The Dutch Connection

The Dutch are cooperating with the CIA in disseminating rumors


The Dutch Connection
by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich

Without doubt, psychological warfare has proved its right to a place of dignity in our military arsenal.’ - Eisenhower

The recent De Telegraaf article ‘revealing’ the Dutch intelligence cooperation with the CIA is a propaganda piece aimed at undermining the credibility of the United Nations specialized agency, the IAEA, and its chief Mohammad ElBaradei’s findings on Iran’s peaceful civilian nuclear program. As importantly, it presents war as the solution to a non-existent threat.

In an attempt to demoralize the Iranian people and undermine the resolve of the Iranian military forces, De Telegraaf would have the readers believe that the Dutch intelligence has been secretly operating inside Iran and has been sharing its findings with the CIA. It is common knowledge that the American administration is frustrated with the lack of information it has on Iran and its civilian nuclear program. Equally frustrating is the Administration’s dissatisfaction at being in the dark about the complex Iranian society and its government.

There are no or few Iran specialists; certainly few who are willing to cooperate with the CIA. It also seeks to demoralize the Iranians and undermine their resolve in confronting outside enemies. Likewise, it is an open secret that the terrorist cult Mojahedeen-e Khalg which according to sources receives its information from Mossad, has been providing the CIA with -- not reliable and accurate-- information. There is no doubt that the Dutch are cooperating with the CIA – but the extent of their cooperation is limited to communication – disseminating rumors.

Writing in Mein Kamp, Adolf Hitler claimed that the masses were more influenced by their emotions than by their brains; to this end, “all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogans”. It would seem the neoconservatives are students and fans of Adolf Hitler.

Planting rumors with the intention of waging war against Iran, the neocons are well aware that misinformation which spreads through a third country lends more credibility to their propaganda. The psychological warfare waged on August 29 by the Dutch-Israel-American axis - De Telegraaf article, the threat by the former Labor Knesset Member, Eprahim Sneh (2), and the Israeli lobby war games over Denver skies during the Democratic Convention, are propagandist use of communication to achieve one objective – sacrifice peace to promote Israel’s expansionist policies in the Middle East.

Deceit has become an essential tool of statecraft with this administration and its allies. Lies have become more urgent and exaggerated as Iranians continue to succeed and Mr. Bush’s time to leave office draws to an end. While Iran proudly announces its peaceful accomplishments in various fields, the controlled media in the West hijack the news and undermine the success of such advances in order to weaken the morale of the people and the government’s credibility. Iranians are immune to this style of warfare.

When on March 31, 1949, VOA launched its first Farsi program, Harry Truman praised it and said that he hoped it would help facilitate greater understanding between Iran and America and promote prosperity and peace. His successor, Eisenhower, used it for covert operations to undermine the nationalist Mohammad Mossadeq in a CIA-backed coup. Today, Iranians are not affected by propaganda; whether they are planted in a Dutch paper or transmitted otherwise.

Tragically, the manipulation and propaganda has had its effect on the American people. Unruffled, the Conventions are hijacked and used to intimidate Americans into yet another war. And the Dutch continue to insult another Mohammad – this time one who was awarded a Nobel Peace prize in Oslo in accordance to Alfred Nobel’s will "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses."


Recently by Soraya Sepahpour-UlrichCommentsDate
Patriots who want their country destroyed
Sep 12, 2008
more from Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich

Thank You Bamboo!!!!

by Anonymous Observer (not verified) on

Thank you. I was going to leave a comment addressing the same points, but you have done a fantastic and eloquent job doing so. Therefore, no need for mine. Indeed, this site has become a haven for 60's and 70's fossil leftists, IR sympathizers, those who do not have the intellectual courage, intellectual honesty or intellectual curiosity to separate real Iranian nationalism and patriotism from IR support (see how Ms. Sepahpour-Ulrich complains that the Iranian armed forces---instruments of terror against the Iranian nation---have been "demoralized". Does that also include the Bassij, Ms. Sepahpor-Ulrich- you know-the guys on motorcycles beating women on the streets for not abiding by the Islamic dress codes and terrorizing students in their dorms?) and anti-American parasites who call this country home and enjoy its fruits, but long for its demise.

What a joke!!


Good for them!

by Zion on

May they keep it up. ;-)

Farhad Kashani

Anonymousanonynous, first

by Farhad Kashani on

Anonymousanonynous, first off, the brave young Iranians who fought during the war, defended Iran, not the regime. I have, just like millions of other Iranians, few family members who were staunch anti regime teens, but fought and died in the war. Second, the Soviet Red Army gave a marvelous heroic resistance to the Nazi forces during WWII, did the Russian people or the International community or history forgive them for the horrific crimes against humanity they did post WWII in the Soviet Union because of those heroism? The answer is NO! Third, if you listen to the regime itself, it will tell you that their armed forces are not the “typical” armed forces. Khamanei and others have said it a million times to the def ears of the world, that the Sepah and Basidj’s main goal is to promote the “ideas of the revolution i.e. Islamic Fundamentalism, worldwide”. So they’re not JUST an armed force. They’re, according to them, much more than that.


