Clinton: Bush's Iran Policy Was a Failure

Talking to U.S. House of Representatives sub-committee

VOA: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the previous Bush administration's attempts to isolate Iran did not work. In testimony before a House appropriations subcommittee Thursday, Clinton said isolation "did not deter Iran one bit" in its pursuit of nuclear weapons and its support of terrorist organizations like Hezbollah and Hamas. The Obama administration has taken a different approach than the previous administration by offering to engage in dialogue with the Iranians. Clinton said engaging Iran diplomatically would put the U.S. in a better position to organize tougher sanctions against Tehran if needed>>>


anonymous fish


by anonymous fish on

please stop.  i beg you to discontinue this attack.  there ARE plenty of people who deserve your distain.  look to those who live in the US and support the IRI and CONSTANTLY demonize and denigrate (i love throwing those words back in their face...:-)  the US and americans.  and dude... there are plenty who hide behind a facade of "humanity" who can't wait to post anti-american blogs.  THEY are the ones who don't deserve the freedoms and benefits of living in a country they HATE. 

but to be so ugly because kaveh doesn't like hillary?  that's a little drastic.  i'm pissed at him too.  i LOVE hillary.  i don't like the way he talks about her.  but it's improving at   it's funny how some people can use words like "dangerous" and "despicable" and it be ok.  while others... well, never mind.  just a little more of that double standards and hypocracy thang. 


seriously.  you got a bone to pick with him over a specific issue... have at it.  but this language you use is OUT OF LINE.  HE is NOT the enemy. 

as much as i'm tempted to wish those who are FAR MORE DANGEROUS to the united states to leave america and go STRAIGHT TO HELL... it's pointless to suggest it.  it's the very basis of american democracy and freedom.

but you know what... it DOES get a little irritating to hear that BULLSHIT CRAP from HYPOCRITES and VILE AND EVIL people.

just remember.  what goes around, comes around.  they'll get theirs... don't worry. 


Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

You are about as useful as reading glasses to Stevie Wonder.

The president's first name is Barack. Either learn to refer to the man properly and correctly, or make like the TARP funds and get lost.

America is neither the president or the secretary of state. They're public servants, employees of 300 million people. If that presents a problem for you, then it's a problem that you'll have to suffer quietly and alone. The fact that you lack the intelligence to understand either basic civics or the structure of the federal government is not anyone else's problem.

Well, since you made your "bet", it's only fair for you to be informed that you have lost. Miserably.

Tell us, what does it feel like to be outwitted and outsmarted by a filthy animal?

By the way, if you need a job, let me know. I'm hiring a janitor for one of my apartment buildings.


Hillary is America. Kaveh Go to hell

by Davood_Banayan on

Americans for a Democratic Republic in Iran.

Kaveh you filthy animal.

Hillary is a patriotic American.

If you don't like this country then leave.  Go back to Ahmadinejad's country.

You live here in America and use all its social services.

I bet you are on welfare, madical and foodstamps.

Go back to Iran and stay there.

You are a filthy animal.

America is President Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton.  If you don't like it then leave.

Watch this clip and suffer you animal:


also read the following and suffer you piece of garbage:


Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

I love how you despise me. It serves to validate everything.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Nitpicking that douchebag's grammar has nothing to do with being a mollah loghati.

It has to do with catching that schizophrenic moron in another one of the many lies that he pulls from his bottomless bag of gooz.

You're damn right I have a problem with Hillary. She's dangerous. She's disgusting. She's pure socialist trash. If that's acceptable to you, that's certainly your right. But it's not acceptable to me.

Lastly, thanks again, but no thanks. I'm still a perfect a-hole.

Darius Kadivar

Kaveh Igonore the Hezbeh Baad People, They Have Alzheimers ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Funny How Ostaad and the other fellow namesake ( wonder why as a hezbollahi he chose to be named after our Great King Darius/sh)  Became Clintonite Lovers overnight ? ...

Suddenly they find qualities in her when THEY WERE ALL UNITED AGAINST HER Over her "Obliteration" comment.

Now all of the sudden they are all excited over her lipstick and hair and god know what.

