Walking out on Ahmadinejad

Dozens of diplomats walk out on his speech as he accuses Israel as a "racist government"

CNN -- The opening of a United Nations conference in Switzerland on anti-racism was marred by chaotic scenes Monday as protests and a walkout by delegates disrupted a controversial address by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The presence of the Iranian leader at the conference had already prompted Israel to withdraw its ambassador from Switzerland, while several countries including the United States are also boycotting the gathering. Dozens of delegates walked out of the chamber as Ahmadinejad accused Israel and the West of making "an entire nation homeless under the pretext of Jewish suffering ... in order to establish a totally racist government."



Slip slide away

by Fred on

Islamists/Anti-Semites and their likeminded lefty allies including a pair of pro Islamist republic female CASMII lobbyists from the U.K. branch are having a grand time of condemning others all the while letting their own Islamist apartheid republic slip slide away.


(No subject)

by zebel20 on


This nutjob is a buffoon and

by sickofiri (not verified) on

This nutjob is a buffoon and only those who are sympathetic with militant Islamic groups would ever entertain this bigotry fest?

What I want to know is, why the hell does nobody else at the same event stand up and launch into a tirade against the savage, brutal, oppressive regime in Iran? Why is it that the MSM does not talk about Evin but they talk about Gitmo? How hard is it to show IRI's hypocrisy when it comes to racism, bigotry, cruelty, stoning, maiming, face and tongue cutting, eye-gouging, raping virgin detainess, Kangroo trials??

What the hell is wrong with the spineless members of the UN that they don't even have the guts to wage a war of words?



by Anonymous8787 (not verified) on

I am not a fan of Ahmadinejad by any means and don't even like the guy. I don't support his view of the Holocaust either. But I'm glad atleast one person in the political community talks about the Israeli government's atrocities as it is. As Ali said, his speech would have been much more tolerated if he looked a bit more like a head of state and had the oral skills to captivate the audience.



by Negin (not verified) on

I srael will get stronger and prosper, as long as she has such shameless, stupid enemies!

Long live Israel


Fine... don't be our friend!

by Shirin Saeidi on

Thank you Mehrnaz for your comment.  I agree.  It is not Mr. Ahmadinejad's presence that troubles Israeli and American officials, but the Iranian nations defiant voice against the occupation of Palestinian land.  Regardless of local political contentions, Iranian citizens and state elites alike remain one of the boldest and most consistent defenders of a free and independent Palestine.

Shirin Saeidi 

Kaveh Nouraee

The So-Called "President"

by Kaveh Nouraee on

of a country that governs on the basis of a system of laws that places one religion above all others calling others "racist".

HAHAHA! What a laugh!

I bet even the Israelis are laughing their asses off at this moron. This should further prove that Israel won't have to attack Iran, because the IRI will implode under the weight of it's own stupidity.

This douchebag Antari Gedah is an embarrassment not only to Iran, but the entire civilized world.

Parvizi, have you ever wondered why is it that other Arab countries have ceased speaking up or otherwise coming to the defense of Palestinians?

Dariush....which one of these "racist" countries granted you a visa so you could live there? The U.S.? Canada? The U.K.?


To Mehran-001

by Bavafa on

On the contrary, it is a business of mine and every citizen in this world if we are to make it a better place to live. To ignore the Palestinians cause is to deny the holocaust.

I will lend support to the Iranian people to fight against the injustice that is being brought to them, specially the women, and I will lend support to the Palestinians to fight against the injustice that is being brought to them by the racist regime of Israel. Though, it would be an insult to view the two situations in the same manner.




Shame on all Iranians!

by Arash Kamangir (not verified) on

Shame on all iranians. We have been suppressed by mullahs in such way that we do not dare to protest and stand to mullahs. Shame on all Iranians that this dog represent us in the World.
We have become the most hated and isolated nation on the face of Earth thanks to Mullahs and their dog Ahmadinejad.



1Hamvatan (not verified)

مردم ایران چقدر خوش بخت هستند...دارای ریئس جمهور دیوانه و احمق به تمام معنی دارند.چقدر ملت ایران خوشبخت هستند... در فقر و زورگویی و خفان شدید هنوز نفهمیدن که این گروه ترویستی اسلامی چه کلاه گنده ای بر سر ملت گذاشته اند. اتفاقا خوب شد آقای اوباما لااقل با گوش خودش شنید که ایران هنوز در گروگان یک مشت ارازل اوباشهای اسلامی اسیر هستند.


Shameless hypocrites!


Banning any mention of Israel (the state founded and maintained on racial grounds) from the UN Conference on Racism is a shameful exposition of the hypocrisy of the West in relation to universal human rights.   The issue of Israel's apartheid state and its Palestinian victims are independent of Ahmadi-Nedjad's pronouncements and their interpretations, they are also independent of our like or dislike of his domestic politics and the domestic politics of the IR.  To pretend otherwise is the height of cynicism. 