I’m sure you heard the expression that Satan’s biggest trick was to let people think he didn’t exist, well, these “Satans” who represent the Iranian regime has fooled you guys to think that they’re not a threat.  I don’t know what else left to do by them to proof that they are. The only think they haven’t’ done is nuke Iran. But don’t worry, thanks to them and because of their non-stop provocation of others, they will make someone else nuke us.


what's with these comments?

by Capatriot (not verified) on

Anyone care to comment about the actual subject of the article for God's sakes??? I read the article referred to this morning and it seemed VERY far-fetched to me as well. Basically, one can believe one of two things:

That the Dutch (you know, those orange-suited dudes really good at football, cheese. and dam building) somehow have totally penetrated the Iranian nuclear staff (where the CIA and Mossad have failed!!!) to the point where they were in position to really do some damage and were only called off because they got wind that the bombers were coming .... or,

That this is simply another episode of putting some fear of the Hammer of the Gods into the Iranian establishment.

I, personally lean towards the latter. I think a deal is being worked out between the US and Iran and each side is propogandizing and angling for the best possible terms for their side.


therapy for authoritarian elitists

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

These forums have become therapy sessions for authoritarian elitists. People who can't stand other points of view or someone else's opinions and who constantly need to degrade and devalue other Iranians always come in and insult writers.

This is a symptom of an authoritarian mind who cannot control other people's opinion but really really wants to. This behavior is a substitute for beating their wives and kids in fits of rage and anger. They just take their anger out on people like Soraya. They project all the evil in their own heart onto them. So ultimately a service to humanity, because it spares their own family from their physical rage.

These people are easy to spot. Just look for the persons who always seek to invalidate another point of view and feel necessary that they must attack and "expose" - so called - monsters under their bed.

But these poor souls will not be able to cure themselves like this so other solution is needed. I recommend they seek professional help.


It appears that replicating

by Bamboo (not verified) on

It appears that replicating the official talking points of the Islamic Republic ad nauseum and in many different renditions and releases have become commonplace on this site; turning this site into a platform for IR's minions of all stripes

It seems as though it is in the nature of these minions to huddle together in passivity. It is safer in the pack (varjavand, pourzal,abarmard, soraya, Q, anonym7...), where your "colleague's" misinformation and half truths provide cover for your own and where acquiescence to the status quo is not only expected, but demanded.

And this is in turn what we have come to expect from our pseudo-intellectual in disguise. As a nation and a people, these "intellectuals" prescribe passivity and tell us to expect little in terms of courage and conviction. We have grown accustomed to the void of real patriotism/nationalism and leadership.

We have been offered the most immoral leadership and expect to shut up about it by these "Patriotic" and "nationalist" so-called Islamic Intellectuals. This is how screwed up our state of morality is these days. When we dare to hope that anyone with the love for Iran should act in accordance with our best interests rather than their own pocket-book or ideological agenda , we brace ourselves for the inevitable barrage of name callings and crushing disappointment that envelops our diaspora.

The name of the game is to crush our spirit; to make us surrender to their will.

In the dull chambers of justice, we rarely witness a flicker of courage; there is no spark of principle that reminds us of what could be if we all acted on principle rather than on pure self-interest.

Where are those patriots who should voice their fiery dissent on this epidemic of Demagoguery and deception paraded as fake "nationalism" on this site?

Do patriots in other countries act the same way (sweep everything under the rug) when faced with the most criminal leadership over their country. I wonder.



by MRX1 (not verified) on

you find adolf hiter, mein kemp, neo cons, isrealis (of course who else!) iranian peacfull nuclear stuff (ya right!) all in one article.
I hope islamo facist regime pays folks like this writer (I suspect it's a guy any name) a good deal of money for writing these kind of things. by the way what does this mean :
"In an attempt to demoralize the Iranian people and undermine the resolve of the Iranian military forces"
Iranin people get demoralize by this story true or false? and what is a resolve of Iranian militery exactly?
government’s credibility are you kidding, the only thing that IRI does not have is credibility, except may be among fellow islamo facists.


True to form

by Fred on

Typical misogynist Islamist put down, nothing else was and is expected.


exposing psy-ops

by Anonymous44 (not verified) on

Thanks, Soraya, for another excellent article.

I knew something smelled fishy when the the far right-wing paper "broke" this story, claiming dutch nationals were being pulled from Iran, but no other euro countries were pulling their nationals.

