مسالهء خرافات

پیرامون اظهارات آیت الله مکارم شیرازی دربارهء گفتمانهای شیعی-بهائی


مسالهء خرافات
by Kavian S. MIlani

جناب آیت الله مکارم شیرازی با عرض سلام و درود گرم بر شما

خبرگزاری ایسنا خبر زیر را از قول شما نقل کرده است و همراهان سایت می توانند متن خبر را در اینجا ببینند. در این خبر شما بر ضرورت تعامل بیشتر حوزه و آموزش و پرورش تاکید کرده اید. این تعامل از بحثهای مطرح نیم قرن اخیر است. در دوران پادشاهی محمد رضا شاه پهلوی نیز همین تعامل مورد نظر روسای امور بود. این چنین بود که به سال 1350 خورشیدی در بخشنامه ای (شماره 11620/دو ) به تاریخ 15/6/1350 بانو فرخ رو پارسای وزیر وقت آموزش و پرورش دقیقا همین تعامل را مد نظر داشته و دستور می دهد که برای تهیه مفاد درسی کلاسهای "سالهای سوم – چهارم و پنجم دوره ابتدایی را منحصرا از سه جزوه <<درسهایی از قرآن مجید>> ...که با همکاری آقایان سید رضا برهمی و محمد جواد باهنر (که در حدود یک دهه بعد نخست وزیر معمم نظام جمهوری اسلامی شد!) مولفان کتابهای درسی جدید تعلیمات دینی که با روشی جالب و نفیس تهیه شده است استفاده نمایند."

دکتر پارسای مانند شما و مردان سیاسی عصر پهلوی و نظام اسلامی شیعه دوازده امامی بود. او علیرغم ادعاهای اخیر و دروغ جریدهء دریدهء کیهان در دفاعیات خود فاش گفته بود که "من شیعه هستم و آرزو دارم شیعه از دنیا بروم" و مانند شما در آرزوی تعامل و تاثیر بیشتر حوزه بر آموزش و پرورش بود. وزیر آموزش و پرورش عصر دوم پهلوی در توجیه دستوربالا می نویسد که: " از آنجا که وزارت آموزش و پرورش لازم می داند نوباوگان این کشور اسلامی با کتاب مقدس آسمانی خود قرآن آشنایی پیدا کنند و از عهده قرائت صحیح آن برآیند و به فهم معارف و عمل کردن به دستورهای آن همت گمارند" و دستور می دهد که جزوه بالا مستقیما برای آموزش دینی سطوح پایه به کار گرفته شود.

جناب مکارم شیرازی این است نتیجه تعامل حوزه و دانشگاه و حوزه و آموزش و پرورش که با گذشت سی و اندی از آن زمان، ایران، با وجود ذخایر مادی و معنوی خداداده سرشار و با وجود فرهنگ غنی و باستانی خود، و پدید آورنده اولین منشور حقوق بشر و زادگاه سه پیامبر زرتشت، باب و بهاءالله، هنوز اندر خم یک کوچه است و نتیجه این روند تعامل حوزه و دانشگاه چیزی جز ضرر و خسران و عقب ماندگی برای ایرانیان نبوده است. در حال حاضر حاصل این تاثیر و همکاری متقابل آموزش و پرورش و حوزه رکود اقتصاد و صنایع ایران در بازارهای جهانی، فرار مغزها، اعتیاد سرسام آور به مواد مخدر، افزایش کم نظیر خودکشی و خود سوزی و افسردگی و ناامیدی و یاس علاج ناپذیرجوانان، افزایش روزبروز زنان خیابانی و روسپیگری، کاهش ارزش زن به کالایی جنسی در عرصه جامعه، و عادی شدن تمام نمادهای کثیف و معضلات اجتماعی و روابط جنسی ناسالم تقلیدی ازغرب و ناهنجاریهای ناشی از آن در زشت ترین انواع ممکن است.

