
Jian Ghomeshi

Radio host meets insane actor/musician Billy Bob Thornton

Canadian Press -- Actor Billy Bob Thornton has laid claim to his own Joaquin Phoenix moment. An ornery Thornton appeared on Canada's CBC radio's "Q" on Wednesday morning to promote his band, the Boxmasters, and was alternately belligerent and bizarre before drawing host Jian Ghomeshi into an argument about the way his appearance on the show had been promoted. Thornton, the band's singer, took issue with Ghomeshi's introduction to the interview, which included references to the star's career as a Hollywood actor, director and screenwriter. Through the first half of the in-studio conversation, Thornton refused to answer any of Ghomeshi's questions directly - responding to questions about his band by mumbling "I don't know what you're talking about" or some variation of that - before bringing the issue to a head after Ghomeshi mentioned Thornton's passion for music>>>


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Kaveh Nouraee

What A DOPE!

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Promotion for your music is all about getting people to come see you perform, right?

Man, you would think he wrote Dark Side of The Moon or something.

anonymous fish

well i don't know

by anonymous fish on

was he instructed not to discuss his acting career or not.  it goes on all the time with interviews... someone doesn't want to talk about their first marriage or their children.  it's called respecting their request and conditions for making the interview to begin with.

i personally think BB acted like a dick about it but he's got a point.


what a loser! good riddance

by party boy (not verified) on

what a loser!
good riddance Canada! good riddance angie.


Well done Jian

by ramintork on

Jian needs some heroic award for keeping it together after such a stone wall interview.

Oh yes, he has one "Iranian of the day".



what an idiot

by sarbaz (not verified) on

how in the world you can compare yourself to Tom Petty any ways?
unbelievable ego on this moron with his crap music


Bravo to Jian!!!

by You Are No Tom Petty! (not verified) on

Jian did a great job of handling of the most bizare and awkward radio interviews ever.

You feel for Jian as you sit through the painful and uncooperative exhibit served by actor Billy Bob.


You're welcome Angelina!

by brad pitt (not verified) on

Way to dodge THAT bullet, Angelina Jolie!

Also see, "Thornton booed by Canadian audience":



here is the full interview

by aliali (not verified) on

here is the full interview on youtube

this is very freaking interview , I ever have seen



Re Billi's concerts cancelled

by Cyrus_ (not verified) on

Billi Bob Thornton concerts that were planned
across canada were cancelled due to his behaviour as a jerk on Jian's radio show.
Jian got the applauds and Billi got the middle finger. Good for both of them LOL