Raising expectations

We want a better Iran, a modern Iran, a free Iran and a prosperous Iran


Raising expectations
by Farhad Kashani

Much has been said and analyzed about the reasons for the fascist Islamic regime’s survival after 30 years. There are many things yet to be said and yet to be unveiled.

The IRI’s biggest survival tools are:

One, is the fact that the IRI has a tremendously strong propaganda machine, much stronger than any Western nation’s, including the U.S. Like Khomeini himself said, the revolution was a “cultural” uprising before anything. That discredits the argument some Iranians, who don’t want to listen to the regime itself, make, that the revolution was about the injustices the U.S did towards Iran, or the Palestinian conflict, or to give Iranians freedom, or dignity, or to build our country, and things of that nature.

Using this propaganda machine, the regime has created a vast army of young Arab and Muslim human bombs who are considered a grave threat to world peace, thus, making the regime the greatest threat to world peace.

Two, is the fact that the IRI has convinced some Iranians to be happy with the “minimum”. They should be happy with “minimum” amount of democracy, “minimum” dose of individual freedom, “minimum” level of economic progress, “minimum” of openness to the world, “minimum” of International respect, and other things. Many of us claim Iran is “in good shape” just by visiting Iran and eating good Kabab in Darband and good ice cream in Shiraz! The IRI has managed to lower our standards.

However, things are changing. Iranians have waken up and are speaking up and are realizing what exactly happened to our country in the last 30 years and what will the road ahead look like.

Below I listed some of the realities the IRI has created for our beautiful country. It will take more than one generation to rebuild the damages the catastrophic IRI’s reign has caused. Below, are just some of the them:

* Iran is one, if not the biggest, violator of human rights in the world. Guardian ranks Iran as the world’s 10th worst offender of human rights. See

* Wikipedia says the following: “Ongoing legal acts of the Islamic Republic of Iran violating international human rights norms include: harsh penalties for crimes; amputation of offenders hands and feet; punishment of "victimless crimes" such as fornication, homosexuality, apostacy, poor hijab (covering of the head for women); execution of offenders under 18 years of age; restrictions on freedom of speech, and the press, including the imprisonment of journalists; unequal treatment according to religion and gender in the Islamic Republic's constitution - especially attacks on members of the Bahá'í religion. Most, if not all of these issues are also violations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Many of the issues are also violations of the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam, which Iran adopted via the Organization of the Islamic Conference”

* Wikipedia: “The United Nations and its human rights bodies have passed   more than 67 resolutions and decisions regarding human rights violations against Iran's religious minorities since 1980. In every year since 1984, except for 2002 where the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR) tried to engage Iran into a dialogue on human rights, the UNCHR passed resolutions about human rights violations against Iran's religious minorities especially the Bahá'ís. Iran became the fourth country in the history of the United Nations to be on the agenda of the General Assembly because of its human rights violations.”

* Democracy index ranks Iran as 139 out of 167 countries in democracy ranking. See

* Worldaudit.org ranks Iran 139 out of 150 countries in overall democracy ranking. See

* Freedomhouse.org ranks Iran as 185 among 195 countries in freedom of speech. See PDF

* State of World Liberty Project, ranks Iran as 147 out of 159 countries. See

* The regime has executed hundreds of thousands of political prisoners since 1979. The 1988 political prisoners’ massacre was described as crimes against humanity by Human Rights Watch. As we speak, Iran is second behind China in total numbers of executions in the world, many for offenses such as homosexuality and believing in atheism, and Iran is the world leading’s executer of juveniles.

* Iran has imprisoned millions of its citizens since 1979 for crimes such as poor hijab. A leading IRI official said few months ago that since the recent crackdown on women with “unacceptable” hijab started, only 500,000 women were arrested in Tehran alone. The regime doesn’t even believe in the term “political prisoner”, they haven’t defined it, so according to their logic, because of lack of definition, there are no political prisoners in Iran.

* The IRI is one of the biggest violators of religious and ethnic minority rights in the world. According to Wikipedia: “irreligious people are not recognized and they do not have basic rights such as education, becoming member of parliament etc. The Bahá'í Faith is not recognized either and is persecuted. Non-believers — atheists, agnostics, sceptics — under Islam do not have "the right to life". Wikipedia: “80% of Iran's Jewish population left during the Islamic revolution of 1979. Jews in Iran may not hold government jobs or become army officers. They have freedom of religion, but may not proselytize. Jews have a representative in parliament; this person is legally obligated to support Iran's foreign policy and anti-Zionist position. Jews, along with other Iranian citizens, can be criminally prosecuted and subject to the death penalty for supporting Israel. After the Islamic revolution in 1979, several Jews were executed for Zionism”.