This is psy-op at its height, and thanks to you for being on top of things as usual.



by Mammad on

As I correctly guessed, you issued your usual absurdity. You cannot contain yourself. Your expertise is lieing, insulting, fabricating "facts," and attacking just about everyone. You need attention, and the only way you can think of getting it is behaving the way you do. The stench of your hatred is truly astonishing. Boy, what a number was done to you!



Get a real life girl

by Rok Goo (not verified) on

In 1978 when I was a young graduate and working for 3 years I remember ,all the parties (lefts,rights,nationalist,islamist)were united against a regime which was at least 45% good for Iran and Iranian,they all deceived us and Impose a blood thirsty regime (obviously by the help of the western government)on us. and then as all of them has no experience in real life politic and certainly they don't know what is democracy means they started to reap each others apart.
as the islamist have the support of uneducated mass they stayed in power(obviously whit the help of some....) ,the survival of this regime is based on the oppression & misery of Iranian people.
no government in this world thinking about Iranian people,they are interested only for it's resources and geographical position of it.
any one defending the IRI in any form and shape is the enemy of Iran and Iranian and we have to get rid of this regime by getting united against the IRI.
the west don't seek our permission or support to attack Iran, even they ignored UN in case of Iraq.


The war between Iraq & V-ran

by samsam1111 on

Was a family war between a PanArab regime Saddam & His Pan-Ommatist cousin Mullah. The only Patriotic entity was the regular Army (some of my family included) which was used as a sacrificial lamb for Mullahs & heads of Sepah for their Ommatist cause & not the cause of Iran. Differentiate between Mullah,s V-ran & Iran.


Self-fulfilling racket

by Fred on

Islamist/Anti-Semites and their likeminded lefty allies including the clueless Bazargan wannabe Islamist Mashdi vouch for one another.



Dear AmirAshgan Jone Azeez "GOOSE"

by Sialashgar on

If it's walks like a duck

If it's talks like a duck

If it's sits like a duck

Then it's a DUCK



Correction Mr Pishroo!

by factfinder (not verified) on

Why do you delibrately missed out the Father of Neoconservatism: Leo Strauss

Clearly you don't like the man do you?

AmirAshkan Pishroo

No "students and fans of Adolf Hitler"

by AmirAshkan Pishroo on

"It would seem the neoconservatives are students and fans of Adolf Hitler."

This is a distorted account of neoconservatives. According to Francis Fukuyama, the roots of neoconservatism lie in a remarkable group of largely Jewish intellectuals who included Irving Kristol, Daniel Bell, Irving Howe, M. S. Lipset, and Phili Selznick.

They all came from working-class, immigrants backgrounds, and orignally commited to left-wing politics. They all had an almost equal antipathy against both Nazism and Communism.


Well Done Soraya

by Sialashgar on

And please don't let any Vatanforosh ever discourage you from posting wonderful articles.

Exposing their masters(Arbobs)likeRagave,Shah,Sadam,Sharon,Chaney.... will make them hate you and call you names.

When the arabs invaded Iran(with the help of West) in 1980 it was the same Basige and the Sapah  that took it back from them if you hate the arbs so much and love Iran so much YOU SHOULD LOVE THE BASIGE AND THE SAPAH.They killd more Arbs then Us and Israel  combined. 

They saved the country from the Arbs know is their country they can do whatever they want with it and nobody I mean nobody can take it away from them.And any business you  want to do with Iran you talk to them first like them or not ,that's  just the way it is.

They gave 500,000 life for it and that is why you have an Iran to talk about.

Thank you Soraya for your hard work

Peace Shah Hossein 


Who fought against Saddam's invasion?

by AnonymousAnonymous (not verified) on

Who fought against Iraq's invasion of Iran from 1980-1988 (which Saddam called "Qadissiyah")? Was it the Freds, Farhad Kashanis, and Samsams of the world? Was it the Rajavists who actively assisted Iraq and fought on Saddam's side? No, it was the Iranian armed forces, comprised of the military and the Pasdaran, who defended Iran against the Baathist invasion.

Samsam, what did you do to defend Iran against the Arab invasion of 1980-1988? Did you type some lame comments on your computer? Your brand of phony, Internet nationalism isn't worth two cents.

Please publish my comments in their entirety, as I have refrained from using profanity. Thank you.


How Dare you upset Pro Isreal and US Eyranians

by Bardia_2010 (not verified) on

... After all these traitors are getting their feed from
Neo-CONS and their "Free Media" and anyone dares to challenge their pathetic narratives is extremest leftist.
What a shame.

Thank you for this great article.




by Mammad on

See, I told you that you consider a leftist anybody whose views are different from yours, and you said that is not true.

Soraya is a good friend of many years. The idea that she is a leftist - and an extremist leftist at that - is truly absurd, because it has no basis in reality. Believe me, I know this one. You consider all the critics of the U.S. foreign policy, or defenders of Iran's nuclear rights, as leftists. 

