Afshin Ghotbi

Fans angry at Iranian national football coach

Ghotbi attended the endorsement ceremony of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's presidency on Monday. Iranians are deeply hurt by this gesture, writing blogs and bombarding his Facebook page with nasty comments. This guy located Ghotbi's apartment in Dubai and went to leave him a message:


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Well, is it our mentality or just Khosoomat towards some people?

by Takavar on

Don't jump into conclusion so fast and easy! We don't know why he was there, maybe they forced him or tricked him. Give yoursleves a bit time, he will address the issue in near future.



Ali hakkak They all have

by KouroshS on

Ali hakkak

They all have their own reasons for being there and it could be anything. You are right. It is the same phenomenon that keeps the likes of Ozma joon and AN and their passdar and basiji buddies in power.

Ali P

It would be nice if those like ghotbi who noone popularity and supporte mardom ro mikhoran, take a stance on something sometime, you know? This idiot took adavantage of being elevated to the status of a star by becoming coach of a team that has so many problems other than mere good coaching, and it shows that he does not give a flying youknow what about all that support! he came to this position with hyped up expectations and delivered jack.

Why are some people so hungry to see our national team in the world cup? what do we get out of it? the players are the ones who come home with the honors and new cars and homes... and you and I have to settle for bunch of pics and posters!!!

Ali P.

Who knows?

by Ali P. on

Maybe he was ordered to be there.

As the national team's soccer coach, his position is not political.

What if the "President" wants to come and watch a game, or shake hands with the players and the coach? Should Ghotbi leave the stadium in protest?

By being there at the ceremony, is he throwing his support behind Ahmadi? Ghotbi's? Does his support, one way or another, carry any weight? He is THE SOCCER COACH!!

(Why are we picking on Ahmadinejad now? It is not like all the other officials and former presidents of IRI have been legit!)

Do we expect everyone and anyone in every capacity to take a stand at this?

Ghotbi jaan: Take Iran to the World Cup, win a game or two, put us on the map, and then, when the attention of the world in on you, denounce Ahmadinejad!

Cut him a little slack baabaa...

ali hakkak

to KouroshS and others!

by ali hakkak on

Afshin Ghotbi, Sharifinia (actor), Jahangir Almasi (actor), and Salehi Alaa (radio host, writer and poet) and others who showed up at the TANFIZ party are either just revealing their true nature (supporting dictatorship, fundamentalist islam blah blah blah) or just chose to step over people so that they can benefit from the situation. My understanding is that Sharifinia and Almasi are just as bad as Ahmadinejad, Salehi Alaa is too detached from reality to know what he is doing. But Ghotbi is there for the money. Exactly why he went to Iran the first time and went back again the second time...Iran is not his home and we all know that. So he deserves to get ridiculed for what he did.

Now back to KouroshS!! It is exactly this opportunistic way of thinking that you described that has created a supporting system for people like Khamenei and Ahmadinejad. Those Basijis and Sepahis who kill people on the streets think exactly the same way (of course, other than the few sociopath-islamists!). 


he lives in Dubai?!

by Monda on

does he train his team via the net or the phone?!


what is the big deal?

by KouroshS on

Ghotbi portrayed as an idol forso many people, when he took charge of the national team and people, desparate to see iran in the next world cup, made a hero out of him, knowing full-well who signs his paychecks and whoes ass he mighthave to kiss when the time comes, now all of a sudden he is more devious and corrupted than the devil himself?!!

he is doing what he needs to in order to keep his job. When is this idolizing and then demonizing, this idiotic cultural trait and trend of ours is going to end?


The guy is in trouble!

by yolanda on

There are at least 4 anti-Ghotbi websites in Face-book with 2200 members at this moment.  //

Here is the description of one of the sites:


We NEVER will forget your presence today (2009.08.05) at Ahmadinejad's Endorsement (Tanfiz).

From now on you are not IRAN's National soccer team's coach!