شکست فکری و ورشکستگی اندیشه آشکارتر و بارزتر از این کمتر در تاریخ دیده شده است. باید پرسید چرا با وجود کوشش مستمر و فراوان دو نظام شیعه شاهنشاهی و جمهوری اسلامی ایران در تعامل حوزه و آموزش و پرورش، ایران سیر قهقرایی خود را به سرعت طی می کند؟ آیا 150 سال تزریق اجباری دین تقلیدی برای اثبات ناکارآیی آن کافی نیست؟ آیا شما براستی گمان دارید که مشکل جامعه ایران کمبود شیعه است؟ آیا دلیل این روندهای غمناک و دردآور کاستی فاحش حوزه که نماد فکر و اقتصاد و فرهنگ دوران پیش صنعتی است در روآرویی با جهان مدرن و معضلات عصر نوین نیست؟ آیا وقت آن فرا نرسیده که مسوولان کشور و سیاستگزاری به جای اخراج بهائیان دانشجو و استادان بهائی و دگراندیشان فعالانه اینان را به کمک و یاری بطلبند؟ آیا تا به کی باید جوانان و آینده و ذخایر محدود و ملی خود را فدای ایدئولوژی فرسوده و ناکارآمد و منسوخ کنیم؟ چند نسل دیگر از ایرانیان باید در قربانگاه باورهای فکری دست اندرکاران ذبح شوند؟ امیدوارم که مسوولان کشور بهائیان و تمام طیفهای فکری را در راستای سازندگی ایران به خدمت گیرند و ایران را از ورشکستگی فکری کنونی و کاستی های ناشی از سرکوب اندیشه ها و آراء ناب و برخاسته از ایران نجات دهند. بقول معروف جلوی ضرر را از هر جا بگیریم نفع است.

در خاتمه خبر نیز شما در بارهء لزوم زدودن خرافات از دین سخن رانده اید. لازمه زدودن خرافات نیز آشنایی بیشتر ایرانیان با دین بهائی است. تطابق فلسفی و نظری علم و عقل با دین از اصول مهم دین بهائی است و دین بهائی اولین آئین آسمانی است که این مهم را به عنوان یک اصل مطرح می کند. بدون حضور دین بهائی در گفتمانهای مدنی و دینی معاصر مردم ایران با تناقضات اساسی و بنیادی بین دین از یکسو و علم و عقل از سوی دیگر مواجه هستند. یعنی دقّت بفرمائید که زنده شدن جسمانی مردگانی که قرنهاست جسمشان در اعماق زمین خوابیده و عناصر بدنشان صدها بار در چرخه محیط زیست وارد و خارج شده است و فرار کردن کودکی در سن 5 سالگی از دست ستمکاران زمان و مخفی شدن حضرت قائم درچاهی یا سردابی در سامرا برای هزار سال و ناقص العقل بودن زن و خرافاتی از این قبیل که ناشی از القاآت نادرست رهبران دینی یا برداشت نادرست و ناسره از قرآن است مورد انطباقی با عقل و علم ندارد. همین تناقض آشکار است که مردمی را که دینی با بار اضافه شده خرافات را پذیرفته اند به سمت سکولاریسم تقلیدی ازغرب و یا به سوی جامعهء سرمایه داری افراطی و با بی دینی مفرط سوق می دهد. خواهشمندم که شما از این زاویه به دین بهائی نگاه کنید و بی گمان راهکار مورد نظر خود را در آن خواهید یافت.

البته در میان کلام جامعه بهائی را نیز به عنوان عنصری بیگانه معرفی کرده اید. و این مساله آخر را بارها در سایتهای مختلف مورد بررسی قرار داده ایم و دوباره عرض می کنم که دین بهائی یک دین اصیل و راستین ایرانی است که با هیچ نهضت و حرکت سیاسی و امپریالیستی بیگانه ربطی ندارد و اگر دانشمندی محقق و حوزه دیده و صاحب تالیف چون شما چنین سخنی را بر زبان می راند جای بسی افسوس و دریغ است و نشان می دهد که سم پاشی و فرافکنی ارگانهای بهائی ستیز و محارب با آموزه های نوین تا چه حدّی موفقیت آمیز بوده است. باری به هر جهت بیش از 150 سال از آغاز دین بهائی می گذرد و در همین 70 سال اخیر بهائی ستیزان مقلد نقدهای سطحی چپ مساله امپریالیسم و استعمار را از روی ناچاری و برای پوشاندن کاستی های اندیشه خود از خرده مارکسیستهای دیپلمه وام گرفتند. البته این وام گیری و استفاده (و شاید بهتر است بگوییم سوءاستفاده) غلط بهائی ستیزان از ارزش نظری نقد سنگین چپ نمی کاهد.

