Esha Momeni

Returns to U.S.; talks about her interrogation and imprisonment at Evin

Los Angeles Times: "A Cal State Northridge graduate student who was briefly imprisoned in Iran while working on her master's thesis on women's rights and then prohibited from leaving the country for nine months returned this week to Los Angeles, school officials said Thursday. Esha Momeni, 29, arrived at Los Angeles International Airport on Tuesday and was greeted by friends and family. Momeni, who has dual citizenship in Iran and the United States, was arrested Oct. 15 for allegedly speeding along a Tehran highway and escorted to her family's home, where police confiscated her computer and video-taped interviews she had conducted for her thesis, her family said at the time. Los Angeles-born Momeni was in Tehran conducting research on the country's women's rights movement. She is a member of Change for Equality, a nonprofit organization which trains women in nonviolent political activism and civil disobedience. Momeni was held in the political ward of Iran's infamous Evin Prison for 25 days before she was released on $200,000 bail, paid with the deed to her parent's home, according to a news release on a website dedicated to her release."

She is interviewed by California State University Northridge's Daily Sundial:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:


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by bahar on

you are a brave woman ,i wish ,i know ,how much you suffer in iranian jail,i am proud to be your country man ,wellcome back ,best wishes to you ,keep up your wonderful job.

there are many many more like you brave woman ,i know ,you will rise their voices to world ,to hear ,what is going on in iran.

thank you .

we will always support you .