Will Netanyahu Bomb Iran?

Albright: Hope not

Former US secretaries of State and Defense Madeleine Albright and William Cohen interviewed on CNN:


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by Fatollah (not verified) on

Entebbe is in Uganda, happened when Idi Amin ruled that country! Have you seen too many Charlie Bronson movies long ago? :-)

ps! sanctions hurts only Iranian families and I mean not yours or the Mullahs!

Kaveh Nouraee

What A Bunch of Drama Queens!

by Kaveh Nouraee on

"What if this?" "What if that?"

The question was about the possibility of Israel attacking Iran. A question that some people simply cannot answer objectively.

Bottom line. Israel has a right to exist. If you don't like it, tough shit. Palestine has a right to exist. Don't like that? Here, have a second plate.

Goldust thinks everyone with a differing opinion is an Israeli. How hilarious! For your information, Madeline Albright was raised Roman Catholic, then subsequently joined the Episcopal Church. William Cohen is a Unitarian Universalist. Look it up. You think they're a problem for the IR? HA! The IR's single greatest enemy is themelves. They will self-destruct, and no other country will have to even lift a finger. Maybe an eyebrow, if they feel like watching.

I don't give a damn if the leaders of Hamas or Hezbollah said they were sent down by Jesus, Mohammad, Moses and Buddha. They don't have the right to kill people because of their religious beliefs, then hide behind some manufactured BS about being "elected". You same idiots made such a stink about the 2000 and 2004 U.S. elections as being rigged or stolen, yet you refuse to accept even the possibility that such a thing could happen in one of the most corrupted parts of the known universe.

Does that make you woefully naieve, or just plain stupid?


P.S. DK jaan...the poor woman already looks like she's made of wax!


For sake of god just talk about Iran

by NY gal (not verified) on

For sake of god for once just focus on Iran and iranian people without mentioning palestine's name.

IRI tyrannical regime has been wasting iranian money and resources to feed hamas terrorists. It is more than enough. This site is iranian.com not palestinian.com.

wish you iranians who seems don't have anything to do but to care about palestinians had the same sympathy for poor iranian people.


electric samavar

by tabriz vatan (not verified) on

you don't even undrstand the ramification of words coming out of your mouth. US has no legitimacy anymore,less so the Islamic Republic. I guess you haven't gotten the memo on this yet, but US economy is in shatters and US is incapable of starting another war! and Israel would not even dare to attach Iran, when it was defeated by Islamic Republic's small finger, Hezbollah, not long ago. You don't know what you're talking about, you have memorized the cliche's by the neo-conservatives and you think come here and you pretend you have a hight IQ. go play with your toys. We all hate I.R., but alot of us hate the lying US government more, and therefore will die not let US invate or attack Iran.


Freedom Needs Sacrifices

by electric_samavar on

From the dawn of time, every single tyrannical regime has resorted to violence to silence the voices of opposition and the progressive thinkers have paid the ultimate price to enlighten the masses and eventually cut off the bloody claws of the beast. And we did it 30 short years ago to bring down the Shah's dictatorship, only to be falling into the claws of a far more tyrannical and primitive life-form. So, what is all the fuss about? Unless you have direct financial benefits and selfish agenda or a mental disorder known as liberalism, you must be able to understand the necessity of eradicating this deadly disease; the expansionist 3rd invasion of Arabs (bani omayeh, bani abbas, and now bani khomeini), from the face of earth. No price was too much for freeing the world from Nazi expansion. A conservative estimate indicates over 500,000 Red Army solders died to put a stop to the advancement of a tyrant who would have ended up enslaving them with no boundaries, and NO PRICE is TOO MUCH to pay for ridding the Iranians from these blood-thirsty parasites and the whole world from the danger of mullahs armed with nuclear weapons. You don't need to understand what I.Q. means, let alone to have a number attached to it, to realize that Nuclear weapons in the hands of the vermin who silence their writers and poets by beheading them from Tehran to Paris and to Bonn, demands an urgent need for all democratic nations to unite in order to put and end to this real threat. If you think the cave dwellers of Afghanistan are threats to our way of life, if you started the invasion of Iraq based on lies, DO NOT let them be deterrents to dealing with the real threat coming from Tehran. We entered into a war based on lies, let’s not to make the same mistake of making peace with enemies of humanity based on lies. I assure you the vermin in power will be shaving their beards, wearing lipstick and skirts and hiding in the brothels of the orient at the sound of the first firecracker exploding. Just remember the pathetic TV broadcast by Tariq Aziz on the roof of his ministry bragging about crushing of the US Forces when Baghdad Airport was already occupied and people were pulling down Saddam's statue. Democracy is the biggest prize in life and should not be compromised, not even in the name peace!!!

Darius Kadivar

Albright Should Join the House of Wax ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

She sure needs some Face lifting and Botox injections don't you think ?





Abarmard is right

by IRANdokht on

If the shoe was on the other foot, would they have even discussed it so nonchalantly? This is dehumanizing a whole nation. Why is bombing a nation by another even a discussion topic? Such action or possibility of it should simply be condemned based on humanitarian reasons and not what the consequences would be for others.  

خدا رو شکر خیالم راحت شد. وقتی سخنگوی رسمی دولت اسرائیل شخصا در این وبسایت برای یک میلیون و یک بار اعلام میکنه که نمیزنن
یک نفس راحت میکشیم



All 3 have the same background! Blitz is an Israeli citizen 2!

by gol-dust on

No wonder IRI has so much problem with these guys all ove the map! 60 minutes and now this! Ah well, I give up! They are all in control of everything in the US!

Kaveh Nouraee

The Question Can Be Asked A Million Times

by Kaveh Nouraee on

The answer will be "no" a million and one times.

Israel will not do anything without the approval of the U.S., which it did not receive during Bush's administration. And we all know what Bush thought of the IRI. Remember how much money Israel receives from the U.S. each year? The threat of the allowance being cut off is adequate incentive for Israel not to attack, believe me.

Seeing that Obama has been making these carefully choregraphed overtures to engage the mollahs in Tehran into some sort of dialogue, the chances of the U.S. granting Israel such permission has diminished from "extremely unlikely" to "when a ski resort opens in hell".

Bozo Beshin Yo-Yo was spouting off hot air to garner votes. He was just making noise to get the attention he was seeking.


They know the answer

by Alborzi (not verified) on

Do you remember the Entebe (? in Guyana ) operation or Munich in 1972, there was no talk until the operation was finished. This talk has only the goal of calming the rednecks, Iran has withstood sanctions in much worse times and this is not going to make a difference and Yahoo knows it too, he just has his own rednecks, in the meantime poor Palestinians, that he can and will do. He knows Iranians are not Arabs.


Media's Wish list

by shirazie (not verified) on

light and miserable news is Driving the CNN, Fox, and others hoping for war so the get higher ratings...


What if

by Abarmard on

The question was: Will Ahmadinejad bomb Israel?

To see the extend of the atrocities and normalization of a horrible and stupid idea, just reverse the sides. These people speak so calmly about this huge question.

Iran should continue doing what it's best for them, regardless of these issues. These guys obviously have no shame and can't be the compass of doing good.

If they answered, Israel has no Rights and we would respond harshly to such a wrong, inhumane, and ultimately stupid action, then I would take back my argument. Only in America!