There are many principled people on the right part of the political spectrum that feel the same way about the U.S. foreign policy. Ron Paul is one. Justin Raimondo is another one. There are even many within the Republican Party. Go to and read, for example, recent articles by John Taylor.

While some leftists (including yours truly) are also that way, there are millions of nationalists around the world who feel exactly the same way about the US foreign policy towards their nations.

Soraya is simply an Iranian nationalist and, in my opinion, a great patriot, regardless of whether I agree with her all the time, sometimes, or not at all, and God knows (and she does too!) how many big arguments I have had with her! 

By the way, see Jerusalem Post to read more about this story. That is not a leftist publication.


Farhad Kashani

This is the second article

by Farhad Kashani on

This is the second article by an extreme left winger after Pourzal’s comments posted in the last couple of days.


Yes, absolutely, unlike what you have been brainwashed to believe by the leftist media around the world, it is not only the U.S that is waking up to the threat posed by the IRI, but the world is slowly but surely waking up to it. More is to come.


And I like what she said about the U.S and Holland “trying to demoralize the Iranian armed forces”. WOW! Promoting for peace and no violence against the Iranian people is one thing, and defending the thugs and murderous and fundamentalist basidjis and Sepahis is another. Let the record show and let the people see that these leftists support the Islamic regime in Iran. A regime that’s its “armed forces” (whom according to its own words is not only armed force, but a cultural unit to promote the ideas of revolution i.e promoting Islamic fundamentalism) has for the last 30 years killed, imprisoned, tortured, exiled, beaten, harassed millions and millions of innocent Iranians. And now Ms. Soraya is defending that “armed forces”!. I really hope the people in Iran can remember these people one day that Iran is free.  


here we go again

by ali1348 (not verified) on

I really don't know the logic of letting ulrich keep writing this nonsense over and over again.
iran's peaceful nuclear program!!!!???? are u high???!!! the mullahs are building the bomb- wake up!
do u have no shame?! you always come here are start portraying the mullahs as peace-loving holymen that only want the best for iran! nobody in their right mind really believes you or this nonsense.
The mullahs are the reincarnation of evil on earth! stop trying to make them into something their not!


Dutch Cheese!

by Fishmonger (not verified) on

I love most cheeses, but I was impressed with the photo above this article. It was sooooo cute.

On a more serious note, maybe Iranians should boycott Dutch cheese in a show of solidarity with the poor, innocent Iranins who like Dutch cheeses and can't afford it.

By the way, where is Dutch cheese made?


AIPAC tactics by Fred

by lightsOnFred (not verified) on

I would like to point out that Fred is in all likelihood an agent of AIPAC.

This is a known tactic used by AIPAC and pro-Zionist groups. BE ONE OF THE FIRST (THE FIRST, IF POSSIBLE) and leave a nasty, negative message, making all sorts of unsubstantiated lies and rumors. The hope is that you can affect the people's perception before they have a chance to form their own. I have seen this done in Israel Palestine blogs and discussions. It's always the same hit and run attack. At least it diverts the point of the discussion and shifts to character assassination of the author.

Please take a look at these recent blogs and see that this is not just a coincidence. In every case, Fred has made a nasty attack as AN EARLY comment. It's usually about "Islamists", "CASMI lobby", or whoever he sees as a threat to Israel.


Can one man not have opinions on ANY other issue except Islam and Israel?

As one of the most prolific writers of only ONE issue and ONE point of view, Fred's obsessive appearance can be guaranteed on any new article that is NOT pro-Zionist or pro-Israeli already.

One has to SERIOUSLY wonder: Is this guy monitoring 24/7?

Site maintainers should really investigate this. There would be no other way to guarantee that you are the first commenter with this kind of frequency. Is that something a regular person with a regular job and family can do?

Is it normal not to comment on any other issue or any other perspective? Yet be always paranoid that the authors are secret IRI agents? I guess he could be just a loony, but there is too much discipline and percision.

very Interesting.


CASMII lobby doing overtime

by Fred on

1-“it is an open secret that the terrorist cult Mojahedeen-e Khalg which according to sources receives its information from Mossad, has been providing the CIA with -- not reliable and accurate-- information.”

2-“It is common knowledge that the American administration is frustrated with the lack of information it has on Iran and its civilian nuclear program.”

3-“There is no doubt that the Dutch are cooperating with the CIA – but the extent of their cooperation is limited to communication – disseminating rumors.”

Unless the CASMII lobbyist has her own intelligence agency or being fed info. by one, the three cited quotes from her long-winded write up amounts to pedestrian assumptions which she is presenting as facts. It simply adds up to yet another amateurish pro Islamist republic propaganda by CASMII lobby.