Bull Shit from both sides!

by choghok on

First of all I can not but get a bit happy to see Western worlds show of hypocracy so openly. What this politicians do when Israelis bombs killing civilians, after all killing must be worse than talking right? I do not see any difference between Apartheid and Zionism, and the only reason that Israel is getting to do what they do is the holocust.

That said I think Ahmaghinejads behaviour is both selfish and dangerous. Selfish because he just fishes for populistic points within the Islamic world. He wants to be seen as a hero in the muslim world and of course he does in some places. But for him and his followers it is no problem that Iran is going to be isolated and marginalized, it is no problem that this would lead to further more poverty for Iranian nation.His talk is also dangerous since it gives ammo to Israelis to attack.

/Bidar bash ke ma bekhabim


lol, I enjoy President Ahmadinejad's power

by XerXes (not verified) on

Look how the Western powers shamefully leave the floor, knowing that they are being accused of supporting the racist regime, without having an explanation.
I wonder how any official will really explain the taking the Palestinian land and handing it to the European Jews with a serious face!

Great Job President Ahmadinejad. Give it to them. the time has come that these European so called democratic Regime explain their anger towards Asians and also racist support of the Zio-Israeli regime.

God bless the truth. Love it love it love it.


I don't understand why this

by azadi55 (not verified) on

I don't understand why this goof is so concerned about the human rights of arabs and afghanis when Iran scores very poorly on the human rights issue of its own people. Hypocrisy at its best, or worst if you want to call it.


Ahmadinejad digging Iran's grave

by news (not verified) on

Ahmadinejad fell for the trap the UN had set for him. This man singlehandedly is endangering the future of Iran. He doesn't even realize how racist and bigotted he sounds himself.

Do muslim realize that they are considered as racist and bigotted by the non-muslim world for the fact that they divide the world in darl-harb and dar-islam?? Racism is inherent in the Islam religion. How deeply hypocritical when they criticize of others of being racist.


I agree with Bavafa

by Dariush (not verified) on

Racist regimes such as Israel, America, England and others shouldn't have been invited to such meetings to begin with. They should be invited to criminal court to answer for their crimes.


The number one racist country in the world is . . .

by Parvizi (not verified) on

In my view, racism is alive and well in all the countries. If one ranks all countries in the world, definitely Israel ranks first.

Arab brothers should speak about Palestinians.

The topic of racism is a controversial topic. Hasan you are wrong, it is the U.S. that blackmails the entire world to vote for its genocide goals, not the other way around. The help (money or oil) that Iran gives to few countries is drop in a bucket in comparison to the U.S. and other Western countries.


The racists walk out

by Kurush (not verified) on

A 'changed' America under an African-American president boycots a UN conference on racism!!! The more things change, the more they stay the same! What is Obama afraid of? Racism is the crux & the very heart of the our world created by the racist Western colonizers in the past 500 years. Why would an African-American, given the past & present racism in America, be afraid to attend precisely a conference on racism, if it were not that his white patrons are offended by the reality check such a conference brings about? Good job President Ahmadinejad. Those you caused to walk out ARE the Western states who have promoted racism perennially, through slavery, apartheid colonies, lynching, Jim Crow laws & sundry other means: the US, Canada, Australia, Britain, France, Italy, New Zealand, Netherland, Israel,Poland, Germany-all Nato countries whose mission is to protect the racist system of priviliges and theft for a few in the West. Ironically, the other 90% of the world that did stay in the conference hall wildly applauded Ahmadinejad. Thank you Mr. Ahmadinejad for you blunt candor. It is much needed.



by Mehran-001 (not verified) on

Israel and Jews are no business of you and Iranian government. Take car of Iranian people first and then worry the human right of the rest of the world.


If supporting a racist

by Bavafa on

If supporting a racist regime is the price to bring support and cheer from the few western nations or for that matter, from the world, we would be better off without the cheer but be against the injustice and racism that has been brought so much misery to such large group of people as that is the right thing to do.

Those who hold their voice against the racist Zionist, should at least have the decency not to speak against the apartheid regime in S. Africa or the Nazi's dealing in respect to the Jews as their core actions and beliefs are all of the same.



Ali, bu calling him and

by Hasan (not verified) on

Ali, bu calling him and "Idiot" you are giving him too much credit. The ones that stayed in the hall, wanted Iran to give them some free oil or some money.

Ali Lakani

Muzzle Time

by Ali Lakani on

I suppose it would be one thing if we had an orator here whose speeches could spellbind audiences (as he once tried to describe his public speaking skills). 

But this guy is a rambling idiot who can't even deliver a decent speech which could reach the audience or leave a worthwhile message.  Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has brought nothing but shame and infamy to Iranians, raising the bar on unfriendly dialogue, and bringing threats of attacks and sanctions against Iran.  I'm disgusted.