Ostaad wants a Blow Job in the Oval Office but soon he may need the PreparationH for giving Ass all the time ...




Kaveh, I think it is abundantly clear that...

by Ostaad on

you're having trouble "dealing" with Hillary among many other issues. Look homie, she's Obama's choice for the Sec. of State and she seems to be doing a good job. BTW, my PreparationH offer is still "on the table", just let me know.

Also, nitpicking people's grammar may be a sure sign kafgeer hitting the bottom of the deeg. We used to call people like you, who find faults with people's grammar, molla loghati.

Kaveh, please pull yourself out of this morass and resume a healthy intellectual life, because it's too short to be a frustrated and bitter molla loghati.


Kaveh, you are a filthy animal

by Davood_Banayan on

Americans for a Democratic Republic in Iran.

Kaveh, you filthy animal...

Watch this video, Learn to respect America, President Hussein Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.


Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Carpenter, Milani, Cohen, Tehrani, Niavarani, Smith:

If you were in fact born and raised here, then why is it that your English grammar sucks?

Of all of your characters, I think you should have stuck with John Carpenter. You have gone from nuts to just plain stupid.




Hillary is a Great Woman

by Davood_Banayan on

Americans for a Democratic Republic in Iran.

I love the way she pronounces it, "eye-Rain-ians".

She is the Best.

Direct Talks are the only way to save the world.

President Hussein Obama must abolish all sanctions against Iran.

Ayat'Allah Khamenei must resume selling America cheap Iranian oil.

This is the only way to change the world.

Even ALLAH, the God of close to 70 million Iranians knows this.

God Bless Hillary Clinton, the Secretary of State of the United States, God Bless President Hussein Obama.

Kaveh, get the hell out of my country and go back to Ahmadinejad country where you belong.

God Bless America, the best country in the world, the nation I was born and raised in.



LOL / Kaveh

by Dariush (not verified) on

Yes, only for one hundred of a second Kaveh reminded me of Salvador Dali. The big difference is that Dali put his insanity in a good use and painted some of the most amazing painting I have ever seen.
I still think Kaveh is OK compare to a few others on this site. kaveh is very much into economy. I think his frustration is mostly due to the decline in his stock portfolio.

Thanks for the tip kaveh. I am doing very well and looking forward.

Here, use this for inspiration!
"Moshkeli nist ke asaan nashavad, mard khahad ke harasaan nashavad"


No disinformation about Hillary Clinton Please!

by Morning Joe (not verified) on

Hillary Diane Rodham was born at Edgewater Hospital in Chicago, Illinois. She was raised in a United Methodist family, first in Chicago, and then, from the age of three, in suburban Park Ridge, Illinois.

She attended Maine East High School, where she participated in student council, the school newspaper, and was selected for National Honor Society. For her senior year she was redistricted to Maine South High School, where she was a National Merit Finalist and graduated in the top five percent of her class of 1965.

A native of Illinois, Hillary Rodham first attracted national attention in 1969 for her remarks as the first student to deliver the commencement address at Wellesley College. She embarked on a career in law after graduating from Yale Law School in 1973.

Following a stint as a Congressional legal counsel, she moved to Arkansas in 1974 and married Bill Clinton in 1975. In 1977, Rodham co-founded the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families. In 1978, she became the first female chair of the Legal Services Corporation, having been appointed by President Jimmy Carter. She was later named the first female partner at Rose Law Firm in 1979, and was twice listed as one of the one hundred most influential lawyers in America.

NO disinformation about Hillary please!

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Iran, the IRI, rather, has been disrespectful, not only to the U.S., but to everyone else in the world. Most of all, it has been disrespectful to the Iranian people.

Anyone who cares to deny any of that is plainly ignorant and delusional.

What U.S. "demands" are you referring to? Are you referring to the repeated calls for transparency regarding the IRI's atomic program? Are you suggesting that this regime is to be taken at face value? They have repeatedly lied to and deceived everyone since the moment they seized the country, starting with IRANIANS. They have not been remotely honest and open about even the most picayune stuff, and you think that the rest of the world is supposed to just shut up and take these thugs at their word just because it's Iran? .