باید پرسید که چرا مخالفان دین بهائی که مقام و قدرت و منبر و رزق یومی خود را در خطر می دیدند دست به دامن نقد چپ شدند و از آن زاویه به دین بهائی حمله کردند. البته دلیل آن آشکار است و چاره ای دیگر نیز نداشتند. بهائی ستیزان شیعه چون در بحثهای پایه و فلسفه دین و آموزه های اجتماعی کم آوردند و بی پایی آنان برای خودشان آشکار شده بود ناچار به دست آویزی الهام گرفته از چپ به عنوان آخرین راه نجات خود دل بستند. از این رو بود که گندم نماهای جو فروش با تقلید از آن نقدها کوشیدند مردم را از آموزه های بهائی که راهکارهای اساسی برای زنده کردن ایران و پاک کردن آن از لوث خرافات مطرح می کرد دور نگاه دارند.

البته تمام شواهد بر آن است که روزگار بهائی ستیزان سپری شده است و فعالیتهای بیش از پیش ارگانهای فشار و راست افراطی و بهائی ستیزان و جریدهء دریدهء کیهان نیز راه به جایی نمی برد و مردم ایران به طرز فزاینده ای به دین بهائی جذب می شوند. و اگر در دوران پس از کودتای 28 مرداد مشارکت ساواک و روحانیت شیعه به سرکوب بهائیان انجامید و پنجاه سال اضافه به روحانیت شیعه فرصت داد تا ماهیت خود را بهتر و بیشتر فاش و آشکار کنند، ولی مردم ایران این بار پخته تر از پیشند و ترفندهای پیشین برای حفظ قدرت و سرکوب اندیشه نوین راه به جایی نخواهند برد. در همین دوماه اخیر سه حزب سیاسی مطرح و خوشنام و پرهوادار از سه موضع مختلف نظری و سیاسی به دفاع از بهائیان پرداختند و در بیانیه های رسمی خود خواستار آزادی کامل و به رسمیت شناخته شدن دین بهائی شدند. این امری بی سابقه است و تصور این درجه فکر باز گروههای سیاسی نسبت به دین بهائی در دوران پهلوی ابدا ممکن نبود و ذهنیت شیعه و سم پاشیهای دستگاههای دولتی و ارتجاع مذهبی راه را بر این چنین روشن نگری بسته بود.

البته شما بخوبی آگاهید که اگر بهائیان دست نشانده عوامل خارجی بودند قاجار جرات نمی کرد دست ستم و شمشیر بر بهائیان بلند کند و هزاران خون بی گناه بر زمین بریزد و اگر دین بهائی دست پرورده استعمار بود بهائیان نیز همچون روحانیت عصر مشروطه به سفارت انگلستان پناه می برد تا از گزند مخالف سالم بماند. مخالفان همزمان و مورخان قاجار چون مولف ناسخ التواریخ و دیگران چنین می گفتند و البته همعصران باب و بهاءالله که با ایشان آشناتر بودند و همعصران بهاءالله و عبدالبهاء تا پس از مشروطیت نیز هرگز چنین نسبتهایی سیاسی به ایشان ندادند.

به امید روزی که ایران قابلیت ها و توانایی های بالقوه خود را با حضور تمام طیفهای فکری در عرصه جهانی نشان دهد و الگویی برای آزادی و آزاداندیشی و جامعه ای باز برای تمام جهانیان باشد.

ایام به کام

کاویان صادق زاده میلانی


more from Kavian S. MIlani

more conspiracy theories,

by Seagull (not verified) on

more conspiracy theories, great fault of iranians, over suspicion, seeing the doubt not the light, seeing the enemy not the friend.
let your heart be the judge of who is whose creator.
If the British invented a religion that is good for mankind then they are surely closer to God than us for God desires the good of mankind.
But how possible is that, since British are accused of wanting good only for themselves!
Remove the glassess the preachers put on your eyes and see the world in its real light. you will be free from doubts and misgivings. you will be renewed, and experience a different kind of a heart beat, the rythm of eternal joy!!