* The IRI has committed genocide against the Bahais, the same way the    Germans did against the Jews. Obviously, Bahai population were not as big in Iran as the Jews were in Europe, and Bahai extermination has been done in a lower pace than the Holocaust and with much less publicity since Iran has become a big isolated prison with limited contact to the outside world, but the background, execution and results are the same.

* The regime is responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of Iranians during the war with Saddam. Although Saddam pulled the trigger first, and although U.N affirmed that Iraq started the war, but the truth is it was the constant provocation of Saddam by the regime by attempting “to export its revolution to the holy country of Iraq”, that provoked madman Saddam to attack Iran. Saddam was anti “Persian”, no denying in that, he called his war “Qadesiyah”; but he did not dare to attack Iran before the revolution although Persian-pride and anti Arab sentiments among the government and in the country were much higher prior to the revolution. Even the limited amount of relative freedom of expression that was allowed briefly in 1997 and 1998, resulted in some Iranian media asking lower level IRI officials about the prolonging of the war which resulted in the death of thousands of Iranians. The “Jang jang ta piroozi” wasn’t just a slogan, it was an official policy.

* Millions of Iran’s best left the country after the regime took power. That resulted in a huge brain drain problem that the regime itself admits to now.

* The regime applies medieval religious laws to a vast extent, unlike any other country in the world. The laws are based on Sharia, which differs in many respects from the principles of Universal Declaration of Human rights.

* The regime has one of the worst freedoms of speech records in the world. Reporters Without Borders ranks Iran as 166 out of 169 countries in that category. Also it ranked Iran as one of the top 13 enemies of the Internet. Iran is one of the last few remaining countries that do not allow Satellite dishes.

* There are no political parties, as political parties are known and defined in democratic countries, in Iran.

* Khamenei is considered one of the world’s top 10 worst dictators.

Iran is viewed by world public opinion as the country with the most negative influence in the world. See

* Iranian passport falls in the last spot among passports that need Visa to travel, with 14 countries only requiring no Visas for Iranians.

* Iran is the center of inspiration and support of Islamic fundamentalism.

1- Through its Islamic revolution, Iran has inspired other religious clerics and figures in the Muslim world, Sunnis and shites alike, to rise for power, through violent means if necessary. Groups such as Hamas and Hezbullah are clearly after power in Lebanon and Palestinian, but they’re using the Israeli occupation as a tool. They call themselves “resistance groups” only, but they both participated in elections and won, and one of them just obtained veto power using intimidation and force, which means they’re not only “resistance groups”. They are clearly after creating an Islamic state, even Hamas’ charter says that. There will be no peace in the Middle East while the regime is in power. IRIs survival depends on clash of civilization that it started, between Islam and West, and on instability in the Middle East.

2- Iran initiated and inspired the “Martyrdom” culture. That culture has turned thousands of young Arab and Muslim men into human bombs. It has also introduced the “Modern Islamic Model of Society”, which is in simple terms, a country that applies Sharia laws, but uses modern tools such as Television, Radio, Computers, ..to present itself as “non-fundamentalist”.

Iran has one of the worst economies in the world:

* Iran ranks 78 in the world in countries with best environment for doing business. See

* Iran ranks 137 in operational risk. See

* Iran ranks 151 out of 157 in economic freedoms. See

* Iran is ranked 218 out of 224 in highest inflation rates in the world. See

* Iran is ranked the 127th in the world in highest unemployment rate. See

* Iran is ranked 131 in the world with the country with highest corruption. See

* 18% of Iranian people live under poverty line. See

In conclusion, the regime is a disaster for Iran and the world. It’s the worst government in Iran’s history, the biggest threat to world peace and the center of hatred-generating propaganda in the world. There are a few brainwashed-by- leftist media and college professors-young-Iranian-American-and-young Iranian and American-IRI-apolgists bloggers and activists, who are unable to see the truth and keep prolonging IRIs life with misguided propaganda and blind anti U.S sentiments. The generation of looking-at-reality-as-a-conspiracy, and the generation of –reality-is-not-so-simple, have absolutely bought into IRIs propaganda machines.

But reality is in front of us, and can’t be denied. We want a better Iran, a modern Iran, a free Iran and a prosperous Iran. The fight for Iran’s soul and for world peace has just started. Iran has overcome a lot of tragedy in its history. No one should doubt that Iran will be free one day, soon.


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