliban - together
Afghanistan crisis calls for U.S.-Iran cooperation
October 1, 1998
National interests come first
The Taliban are a product of U.S. policy of dual-containment
September 14, 1998
Sanctions counter-productive
They help the most anti-American elements in Iran
July 1996
Iran's power
Sowing seeds of reform
March 1996
political Islam to secular nationalism
The time has come to reconsider the image of Iran
as a rigidly religious society
January 1996
The Civil Society approach
to Iranian studies
Attention should increasingly focus on developments
within the civil society
September 1995 Top
Dr. Hooshang Amirahmadi is a Professor and Director of
the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Rutgers University,
New Brunswick, New Jersey and President of the American
Iranian Council.