To all the unkind comments!

by Tahirih (not verified) on

we believe that"Blessed is who mingleth with all men in a spirit of utmost kindliness and love".Therefore I will stay away from using the same language as those who were demeaning or ridiculing.But I will answer them ,to those which found the staement of one planet one people so hillarious! I want to point out that when 100 years ago a person of intelligence said earth is round they laughed and mokered and killed .I do not expect you to digest the idea of unity of mankind.May be your grand children start to understand it.But at some point it will make sense to them.
To Khanome Irane Ghotbi,Please stop being so paranoid,and use clean language.It does not add to argument to use foul language.So you are saying British has created the religion that Mona Mahmodnejad a 17 year old watched all 9 friends of hers to be hanged and each time,they asked her to recant and she said no until they hanged her.My dear if British are having such an effect on people they deserve to be called God !
To the friend who wants to forget Islam and embrace pre Islam religions,you are like a kid who really liked his grade one teacher and wants to arrest his development and stay in his class for ever.Why boder to move on lets just feel good and stay were we are!
He says" every age hath its own problem,and every soul its particular aspiration.The remedy the world needeth in its present day afflictions can never be the same as that which a subsequent age may require."


When I say Israel, I mean Zionism, Capich?

by Iran Ghotbee (not verified) on

Zionism has been there for centuries, state of Israel was to gather all zionist in the name of Allah! LOOL

So, British knew that the only way to fuck up the entire Middle East was to give leverage to Zionism. Fearing that Iranians are not inherently anti Jews, they invented Bahaism! A sudden religion coming out of sheer goodness of mankind!

Bahais are fine, but too bad their creator were the British and not god!

Now, what shall we fight against? Not Bahaism, not Islam, not Arabs, not Jews...our only enemy are the fucking British. That is your enemy....

Free Masoners are your enemy.

Thank you and have a happy Hanukah and Holidays...


iran ghotbee, no one is

by for your benefit (not verified) on

iran ghotbee, no one is trying to fool you, so stop acting so paranoid.
If you have evidence of people trying to fool you then let everyone see it and decide for themselves.
all we hear is readers digest. why dont anyone give the iranian people enough credit to see the facts and decide for themselves. slanderers can not be fooled, i am not sure if you know what i mean!
The British and all other you consider as your enemy are having a time of their life and it is not because of Bahais. It is due to the action of those who bring shame to iranians.
Bahais would only benefit Iran and the world. please read without misgivings.
have the Bahais in anyway undermind the will of the iranian people or the Moslem hamvatan. have they bad mouthed, accused, oppressed you, your family, your children... have the Bahais destroyed your heritage, taken away your freedom.
Bahai teaching teach iranians, that work is worship,
universal brotherhood, equality for all, educations for all.... how can this possibly benefit the british and not us??????????????????????????????
and have brought shame to


to nefleh, you must consider

by live on (not verified) on

to nefleh,
you must consider as an expert the alternatives if you really want the right answer.
Religion thruout history has tried to teach us love,
remember Love thy neighbor, do unto others what you want done to yourself.... just imagine the savage man would have remained in the dark of tribal, material...conflict and none of us would have been here.
Certainly the followers have failed to fully apply the teachings of their scriptures, yet dispite that have continued for the most part to bring illumination, love and hope to our homes and hearts.
the ulternative is unthinkable, we would all be nefleh not just you!! despite our many failures, we have learned many good things from God.
The best of those who did not want God is pretty much communism which is history!!!!


anti bull, no it would not

by earn it (not verified) on

anti bull,
no it would not be nice to go back. we were all good for the most part when we were kids but there is not no going back. we need to accomplish this as adults and keep going forward.
no one wants to live in the past. in this relative world everything progresses hopefully forward.
to dream of the past is something we can not offord.
we must hurry up and gain the qualities demmanded from a mature and responsible people and nation.
glory of the past is left in the past. we must rise up as a new race of man. let no supperiority complex afflict us at this decisive juncture. we need good intentions, wisdom, perfect guidance, and sincerity to light our path and faith as provision for our jurney from beasts to men to spirits. can we do this?


Comment Removed!

by Keshvardoost (not verified) on

Can you at least explain why you removed my comment? Did it hit a nerve? Do you disagree with me so you simply removed it? Explain please...