Where do you get this nonsense of Iran "standing on her feet"? Do you comprehend basic economics? Can you comprehend that given the revenue generated from the petroleum industry, Iran is one of the poorest countries on the planet? IRI isn't standing on her feet, they're standing on everyone's toes and necks.

The U.S. needs Iran for what? Oil? Dream on. Canada, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Mexico, Nigeria. The top 5 sources of crude oil, accounting for 62% of U.S. oil imports. The U.S. gets more oil from ARUBA than it gets from Iran.

What is the IRI's powerful position? What is it that you think the U.S. is so desperate for?

Nobody is demanding anything for free from the IRI. The IRI has already done more than its fair share of taking and giving nothing but goh in return.

Cultural and national pride are one thing, but this is a clear cut case of profound arrogance.


America's current politcy towards iran

by tabriz balasi (not verified) on

America's current politcy towards iran consists of following the pervious politices while pretending to be willing to talk to iran, in order to presuade american's and europeans that they tried to talk to iran, but iran was not interested. they will flow this policty till they bomb iran. but i think america is doomed any ways.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

I think he knows that!

At least I hope he does.



by Abarmard on

Maybe you are talking about the eight year war imposed on the people? Or perhaps your issue is the "stubborn" attitude of the Iranian regime that is not willing to "submit" to the US demands? Is that why Iran has been so disrespectful?

For you and many others that perceive Iran as a European country under the "sudden" Islamic "occupation", Iran is very disrespectful to the US or the demands of the West!

But from another perspective, comparing Iran to the regional countries including Jordan and Saudi kingdom, two of the US' best friends in the region, Iran has earned her respect. At the minimum, Iran is not at their mercy for attention but standing on her feet. So which angle would you like to look at Iran today?

US doesn't need to give Iran any respect. US needs Iran, otherwise there would be no mentioning of talks. Since the US is in desperate need of Iranian government help, they need to respect the powerful position of the Iranian nation in the region. And that's what I meant.

No one today can demand anything for free from Iran. Want something? What you got? That's because the regime is not a puppet. It seem hard for some Iranians to get use to that idea.I believe it will eventually sink in as it has for the Western politicians.


I take Hillary over Ramsfeld anytime

by Morning Joe (not verified) on

I take Hillary over Rice anytime
I take Obama over Bush anytime
I take peace over war anytime

Kaveh Nouraee

Credible? Are You Serious?

by Kaveh Nouraee on


Being nominated to a cabinet post does not automatically afford the nominee credibility. Condoleeza Rice earned a doctorate in political science from the University of Denver, and was first working in the State Department back in 1977. Hillary Clinton is an Arkansas attorney specializing in child welfare who failed the bar exam for the District of Columbia. Does that constitute credibility?

The IRI should be respected? Respect must be earned. Do you honestly believe that the mollahs have done anything in the past 30 years that merits respect?

1 hamvatan, what you perceive as Hillary's toughness, I see as her sheer arrogance. Whether we are speaking about dealing with Iran, or any other country, a close ally, or a quasi-enemy, Hillary Clinton's record has shown that she places her personal interests and her ego far ahead of the public she is supposed to serve. 

Dariush, Obama hasn't stimulated the economy with his words about Iran. Anyone with even just a rudimentary understanding of a free-market economy knows that. What Obama is doing is attempting to strangle the economy, by placing limits on income, raising taxes, and having the government unduly interfere with the private sector. I'm not talking about regulation. I want to be clear on that. Be prepared for global hyperinflation and a currency that will become worthless, because unless this BS is stopped, that's where we are heading.


You apologists want both "Khar" and "Khorma"!

by Cheeky (not verified) on

You wanna have the cake and also be able to eat it by yourself so to speak.

You want the bomb and you want the world to let you have it with all their blessings PERIOD. Well it does not work that way no matter what lame justification you resort to. Try to DIGEST it!

More power to Hillary!


Though pointless language

by Amir J (not verified) on

Though pointless language and arrogance in nothing new Mrs. Clinton, we have been witnessing this attitude for a long time, US foreign policy looks more like a behavior of a 3rd class whore, one minute we witness a cheesy smile the next minute unacceptable language. US must drop all sections against Iran and put a chain leash on Israel if they are willing to make any headway in the Middle East.

