Obama's life in danger?

Don’t claim that no one warned you


Obama's life in danger?
by Amil Imani

In eloquent speeches presidential candidate Obama has made copious promises, understandably to attract voters. He talks about “change,” without really spelling out change from what to what. It just sounds good: “change.” A great sound bite, indeed. Change is exciting, while status quo is viewed as stagnant and boring. It is all part of the political game of telling people what they want to hear, getting elected, and worrying about delivering later.

The electorates are both short on memory and long on forgiving. So, the farce of empty high-sounding promises fills the air at campaign times. But there are instances that a promise during vote-gathering can later haunt the person. This may indeed be the case with at least one of Barack Hussein Obama’s promises.

Obama boasted that he would embark on a personal diplomacy to solve our foreign policy problems with countries such as Syria and Iran. He said that he would meet their leaders without any preconditions to settle our disputes. Doesn’t that sound like change, a real change of great relief to us all? Never mind the fact that he has about zero experience in foreign policy matters, he is foolish enough to aim to negotiate with the ever-conniving Assad of Syria and masters of deceptions such as the Mullahs of Iran.

Okay Obama, don’t claim that no one warned you. If you get elected President and you receive an invitation from your fellow Muslim brother Ahmadinejad to make good on your promise and visit him in Tehran for a tête-à-tête, don’t you do it. BBC’s recent report ought to be enough for you to recant your foolish and naïve promise:

“The European Union has criticized the new penal code being drafted in Iran, particularly a section that imposes the death penalty for giving up Islam...Death for apostasy already exists in Iran under Sharia or “Islamic - law.” But the changes would for the first time bring the punishment into the criminal code. An EU statement expressed deep concern about what it calls the ongoing deterioration in the human rights situation in Iran. It singled out Section Five of the draft penal code currently before the Iranian parliament, imposing the death penalty for apostasy. In the past, Iranian courts have handed down the death penalty in such cases, but have done so relying on Sharia law. If the draft is approved by parliament, the sentence will be formalized in the country's criminal code.”

Who is an apostate according to the legislation? Anyone in the world, not just Iranians, born to a Muslim parent; also, any convert to Islam who leaves it. Only one parent needs to be a Muslim at the time of conception for Islam to own that child for life. Islam is Ummehist. Islam doesn’t recognize nationalities and national boundaries. And these Islamist zealots are very serious and have no sense of humor. Some say they have no sense at all, and they may be right. What they certainly have is a thirst for blood, particularly for the blood of infidels and apostates.

My advice, Obama: Elected President or not, don’t you hazard a trip to the Islamic Republic of Iran. In fact, don’t you go anywhere near where the crazed Islamists can get their hands on you. You don’t even rate a fatwa from one of the many bloodthirsty crafty Ayatollahs or Moftis, asking for your head. Your fate is already sealed. You are on automatic, so to speak-- a person who was given the gift of Islam and who ungratefully turned his back to the one and only faith of Allah, so the Muslims believe. The punishment for this kind of betrayal is prescribed as haad (most severe), meaning death.

You may protest that you are free to choose your religion and that you have chosen to be Christian. Nothing doing! You are stamped as Muslim at conception because your father was Muslim. Further, you have been doubly-stamped by your middle name Hussein. Muslims name their sons Hussein in honor of one of Islam’s most revered saints. Hence, the Muslims want what is theirs and you either repent and return to the fold or prepare yourself for the ultimate punishment: Death.

The only time that these inveterate liar killers of Allah mean what they say is when they threaten violence and killing. So, please be careful. Stay close to home where a whole platoon of Secret Service at the taxpayers’ expense is shielding you from the thugs who would be just too happy to slash your throat while they joyously scream: Allah is the greatest.