Ardeshir, the only scary

by Seagull (not verified) on

the only scary thing is hate and ignorance, the rest is all good.
unity is good, getting along is good. being the members of the same household in joy and peace is good.
war is bad, hate is bad, over suspicion not good.

goftare nik, pendare nik, kerdare nik is good, deviating from it not good.
hate brings glory to no religion it only speeds up its deterioration.
let us all demonstrate our good will, what harm is in that!?


cap kirk, here scotti, i'll

by scotti (not verified) on

cap kirk, here scotti, i'll beem you up, but you got to leave your baggage behind, can you?!!


konjkav any religion can be

by Seagull (not verified) on

any religion can be called a cult, look up the defenition, google it.
How it is interpreted though depends on malice or sincerity of the speaker.
It is like a racist calling us with different terms or dragetory names.
choice of word rest on ones intention, it has nothing to do with reality!


we will never be true to

by Seagull (not verified) on

we will never be true to ourselves if dont act with sincerity and good will. no tolerance, freedom, happiness, prosperity, spirituality, none is possible unless one is sincere and well intended. we all need to re-examine our ways, what harm can come to us but progress!?

O My servants! Could ye apprehend with what wonders of My munificence and bounty I have willed to entrust your souls, ye would, of a truth, rid yourselves of attachment to all created things, and would gain a true knowledge of your own selves -- a knowledge which is the same as the comprehension of Mine own Being. Ye would find yourselves independent of all else but Me, and would perceive, with your inner and outer eye, and as manifest as the revelation of My effulgent Name, the seas of My loving-kindness and bounty moving within you. Suffer not your idle fancies, your evil passions, your insincerity and blindness of heart to dim the luster, or stain the sanctity, of so lofty a station.

I have, moreover, with the hand of divine power, unsealed the choice wine of My Revelation, and have wafted its holy, its hidden, and musk-laden fragrance upon all created things. Who else but yourselves is to be blamed if ye choose to remain unendowed with so great an outpouring of God's transcendent and all-encompassing grace, with so bright a revelation of His resplendent mercy?...


Space Station "Galaxy"

by Captain Kirk (not verified) on

Calling you from Planet "Bahai'i". We are One Planet. One People. Come In "Captain". We need Help :)


Oh!One planet, one people.

by Ardeshir keyvan (not verified) on

Oh!One planet, one people. It sound's really scary.


You need to investigate the truth!

by Tahirih (not verified) on

The language of Bahai scripture is in all live languages,it's original is mostly in farsi,and arabic,but at this time it has been translated to most languages of the 7 continents.I am a persian Bahai but I recite my prayers in Farsi and also English.So my friend choose a better name since I refuse to call you anti bull....
and also investigate the truth before opening your mouth.One planet,one people.


Zartoshti is The Best :)

by Ahooromazda (not verified) on



No more GOD

by nefleh (not verified) on

how many more times do we want to fall into pile of
shit? hasn't religion caused enough damage yet?


wouldnt it be nice....

by Antibullshit (not verified) on

Would'nt it be nice for us Iranians to go back to the religion of our fathers...The religion that is truely for the Iranian(Persian) man. Would'nt it be great to follow the great Zartosht again? A wonderfule,beautiful religion of tolerance.
Why waste time discussing and beigh caught in these semetic religions which Bahais are an offshoot of?
Why is god, who if exists and is probably intelligent is adamant in speaking in Arabic to his Iranian/Persian subjects via Mohammad and Baha etc...?
As an Iranian/Persian man I reject and refuse to listen to a god who can only communicate to me in Arabic since I do not know the language and I am not willing to learn...



by Khasteh Shodam :) (not verified) on

Toro Hazrat Abbas Pasho Boro Yek Kelasse Ingilissi dorost Hessabi. Baba Koshti Mara Ba In Ingilissiye Tokhmit :) Ah


Minorities are usually

by hello (not verified) on

Minorities are usually peaceful and loving as long as they have not become a majority.
Once a majority, love and unity are forgotten and killing starts.
It is boring but lets review the history !


Isn't "Bahai'ism" A Cult?

by Konj Kav (not verified) on

I always thought that "Bahai'ism" like "Mormonism" is a Cult :)


came to my relagion

by hajiagha on


hi guy's if you tired about all this sh.....t

came to my religion I pray to women

because women creat man and born man and women born from women and all man like to be with women and most of the war atart because of women,,,,


