
Good hair day

Majles Deputy Mohammad Mehdi Mofateh with his cellphone.
100 Afarin Hajminator!

Send us your answer! FIRST answer wins!

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more from Jahanshah Javid

Let me call them all....

by Majid on


کچلا جمع شوید تا برویم پیش خدا
یا به ما زلف بده یا بزند گردن ما

! OK......now..........SEND

Kaveh Nouraee

Text Message

by Kaveh Nouraee on

From NASA:

The light and heat reflected from your scalp is causing the protective tiles to fall off our spacecraft while they orbit the Earth.

For the love of God, please wear a hat, at least until re-entry.

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Yes, I would like to report a theft.

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

I woke up this morning and my hair was stolen.



Fish Here


by Fish Here on

"In hindsight, maybe all that ghamehzani at 16 wasn't such a good idea..."


Khak Aalam

by Iranyvaliazad on

Khak-e aalam toye saram .. buz rahbar be mahmoud ejazeh dad chuke dahanesho buz bekoeh.... ehhhh ... man emrooz fargham ra az aghab buz kardam! 


And the winner is...................

by Majid on

Masoud K.

Hands down! I don't think anyone can top that............LOL 

I'm still laughing

Masoud Kazemzadeh

jaye doost kojast?

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Khamenei on the phone: jaye doost kojast?




‫‫آقای نماینده در عین خواندن اس.ام.اس


‫‫چی نوشته ؟... با گذاشتن دست راست بر جای کم مو و گفتن
یک تکبیر بلند مو های ریخته شده در میایند... آهان.

My darling! I love you as much as all the hair on my head