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Well done Amil

by mahmoudg on


As usual you have done a marvelous job.  Keep it up you have many supportes.  Truth cannot be tolerated by zealots.  I am behind you 100%


Truth bothers people when they are living out of integrity.

by Alikhan (not verified) on

This article is mostly factual. Why insult the author for stating facts. He obviously knows what he is talking about. My opinion is Islam has no place in delivering a quality of life via government. Islam is a religion and no one has any right to criticize any ones religion because it is a personal matter. Muslims are wrong for using force to get their way at the expense of others. Anyone is also free to say absolutely NO to Islam. I also praise Khomeini, without him I would have probably been Muslim by default, instead I chose to give up this religion.


Amil Imani is a great

by Khar Gir (not verified) on

Amil Imani is a great zionist hate monger non-Iranian donkey. I have come to the conclusion that he and the people who admire him have an agenda that is against the interest of Iranian people.


Amil Imani is a great

by Farhad Kashani (not verified) on

Amil Imani is a great Iranian. I have come to the conclusion that most of Iranians who call other Iranians a "Zionist" are in fact pro-Islamic facist regime, and therefore a partner in the crimes commiited by this facist regime in Iran and abroad.


Amil You are a MORON

by . (not verified) on

Why do you pretend to be Iranian, you zionist.


To Anonymous K------N,

by Babk56 (not verified) on

I understand your frustration with the Islamists, all Iranians share that frustration with you Sir., but no one and I mean no true Iranian wants any country to bomb Iran. Iran is going through what we call a true renaissance and even the Islamists know this reality. Just because someone is not Islamist does not automatically mean that they want Iran to be bombed, either by the US or other counties. All what the Iranian people want is IRI to give up the power peacefully and allow the people of Iran to decide their own destiny. Is that too much to ask? If they do not abide by the will of the people now, millions will die as a result of their stupidity.


Alizolfaghari, you have

by Farhad Kashani (not verified) on

Alizolfaghari, you have absolutely no clue what the word “racism” means, who are “Zionists” and what the culture of Iran is. As far as I’m concerned, you are pro Islamic regime.


Re: Junks Babk56?

by Anonym (not verified) on

What to you mean leave junks out?

It is you and that fool Imani who puts junk on Iraninan.com !


To all the Islamists on this site.

by Babk56 (not verified) on

Please only debate about the article. Is Obama's life really in danger or not? Is what Mr. Imani articulating extremely well, accurate or not? Leave the junks out of Iranian.com and post them on your Arab.com.


you are a racist

by Alizolfaghari on

you are a racist who is also a zionist and hates the culture of Iran

You also hate Obama

Your dream would be for the American to bomb Iran, just like Iraq so it could be free 



Obama will never be a U.S.

by Anonymousa (not verified) on

Obama will never be a U.S. President.


Obama's Plan To Disarm The

by sickofobama (not verified) on

Obama's Plan To Disarm The United States and establish Muslim dominance

I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems...

...I will not weaponize space...

...I will slow development of future combat systems...

...and I will institute a "Defense Priorities Board" to ensure the quadrennial defense review is not used to justify unnecessary spending...

...I will set a goal of a world without nuclear weapons...

...and to seek that goal, I will not develop nuclear weapons...

...I will seek a global ban on the development of fissile material...

...and I will negotiate with Russia to take our ICBMs off hair-trigger alert...

...and to achieve deep cuts in our nuclear arsenals...



من آريايي ام .

Anonymous123 (not verified)

من آريايي ام . خداي من ايران است. پيامبر من کورش بزرگ است. امامان من داريوش بزرگ،خشايار شاه،مازيار،انوشيروان عادل، يزدگرد. امام زمان من کاوه اهنگر است. رو حانيون من فردوسي،مولوي ،حافظ،سعدي و ابن سينا. کتاب مقدس من شاهنامه است . اصول و فروع دين من لوح حقوق بشر کورش بزرگ است. عاشوراي من قادسيه است. شهداي من رستم فرخزاد و بابک خرمدين است. پرچم من درفش کاوياني است. بهشت من ازادي است. عيد من مهرگان و نوروز است. محراب من دل است. دين من عشق و دانش است. ايمان من خرد است.


This author is a bit kookoo

by XerXes (not verified) on

I think this guy is missing something upstairs.