We are not preaching toconvert anyone,we want to be treated fair

by Tahirih (not verified) on

We are not preaching you to make you a bahai,we want you to see with your eyes and hear with your ears.We want our youth to have the same rights as others to be able to go to university and we want our dead to rest in peace( to leave our cemeteries alone).For those of you who suggest we are spys of this or that country,just see how bahai laws are moving towards reality by people who even did not hear Bahaullah's name.He said men and women are equal and this day young women in Iran are working towards equality of men and women,they are not bahais!
so let history judge His revelation.If he was an agent of British,his followers will dwindle with time(as of 2003 there were 7,406,000 bahais all over the world).Lets be fair and judge a tree by it's fruit.
He desired that all nations come together and all men as brothers,what harm is in that.He wanted to annull all racial,religious and gender prejudices.He wanted to eliminate extrems of wealth and poverty.He wanted universal education,harmony of science and religion,independent investigation of truth.
He stressed importance of ,honesty,thrustworthiness,chastity,service to others,purity of motive,generosity,deeds over words,unity,and work as a form of worship.
Lets be fair,I am not talking to the ignorant,but to my fair minded countryman,which one of the above is evil?aren't these the remedy to our country and world of humanity?
We can all be different but embrace unity in diversity thats what he wanted ,and we need.
I finish with what he said 100 years ago to clergy in Iran(how true!) ;Thou art even as the last trace of sunlight upon the mountaintop.soon will it fade away as decreed by God,all possessing,the most high.The glory and the glory of such as are like thee have been taken away ...."


British & Baha'i

by Soroush (not verified) on

"The only reason the British installed and invented Bahaism in Iran was to create more conflict and give Israel another card to manipulate in Iranian affairs." If Babi & Baha'i started in 1844 and Israel started in 1948 then where is the connecton?
Iran's and Israel's affairs are not connected unless Iran wishes to connect them. Those (not all) Iranians who are obsessed with Israel are also advocates for what Islam has become.
"Those who are Bahais should as much remain silent as anyone who believes in Islam." First of all those who believe in Islam do not seem to be very silent and secondly a Baha'i has been endowed with a brain just as you or Ahmadinejad or any Ayattolah and has as much right to believe as he/she wishes and discuss it with any one who wishes to listen.
You do not see Baha'is bulldozing others' cemetaries or religious buildings or imprisoning them or executing them. So, if the purpose of religion is to refine the human character how has Islam done that for you?


To JJ and Ghotbi

by Ardeshir Keyvan (not verified) on

Dear JJ
Bahais are entitled to freedom of speech and opinion same as me as an atheist.
Hence if he is advertising his religion I have the right to express my feeling too which I did.

To Iran Ghotbee:

When Bahaism was born there was no Israel in the world. why so much obsession about Israel?

Jahanshah Javid

Why not?

by Jahanshah Javid on

I'm no religious person. God has no relevance for me. But the existing antagonism among Muslim and secular/Muslim Iranians towards Bahais is truly unfortunate and unfair. Bahais, like Muslims, like Jews, like Zoroastrians, like members of any other faith, have the right (must have the right) to worship according to their beliefs. Their religion is no better or worse than any other. Denying them this as well as their right to be equal and active citizens is purely inhuman. And if we as individuals do not defend their right, our current and future governments will continue to persecute them. Bahais in Iran have fewer rights than blacks in South Africa under Apartheid. How do we not see this injustice towards fellow compatriots and HUMAN BEINGS and continue to treat them as scum? This is evil pure and simple and I for one am ashamed to say that Bahais are treated as less than human in my country. Let people live and believe as they please!


what did we get from Islam to get from the British Bahai's

by Iran Ghotbee (not verified) on

Who are you trying to fool?

The only reason the British installed and invented Bahaism in Iran was to create more conflict and give Israel another card to manipulate in Iranian affairs.

Those who are Bahais should as much remain silent as anyone who believes in Islam. Do not advertise for your religion por favor!


chand man kharbozeh mikhahi?

by ardeshir keyvan (not verified) on

Thanks to Islamic republic people are getting sick and tired of religion and specially Islam and this dude is advertising "bahaigari". Thinking about a rescuer under the name of Mahdi is stupid enough but our Bahais dudes believe who already came but apparently Amir Kabir kicked his ass!



i know much more about

by aria123 (not verified) on

i know much more about bahais than you can imagine.
i do not want to argue is bahai religion is correct. i think bahai religon is like others , just forgery and stories. i give you only one reason. you can search and i dare anyone to do that.bahai always claim its roots are connected with babi. so you wonder if you look at all of bahai's libarary you can not find single original bayan book. the reason can be anything, but it shows there are a lot of grey issue in this which bahais do not like.you can go ask for the and you get lots of crapy reasons.