Darius Kadivar

Abarmard Jaan I thought She wanted to "Obliterate" Iran ? ...;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Didn't some of your friends say she was a Zio Nazi ? ...

As you can see In Politics "Strong Words" don't Always turn into "action" ...

Read her latest interestingly new Rhetoric :


Israel risks losing Arab support against Iran if it does not make progress on the Palestinian issue, says US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. "For Israel to get the kind of strong support it's looking for vis-a-vis Iran, it can't stay on the sidelines with respect to the Palestinians and peace efforts," Mrs Clinton told the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee.


More sanctions?

by Abarmard on

What's that do? Really!


To Dariush regarding Kaveh

by LOL (not verified) on

That's not his face, that's Salvador Dali's face!


Mrs. secretary who is interfering?

by Anonymous Iranian (not verified) on

I am no fan of IRI government ,but how can she say Iran is interfering in other countries affairs When US is conquering other countries and if that is not interfering what does she call that, invitation?I do not think so!


It's about time

by Dariush (not verified) on

Is Hillary coming to her senses or is this another tactic?

I agree with gol-doost 100%. The other 10% at the end, I agree, if Israel doesn't change her behavior and act civilized.

Our dear Obama has somewhat stimulated the economy with words and thinks he can do the same with Iran.
Obama may be a very good speaker, but mullahs make a living/killing doing that.

As Obama said, it is his action that counts.

Kaveh Nouraee, I didn't get the chance to answer you. You asked me in another blog, which country did I get my visa from? America? Canada? England?

I must say all of the above and six other countries, but I didn't trade my soul for the visas. I didn't think your question was related to our discussions, but you deserve an answer and I wanted to put a smile on your handsome face.



by Anonymous223 (not verified) on


Change is only tactical! US,Israel&UK want to dominate the M.E.!

by gol-dust on

Strategy remains the same! As long as Iran is not bending and is trying to be treated with real respect, they are not going to work with Iran! Europeans didn't cooperate with Bush telling them to talk to Iran. So they are just trying to show the world that they talked to them but IRI doesn't want us to be their masters! Therfore, help us having a much stronger sanction to cripple the government and bringing them to their knees, so we can go back and do what we were doing 30 years ago!   They never learn, do they?

She is being directed by her masters AIPAC, Kissinger etc! the imperialst mentality has not changed. Now they are trying to get the damn Arab governments to help them! SQUEEZE IRAN! mollah would be there, but the people would suffer and more anti israel and american attitude! They can all go to hell!

However, this announcement of more sanctions might also be tacnical muvering trying to scare Iran off to help them with the other 3 neighbors that they currently have real problem since they are afraid that iran might not cooperate!

Question: Afghanestan and Pakestan don't have oil, what the hell are they doing there? I can only guess in terms strategy, since I know the real reason is not to prevent another 911 or control taleban. why should they really care? It is more dangerous for iran to have taleban in control.

Long live Iran! Down with Israel!


sanctions against Tehran

by 1 hamvatan (not verified) on


I think that is the idea, to NOT work with Iran.
Mrs. Hillary Clinton is a tough woman and knows her Job well, and just what America needs. The set back was done by ahmadi's dumb speech at Durban. Beside, it shows that American are fully aware of Iran as a Terrorist State and can not be trusted ,and that is very SMART.


kaveh Khan

by Abarmard on

"This stupid women" as you call her, is the foreign minister of the US, so she does have credibility. Where did the condi credibility come from. 

Here what the US should do, lift the sanctions, respect Iran and her position in the region and listen to Iran's demand. For this, have a clear mind what you really want to ask Iran to do. Simple right? 

Kaveh Nouraee

This stupid woman

by Kaveh Nouraee on

has absolutely zero credibility on foreign matters.

As shaky as this country's foreign policy and stature may be right now, this arrogant she-bully will do nothing other than set things back even further.

It has been said that either Obama named her Secretary of State as part of an agreement to get her delegates duing the campaign, or in order to insure that as a member of his Cabinet, she wouldn't try and run against him in 2012.

Either way, this shrew is dangerous.