16 Azar, 2009

Iran police 'clash' with opposition protesters


AP: Security forces and militiamen clashed with thousands of protesters shouting "death to the dictator" outside Tehran University on Monday, beating them with batons and firing tear gas on a day of nationwide student demonstrations, witnesses said. Thousands of riot police as well as forces of the elite Revolutionary Guard and their allied Basij militiamen flooded the area around Tehran University since the morning, trying to seal off the campus from the outside world and prevent unrest from spilling out into the streets. >>>

Clip shows tension on the streets just outside Tehran University:

Faceoff of Tehran University students and Basijis, "Mozdoor boro gom sho"

Hormozgan University:

Night falls on a feverish Tehran:

Najaf Abad University (near Isfahan):

Basiji films students at Amir Kabir University:

Shots heard outside Tehran University. Basijis seem disoriented:

Faezeh Hashemi at Tehran Research Sciences University:

Tehran Azad University Medical School:

Tehran, Jamalzadeh Avenue, Near Forsat:

Tehran University:

People run away from the basijis:

Students demonstrate at a Tehran high school for girls:

Tehran Shahid Beheshti (Melli) University:

Tehran Arts University:

Ilam University:

Sharif University: Confrontation between students and Basijis: "Marg bar setamgar, che shah baasheh che rahbar", and later on "Basiji boro gom sho," "dorooghgoo, dorooghgoo, 63% koo?":

Kermanshah Azad University:

Ferdowsi goes green! Mashad students:

More from Ferdowsi University in Mashad, Students talk:

"Doorbineto khamoosh kon, sedaye ma ro goosh kon:

Isfahan, "Ma ahl e koofeh nisteem, posht e yazeed be-eesteem"

Students raise money in the air to insult Basijis who would do anything for money. They chant: Maa ahl-e koofeh nisteem, pool begirim be-eesteem:

DSharif University sit in:

Very impressive crowd. Tehran University:

Azad University, Tehran North Campus:

Tehran Polytechnic (Amir Kabir University):

Kerman University:

Elm o Sanat University: "Basiji, haya kon, daneshgaho raha kon" and "ma zan o mard e jangim, begard ta begardim," "nang e maa, nang e maa, seda o simaye maa"

"Marg bar in dowlat e mardom fareeb":

Street protests. Toop, tank, basiji, digar asar nadarad:

Fakhr-e Razi Street, around Tehran University:

Tehran Polytechnic:

Elm o Sanat University:

Tehran University,"Pool e naft chi shodeh? Kharj e basiji shodeh"

Tehran University, "Marg bar Diktator"

Basijis mobilize to attack:

Tehran Polytechnic (Amir Kabir University):

Mashad Azad University:

"Basiji boro gom sho"

Sharif University, "Police e zedde shoooresh, Ahmadi ro beshooresh"

Allah o Akbar in Tehran the night before:



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The emperor never had any clothes on...

by c22 on

...and finally the people are beginning to shout this. The ultimate glory and freedom will be with the people of Iran. As for the mass arrests, tortures and murder of the innocent people, to quote Naguib Mahfouz 'Everyone remembers Socrates, but nobody remembers the judges who sentenced him to death.' History only remembers the brave. The instigators of the current Iranian regime are nothing and will be nothing in the history of Iran and the Iranian people. 


Angle Camera - Come on

by iraniasil on

Look at all these video, they are using angle to show that they are more people. I bet you the total number of people is less than 1000.


Totally agree with MRX1

by Bavafa on

Totally agree with MRX1 and Ali9 Akbar but can't help laughing at Mahmoudg and his hopes for the "good freedom fighting forces of US/Israel" That is the only thing this movement does not need, the hand of another imperialist/fascist regime which will certainly put this movement back another 20 or 30 years.

Dorrood bar those young and old, men and women on the streets of Iran.



correction about a video

by azadi5 on

the video entitled "Students at Tehran University dormitory attend to their wounds from Basiji beatings" is not from today, it's an older clip from the early days of protests in July. But I'm sure, the same injuries have happened today to the brave people of Iran in  hands of pro government goons.


The beginning of the end

by mahmoudg on

This regime is in its dying days.  Whether they are removed by the good people of Iran, or the good freedom fighting forces of US/Israel, the end result is the same.  Placing these vermins into the dustbin of history and with it the dark chapter of Iran we call Islam.

Ali9 Akbar

the general strike will come in due time

by Ali9 Akbar on

the clock is running....




Srgord Pirouz, do you work for Mesbah Yazdi?

by pedro on

  • مردم بیائید مصباح یزدی حرامزده را بیشتر بشناسید:

    بخوانید و بشناسید جانیان و کثافتن تاریخ ایران و جهان را: مصباح یزدی روزی در ماه مرداد ۱۳۸۸ به همراه احمدی نژاد در چاه جمکران حاضر شد و به سوالات بعضی‌ از حضار پاسخ داد و فتوا صادر نمود. برخی‌ از سوال و جوابها به این قرارند: ۱. آیا اعتراف گیری تحت فشار و شکنجه روحی‌ و روانی‌ و جسمی‌ اعتبار اسلامی دارد؟ ج: اعتراف گیری از ضد ولایت فقیه به هر شکلی‌ جایز است. ۲. اعتراف گیری با استفاده از مواد مخدر و افیون و داروهای کدوینه جایز است؟ ج: اعتراف گیری از ضد ولایت فقیه به هر شکلی‌ جایز است. ۳. آیا بازجو میتواند به زندانی تجاوز جنسی‌ کند و اعتراف بگیرد؟ ج: احتیاط واجب آن‌ است که قبل از اینکار حتما وضو بگیرد و هنگام عمل ذکر گوید. اگر زندانی زن است هم از فرج هم از دوبر دخول اشکالی ندارد. بهتر است در محل بازجویی کس دیگری نباشد. اما اگر زندانی مرد است احوط است در حضور دیگر بازجویان دخول صورت گیرد. ۴. اگر زن زندانی حامله شود تکلیف چیست؟ ج: فرزند ضعیفه ضد ولایت فقیه مطابق نس قرآن مجید در هر صورت حرامزاده است چه توسط بازجو باردار شود چه توسط شوهرش. ۵. آیا تجاوز جنسی‌ در زندان به مردها و پسران جوان لواط محسوب نمی‌شود؟ خیر. چون زندانی بدون میل و رغبت به آن‌ تن داده است. البته اگر جوان مفعول خوشش آمده باشد احتیاط مستحب آنست که دیگر این عمل تکرار نگردد. ۶. تجاوز به دختران باکره در زندان چه حکمی دارد؟ ج: اگر قرار است زن را اعدام کنند، برای بازجو به اندازه یک حج تمتع واجب ثواب دارد و به همان اندازه بر گناهان دختر افزوده میشود. اما اگر زندانی قرار نیست اعدام بشود، به اندازه زیارت کربلا برای بازجو ثواب دارد.

  • MRX1

    As much as

    by MRX1 on

    I admire the courgae of these young men and women fighting this monsterous regime the best way they can,  I beleive nothing will come out of this untill you change the nature of these protest to massive general strikes to break the back of this regime.

    Sargord Pirouz

    Video Corrections 16 Azar

    by Sargord Pirouz on

    The video titled "People Fighting Back" was actually taken last June (note the summer clothing).

    "The Basij mobilize to attack" video do not depict Basij. They are motorized IRIPF in transit.