
Roxana Saberi

Iran jails journalist as US spy

BBC -- An Iranian-American journalist branded a US spy has been jailed for eight years by Iran after a brief trial held behind closed doors.

Roxana Saberi, 31, who was arrested in January and went on trial this week, denies the charge and plans to go on hunger strike, her father said.

Ms Saberi has reported for a number of foreign news organisations including the BBC, NPR radio and Fox News.

The US Secretary of State said she was "deeply disappointed" at the verdict.

The journalist originally faced the less serious accusation of buying alcohol, and later of working as a journalist without a valid press card.

Then, in a period of less than two weeks, the charge of spying was introduced, and she was tried by the Revolutionary Court and sentenced.

No evidence of espionage was made public >>>


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wow she is so beautiful. She

by dreamman (not verified) on

wow she is so beautiful.
She is the real beauty and not Sara

rosie is roxy is roshan

There is more bullshit, and even MORE URGENT

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

 It's all a dog and pony show. They're using the young people who look like movie stars. The blogger they killed, Delara (see link below), the two beautiful Kudish labor activists they flogged, they're choosing movie stars to show how far they'll go. It's part of the Great Game. But SCE sent in Delara for Iranian of the Day two days ago and her hanging was scheduled for Monday but. she wasn't featured, Jahanshah, probably you didn't get the materials they sent you. Along with her paintings for a photo essay with her poems. Please re-request them. The genera readershipl read these things. hey people, WRITE THE LETTERS, they do sometimes WORk. I told SCE just now to resend them but I don't know when they'll get my e-mail. They just moved the exectuion two days back. Are they bluffing? Who knows? Were they bluffing with the blogger? But these international campaigns can work. They have in the past. J, please feature the news feed about the major rally in London in front of IRI embassy. People please read the SCE blog with my last post too. send the letters. 

 Sorry folks, but Hillary's on top of this girl. only the PEOPLE can save Delara and it has to be NOW. ! Why not TWO Iranians of the day for the weekend.  TWO BEAUTIFUL young women who look like movie stars as Iranian of the Day, pawns in a dark game.. TWO pictures speak TEN thousand words. IT'S BULLSHIT. Jahanshah, people, let's use this site to put an END to the bullshit starting NOW.



What can be done

by Sarvare har chee Longieh (not verified) on

For years and years Iranian government does every thing about every body they want the question is what can be done for this unjust decision and nobody does any thing about it,but talk and talk.It is time to rise and get rid of this butcher regime...

Ali P.


by Ali P. on

  I have a feeling, they are going to use this young lady as a token in their game with the US. The Supreme Leader will soon show the US and the world his "Islamic mercy "and "grace", by pardoning and eventually releasing her. 

(Or at least that's what I am hoping)

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

به فكر فرو ميره هر كي اين خبر رو بخونه! چرا اينها فقط به ايرونيهاي عمري كاري گير ميدن و ايرونياي اروپا نشين هيچ مشكلي در ايران ندارند ؟



It all smells of the usual BS by IRI

by BK (not verified) on

First the IRI authorities accused Saberi of the "crime" of buying alcohol.

Then they accused her of working as a journalist without a valid press card.

And now they've sent to her to jail for 8 years for spying. And her entire trial, verdict and sentencing, on this very serious charge, took all of 24 hours. That's justice for you under the Islamic Republic.

Chances are IRI is using Saberi as a bargaining chip and might release her before the full 8 years as part of a deal with the Americans for whatever reason. But it all stinks of the cow dump rising from the same trumped up charges of "spying/acting against the country's security/against the Revolution" that IRI authorities usually fabricate in such cases


What a retarded verdict

by OmidKarimi on

The case was treated in just one day, one day! Imagine having the next 8 years of your life decided on 1 day.. This is going to blow back in their faces.


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